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You Can Try - Tips on becoming a better DM $0.95
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Terry B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/23/2017 14:15:46

I've been DMing for little over a year now, and though I'd been told and experienced some of the tips in this book, there were many other's I'd never considered, including links to helpful content.

Reading through this, there are many items you may want to smack yourself for not considering (looking at Rule 6. Pull out your Creative Writing 102 notebooks, personally) but also many that just make damn good sense (like Rule 11. Critical success also means Critical Failure, but Critical Failure should have a positive effect., which means missing can still play into the Rule of Cool.)

Overall, take Rule 26 – Keep improving yourself to heart, and get this book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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You Can Try - Tips on becoming a better DM
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