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D&D Solo Adventure: Tyrant of Zhentil Keep $9.99
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jay G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/04/2020 00:08:30

As a chapter in an ongoing solo campaign (which it is) this adventure was great! Taken as a single adventure though it's somewhat lacking.

As with the previous entry the writting, background and battle maps are all terrific. In addition Tyrant Of Zhentil Keep really increases the number of NPC interactions and non-combat encounters to give a fuller role-playing experience. Overall I enjoyed my time playing the adventure.

My one criticism would be that this adventure is written very much like the middle story in a trilogy. That is there is a lot of plot seeding, exposition, and development happening but no real satisfying conclusion. The whole adventure feels like it's primary purpose is to get the PC to the starting line for the next adventure.

If you're playing through the entire series, this adventure is a fun diversion, but if you're looking for a standalone adventure I felt The Death Knight's Squire was a more complete story.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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D&D Solo Adventure: Tyrant of Zhentil Keep
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