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[DCM] Downtime Expanded Pay What You Want
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jesse S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/30/2019 16:30:33

This is a great addition to downtime activities. It takes Xanathars guide and adds on more activities and makes them more realistic to the world of DnD in terms of not being broken for the players to make money. Makes down time more realistic and becomes an actual cost benefit analysis for players versus time to adventure. This is a great resource for DMs as well to create their own world and give realistic times to players Expecting services within the given game world. This can easily be home brewed with the DM as well to adjust to their gaming style. Over all this is a great resource for any dm or player looking to have things added to a game to make downtime more realistic and varied.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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[DCM] Downtime Expanded
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