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A Friend in Need - a Waterdeep: Dragon Heist DM's Resource $1.99 $1.19
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ida J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/30/2022 07:58:14

I got this to 'sample' the full collection and I can say for sure I'll be buying the whole set! While I'm not using most of the tips in this booklet, they do provide some excellent food for thought, and have ultimately made me make some of my own changes to how I'm going to run the first chapter of WDH. However, the big draw for me is the maps! I love them! I run D&D in Foundry, so having maps that are actually aligned on a grid unlike the ones in the base book (it's baffling that they aren't, really!) is invaluable. Makes it so easy to set up stuff like walls and doors, to run the game in a way I really like.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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A Friend in Need - a Waterdeep: Dragon Heist DM's Resource
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