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Terrible Lizards: A Dinosaur Bestiary $3.00
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Alexander H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/07/2017 14:23:37

Terrible Lizards is a truly great addition to a DM's arsenal. I always like bringing an interesting theme to a campaign or encounter and the level of intricacy, and extended lore explored, allows me to create some really interesting scenarios.

The hand-drawn art is wonderful, the statistics for the dinosaurs well thought-out, but for me, where this bestiary excels is in its attention to detail. Both the lore and discussion around each of the dinosaurs, and also the particular unique special abilities each one has, is so incredible well done. Not only is it historically and scientifically accurate, it's fun! It's interesting, involved, and yet well-designed enough that you can simply lift out a dino if you want one quickly.

10/10 - an excellent publication by Nord Games LLC!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Terrible Lizards: A Dinosaur Bestiary
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