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Tarokka Critical Hit Deck $3.95
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Carina T. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/26/2018 13:13:56

This deck is not only well thought-out and well-written, it's also SUCH GOOD FUN. I am currently DMing Curse of Strahd, and it felt like a bit of a missed opportunity that the Tarokka deck isn't used more - and this solves it entirely. That first card being drawn after a Nat20 was amazing. It adds so much to the atmosphere and mystery and powers of Barovia - and it gives the players the occasional one-up they so desperately need when fighting Strahd's creatures. I particularly LOVE the High Deck, and describing the effects of the cards almost always gets a "WHAT THE F---!" from the players.

TLDR; Amazing idea, wonderful to play with, and overall awesome addition to COS. Thank you for the hard work!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you so much for the kind words!!
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Tarokka Critical Hit Deck
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