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Strixhaven Supplemental Volume I: Course Catalog and Staff Directory $4.99
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ty M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/22/2021 15:07:22

For a low cost, this obvious passion project was well put together.


  • The amount of work put into each class, and the volume of classes, was impressive.
  • I really enjoyed the additional professors and will be using several if not all of them. They are not only detailed enough for good hooks but they're largely creative. I really enjoyed seeing a variety of races, such as as tortle and harengon. Good names too.


  • It's a lot of text. I have never self-published on DM's Guild so I don't know how feasible this is but some art to break up the walls of text wouldn't hurt.
  • All of the supplements have a certain reliance on one another, which is fine, but if you only purchase one, you are left without the "whole picture".

All in all, I think this was a great purchase and I will make be making use of it in my future Strixhaven campaign.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Strixhaven Supplemental Volume I: Course Catalog and Staff Directory
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