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DDAL-ELW07 Blades of Terror $4.99
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/02/2019 07:00:44

Yet another Ebberon "break in and gather intel" mission. Really getting repetitive here. Also there are no stats for the Kraken Medallion you can loot. The 3 main villians (as one would assume in playing it) of Captain Calypso d’Lyrandar and Sterryk ir’Tyran have a whopping 40 HP and 58 HP respectively, so a fighter with extra attack and action surge can take them both out in 1 round if they roll well. The actual BBEG has no allies, so its best attack (sneak attack) is much harder to pull off before it gets pummled by the entire party at once. Finally, this is recommended for APL 7, and if people have been playing all the ELW content, they could be lv 6 with 7 ACP at best (if lv 4 with 3 ACP going into ELW 4 and abusing the downtime catchup mechanic mid-session to start ELW5 at lv 5 with 7 ACP) so the author should really read the AL rules better.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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DDAL-ELW07 Blades of Terror
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