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Christopher Grey's The Ghost of Whimsical Splendor $1.99
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Edward S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/18/2018 19:28:14

Used this as an intro adventure for level 1 characters. I liked that it was not the usual adventure since it was in a big city which forced the characters to solve problems in ways other than pulling out a sword. Dealing with NPCs who have opposing personalities, hidden agendas, and interests allowed the non-combatant characters shine. The fact that only one-third of the party could effectively fight the monsters in the adventure, it caused them to split their actions and simultaneously address the different threats that arose. The teamwork and specialization required by the encounters allowed each character/player to shine. Well done adventure that, if successfully completed, gives the characters a good home base of waterdeep and some well-positioned contacts in the city which can be woven into the campaign at a later time.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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Christopher Grey's The Ghost of Whimsical Splendor
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