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In The Black Midwinter $2.99
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/02/2021 18:11:25

Seriously guys..i gave this a fair shot..i read and reread it in order to get myself to follow the writers way of thinking and plan behind this certain storyline and let me tell you..there is none.. The pdf gives little to no help on how to organize your game and build up on a fair storyline and the characters that are incorporated feel like they were thrown in your face in a massive yeet power move..And dont even get me started on the MERRY FUCK YOUR PARTY UP DECK OF THINGS..God this is just plain evil..No thought was give on any card apart from the Reign one (rudolf wants to fight you with the animated armor)...Some people might tell me that this is not intended to be a serious story driven adventure or an adventure overall but i couldnt disagree more..Ive seen plenty of mithral and platinum adventures wrecking havoc on tables and none of them had this unconstructivness as the adventure above..Thing is i am dissapointed because at the start this pdf showed real promise but after my 5th read ive lost any interest on running it..You are far better off picking some non christmas related adventure and giving your main villain a santa hat while every other npc throws around bunch of candy while singing "There goes our 2.99 dollars"...its not even the money though...

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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In The Black Midwinter
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