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She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd $19.99
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Daniel B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/06/2024 06:00:37

Absolutely love this book. It's been very fun to have a less generic story, and give the NPCs a bit more flavour. It tidied up the flow of the adventure for me, so much so that it's the book I have to hand when prepping sessions. The art is great as well, and inspires me to roleplay better as a DM. There is a lot to say about how this book addresses a lot of the problematic writing in the original book campaign, and I for one applaud this effort.

Great work Beth the Bard. 100% do recommend.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
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