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D&D 5E Character Sheet (editable/fillable PDF, printer friendly, auto calculates bonuses) $1.00
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jason L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/28/2018 16:17:01

The autofill is nice but you can't edit it so if your character has a feat or ability that increases a modifier you have to capture it somewhere else. Specifically this applied to initiative with the alertness feat. Also there is no place for keeping track of XP. I do like the fact that the attack fields expand to allow to type in even lengthy damage modifiers and types. Also the Expertise toggle is a really nice feature.

I have chosen however to not use this product because the two negatives outweighed the benefits in my case.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
XP/AP is tracked on the character log sheet, I will look into adding support for the alertness feat.
Added support for alertness.
You can now disable automatic calculation of bonuses derived from any ability score by adding any non-numeric character alongside that ability score (ie 16*).
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D&D 5E Character Sheet (editable/fillable PDF, printer friendly, auto calculates bonuses)
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