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She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
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She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Daniel B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/06/2024 06:00:37

Absolutely love this book. It's been very fun to have a less generic story, and give the NPCs a bit more flavour. It tidied up the flow of the adventure for me, so much so that it's the book I have to hand when prepping sessions. The art is great as well, and inspires me to roleplay better as a DM. There is a lot to say about how this book addresses a lot of the problematic writing in the original book campaign, and I for one applaud this effort.

Great work Beth the Bard. 100% do recommend.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Robert P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/05/2024 12:45:50

A friend of mine started to run Curse of Strahd as a Professional DM. It's an iconic supplement, but it also has a LOT of problems and could be done so much better. After reading just the first few pages my friend was ecstatic, "One page in and I can already tell this is going to be 10x better than the original."

If you enjoyed Curse of Strahd but want a fresh, new, inspired take then She is the Ancient is the way to go. I highly reccommend it to any group.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Tyler S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/03/2024 12:59:53

Another reviewer called it a mixed bag and I’m in a similar league, which is unfortunate. I feel as if the other reviewers who went full five stars washed over the actual ethics for what ultimately falls short. I will break it down, talking about what we know with CoS, the meh, and the good. The meh is mainly about the new Strahd, the handling of Vistani NPCs, and with regards to non-binary identities.

CoS, while perhaps the most legendary adventure, is truly filled with problematic, tropey story elements. These are well-known issues and for those unfamiliar, there is a lot of gendered violence and misogynistic elements coupled with the racist portrayal of Vistani (a stand-in for Romani). 5e reloaded pulled some of this back but fumbled (there are also issues of disability presentation). I won’t get into the details too much (yet) to avoid spoilers for potential onlookers, but there are a few things to address here before continuing. I am being careful with my word choices, I understand some sentences out of place may seem shallow within a singular context, but I am asking you to read within the context of the paragraphs I write.

There is an idea that villains are villains for obvious, coherent reasons. They may not be immediately obvious to the players, but it should be absolutely clear to the DMs. Unless they are some chaotic, unknowing evil, etc. This is not necessarily in real life, but absolutely when it comes to fictional BBEGs. Of course, a conquering warlord who is a cishet man would be a misogynist, what else would we expect of a butcherer who sees people to be claimed and objectives to be won? There is a clear thread from A to B about precisely why a BBEG is a BBEG, even if this is not readily apparent to players. This logically extends to how said person would view interpersonal relationships and romance. For all the fiction in the world, bad people tend to be bad people through and through, anything else is a façade. This becomes a problem though because it typically devolves into tropes, the damsel-in-distress bs, the woman’s trauma serving as a storytelling point for men main characters, etc. That is without a doubt an issue within Curse of Strahd that I had my own issues tackling with.

Fortunately, we are in an age with a great community that produces great alternatives, thoughts, and approaches. Subverting tropes and expectations are primarily a good thing, but the problem is it can be shallow, not fully hashed out, and stops short, or ends up reinforcing different issues. So, that said, I was excited to check this one out, and then I was disappointed almost immediately. At this point, spoilers, DMs should only be reading this.

The genderbent Strahd subverts tropes, only in the sense that it alters some tropes for some also questionable things and weird issues. This is mainly centering the writing’s Strahd as the core of my complaints. I will break this down into consent, familial obsession, and domestic violence. My problems are mainly within ethical consistency and a lack of explanation/transitions.

SVZ in this writing is historically very much the same. A soldier, a conqueror, etc. Essentially, not a good person even prior to becoming a vampire. What differs here is she is obsessed with keeping her younger brother, Sergei, unmarried to Tatyana, and then is driven paranoid by her advisors of numerous bad things that can happen. As a disclaimer, this paranoia is not explicitly supernaturally induced or anything, it looks very much like advisors made a bunch of paranoid claims, and Strahd took them to heart, so this seems a genuine feeling of Strahd’s. This paranoia drives her to the Amber Temple through Kasimir’s influence, leading to a Dark Powers Pact, and then after Sergei gets married, she assumes she can kill Sergei to free him for Tatyana and her imagined plots. She stabs him, has a moment of clarity that she screwed up, could not bring him to life, and then Tatyana was killed by a coup plotter, Lea Dilisnya. Strahd turns Lea into her first vampire spawn, then tortures Lea until she passes. Due to her anger and ill-temper, Strahd then proceeds to murder Tatyana whenever she is reincarnated (except recently).

Now, I am going to pause here to break down what became issues for me. The word is never mentioned, but this level of violent jealousy driven by paranoia came off as an emotional incest. Incest is not once mentioned in this PDF, it was absolutely my vibes upon reading. Killing your sibling’s spouse because of paranoia about taking said sibling away, it is hard to construe it into other ways. If Strahd had been a man and had a sister then did this to her husband, I think it would be more readily read as such, but that was not the case here. No TW, no explanation, nothing.

Another issue is within the topic of consent. I do not know if this was written as an in-joke, but quite literally on page 10, it states, “Vampires understand consent well, being unable to enter a home without permission from its owner. This trait is prominent in Strahd von Zarovich. She will not take on a new partner as a vampire spawn unless they enthusiastically consent.

Rather than locking her "harem" away in the crypts as initially written, they are equal tenants of the castle, each fixed with their own lavish rooms and material belongings. She spoils and devotes herself to her spawn; in return, they are dedicated to her. Together they make a mighty army of vampires.”

This took me through a whirlwind. How does a conqueror, a murderer, someone who appears emotionally incestuous, fully aware of enthusiastic consent and romance? Was Lea Dilisnya an outlier then? What about all the times Strahd butchered Tatyana prior to falling in love with her? Does consent only involve entering people’s homes and vampirism and not murder? It just felt weirdly disconnected. If Strahd was on a path to reform or something, sure but that is not made clear in my reading.

There is a line in the beginning of the book, which appropriately addresses, “if you are here because you want to play a vampire horror campaign without women as the sexual victims of powerful men, then let's chat. (We're over it, y'all.)” Like, yes, absolutely, but a woman being repeatedly butchered over the course of centuries until her butcherer falls in loves with her is okay because she’s not a man? Sergei becomes an emotional incest victim of Strahd and Tatyana just becomes a victim of Strahd until this incarnation as Ireena. I don’t know in the ways that this is an improvement outside of it no longer being sexual victims. Torture and repeated murders are fine, but our murderer draws the line at being a monster regarding consent.

Not just that, isn’t it sexism to suggest that a woman (Strahd) because of paranoia and the inability to regulate emotions, killed Sergei? Quite literally is Strahd’s killing of Sergei under the hysterical woman trope? Isn’t it ableist to suggest that it was just a paranoid delusion egged on by advisors? None of this becomes a satisfactory answer. If this is from a feminist lens, it is a very shallow, western feminism. The Strahd here is the worst part of this writing to me and its at the beginning. That's unfortunate because the rest of the book is way above this, but you may assume otherwise on this reading. We need clearer lines as to why, we need more solid explanations about why these contradictions or hypocritical moments exist.

There are two broad ways to approach villains in the BBEG case. Either it is a villain that makes sense (clearly this is a bad person doing bad things) or chaotic beyond comprehension (unreadable, loves chaos, etc.). The chaotic type of villain does not make sense in this setting. In the OG sense, a conqueror being a terrible person who likes the theatrics of etiquette, but ultimately people are just pawns, is a straightforward pos villain, right? Even when it is tropey and obnoxious, it is clear cut. Strahd, at their core, is the first. Strahd is an evil person who enjoys etiquette, which gives the deceptive appearance that Strahd may not be that bad (he is). There is not any obfuscation to the DM, we know Strahd is bad, but what do we make of a Strahd that tortures and kills and happens to be a model citizen with regards to consent? The only rational conclusion is to hand wave the weird ethical mismatch.

What we have is a villain borne of an ill-temper that was influenced by paranoid delusions and dark powers. We can either interpret her as a victim of circumstance (OG Strahd was not) or that she brought this upon herself by her inability to manage her emotions (which… is not a good look if this is a feminist take on CoS). Personally, conquerors being victims of circumstance does not sit right with me. A conqueror is inherently evil.

Now, I ask, what would she have done if it was not for the paranoia getting to her? She could have ignored her advisors, but why was their commentary effective without the influence of the supernatural? This ties two things together that ultimately end up ableist at best. She succumbed to paranoia, made a dark pact, then killed her brother assuming the dark pact would help. The Dark Pact did not even explicitly state it would, so we must assume she drew those conclusions herself, and then it comes to the story of a person whose paranoia led to this specific moment. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy Macbeth, but the ambiguity here leads to a lot to be desired. Even though this is for DMs, the lack of specificity makes me feel otherwise. Tell me the Dark Powers were doing this from the get-go, that it was their influence on the advisors, etc. The only downside then is Strahd did not have autonomy and is not the reason for her own misfortune, but under the intense influence of the dark powers.

In OG Strahd, there is no question about why he did this. He is a conqueror who got jealous of Sergei and did what he knows best: kill his way to his wants. Strahd here? I’m asking myself, really? Why? It would have made way more sense of Strahd to have killed Tatyana, then for Sergei to take the leap. It could be easily envisioned as, “I did this for your own good, she just-“ and the horrors of Sergei doing what Tatyana originally did? But to keep in line with this western feminism, she had to kill Sergei, and then it was only okay to butcher Tatyana in her reincarnations, which makes me just go, what?? Its ethical inconsistency leaves a lot to be desired and interrogated if we want to portray a good villain that doesn’t fall into a trope of, maybe mental illness or emotional dysregulation was the villain. This reads as the hysteric woman trope still due to certain ambiguities. We have a villain that does not make sense and there is no discernable effort in making the senseless make sense here.

Outside of that, let’s talk Vistani! To tackle CoS’ writers’ consistent failure to properly set the Vistani in either, not a racist stereotype, or racist stereotype lite, we have had a lot of community responses do cool things to make the Vistani an important part of the setting without the weird racist stand-in elements. I think this writing attempts to do the same, except two problems:

In CoS, Ez is a Vistana. This is powerful, she is easily one of the best NPCs, and her being a Vistana makes the Vistani that much more relevant. In Van Richten’s guide, this is retconned. To wash over the crimes of her family yet keep them in cause of “tragic backstory”, her family is not Vistani, they just pretended to be to do crimes. While that concept in general is not bad, it creates a unique harm. It goes from Vistani having an amazing, potentially fated ally NPC representation to not having one, just one who was raised in the mockery of the culture. I think this was ultimately a terrible idea. The writing chooses to embrace the rewrite.

Not only does it choose to embrace the rewrite, but it also then changes Madam Eva from being half-Vistani, to not being Vistani at all. If we were to take this writing wholesale, that means there are no meaningful Vistani NPCs to the greater plot. The Vistani become more of a backdrop. There’s important Dusk Elves, there’s important Barovians, etc, etc, but the only crucial Vistani. are no longer. They are NPCs who are, at best, dressed up in the culture and use the culture as a backdrop. Do we see how this could be a problem too? Like, cool that we got the ones in town more fleshed out, but that is a drop in the bucket considering how quick the tavern scene is.

Of course, we still have Luvash and Arrigal, but the writing doesn’t even mention Ari as being the swap-out for Arabelle. (I do love the Lake Zarovich arc though). Outside of those two fictional concerns and critiques, I also have a problem with regards to gender. Every instance of being non-binary or fluid reads very much as an aesthetic, like a fun “oh, if you want to take it a step further.” It means nothing more than just a character option. What is a struggle here is that there is an analysis of Baby Lysaga that shows depth and comprehension, even if it was just in a binary way, but if that had been extended out more across the writing, it would have been great.

For me, I am agender, my testing of how writers treat trans identities in CoS is situated in what happens to the Dusk Elves. In OG Strahd, all the women (mind you, trans is not conceptualized in this writing, so we are discussing cis) are butchered in an act of genocide. Most community resources have not tackled that well and this has not either. For a book that engages gender and non-binary identities, to get to the dusk elves and simply go, “Strahd ordered Rahadin to slaughter all the men to reduce the Dusk Elves’ ability to proliferate.” As page 136.

Again, let us pause. Strahd is a shapeshifter in this writing and can come off as any gender. Yet when Strahd (consent understander) wants to commit a genocide, identity is thrown out the window. “Acting in genocide, she ordered Rahadin to slaughter all the men of the dusk elf clan to significantly reduce their ability to proliferate. She warned the survivors to never reproduce lest the carnage continues.”

So, all the men get killed and we ambiguously are told the survivors are warned to never reproduce, suggesting there are people within the Dusk Elves still capable of reproducing with one another or perhaps with non-Dusk Elves? It could have been covered as “slaughter all those capable of seeding” as corny as it sounds if we didn’t want the alternative of “slaughter all those capable of bearing children”. Although I mention this in terms of gender, the reality is also despite whatever sexual organs we may have, it does not guarantee the ability to procreate. I have zero issue moving away from how it was originally written, but this feels like such a drop. If we understand trans identities, we understand the problem of "slaughter all the men" with the implication that the men are only cis. I believe absolutely that was not the author's intent, but when we lack specificity, we give way to the status quo, however much we dislike it.

Those are my main gripes. I am indifferent to the Ireena/Ismark swapping storylines, it doesn’t sit well with me and that is only centered on Ismark being a child who is now the one needing the safety of the church. I also struggle with understanding the “why” for things. It feels like explanations are all over the place and if I want to understand one specific thing, I must read a few various parts of the book. It is okay to repeat information if it helps condense the need to jump around the book. The layout and dissemination of information could have been better. There were also no bookmarks in the PDF. I understand it is a long task, I have bookmarked PDFs myself, but it's just a massive jump for accessibility.

Outside of the meh, the writing is good. I love the look, the art is good, the layout is so nice and legible (I am begging others to make their work as legible as this), it gives interesting alternatives and analyses. This is a useful resource to provoke more thoughts on how we approach reshaping adventurers as written, but it falls short in a few ways that are critical to imagining more. Gender swapping is not enough, especially if it introduces additionally bad tropes. It is unfortunate because truly it is just the above negatives that weigh this down so much for me.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Kera H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/23/2023 08:26:09

Ehh...this one's a mixed bag.

Like, if you want a remix of Curse of Strahd, then yeah. I can't recommend this enough! There's small touches here and there that not only streamlines parts of the original, but also has a refreshing take that would give fans a few surprises. (For example, Death House. I really don't want to spoil anything, but I'll just say that there's some changes here that actually advance the story pretty nicely.) Not to mention that the art is beautiful enough to hang on your wall. This is a very well put together module to run and I would recommend this to fans!

However, this is no more feminist than the original one. For one thing, Genderbent!Strahd is defanged when compared to the original, coming off more as angsty than scary. Furthermore, Ireena is still treated as a living prop for Genderbent!Strahd to kidnap, which was a complaint in this book's very intro (and also a plot element that I've rolled my eyes at). Like...why not have the plot have Genderbent!Strahd be more focused on finding her reincarnated brother instead, going for a more familial obsession than a romantic one? And if having a harem is a problematic trope, why not replace it with a pseudo family that Genderbent!Strahd is trying to build? These would've been interesting takes on a villain.

So, yes buy this if you want a Curse of Strahd remix, and no don't buy this if you are looking for a feminist retelling. (As is, I go into more detail here. Wanted to keep this relatively short.)

[3 of 5 Stars!]
She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ryan M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/13/2023 21:52:33

I'm preparing to run CoS for the second time, and this time my players and I opted to use "She is the Ancient." Having read it from cover to cover, I can tell you that this is some of the smartest TTRPG writing I've ever encountered. It's not just a quick genderswap on some major characters in the campaign... this is a complete reimagining of CoS, and quite frankly it's a huge improvement in many places. If you need proof that the vampire genre doesn't need problematic elements to be good, Beth the Bard has given you the proof write here, because she wrote a better vampire campaign without them.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Keith D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/04/2023 15:55:40

This is an excellent supplement! This is now my go to version of strahd. Tomorrow my group will have their final confrontation with her, and we have all really enjoyed this take on her. Her motives make more sense, but she is still that pure evil that is makes you want to challenge her.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Brendon S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/20/2022 10:09:21

This is an excellent new version of Strahd, the PDF and art work are top notch and the changes to characters and stories I've been really impressed with.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Friday S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/22/2022 12:46:13

Worth the purchase for anyone who was hesitant to play Strahd due to the problems with racism and misogyny rampant in the original module. This is a great jump-start for DMs to integrate a more modern approach to storytelling within Barovia. LGBTQIA+ friendly and it notably removes the racist tropes in two areas of the campaign. I have run this adventure with use of the companion professionally for the past 5 months and I've received nothing but stellar feedback from my 80+ players who have experienced it. This companion is Platinum for a reason. You should buy it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Allen C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/14/2022 18:00:19

Fantastic! I think the layout is easy to process and the entire thing adds replay longevity to both COS and VRGtR! My brain is abuzz with ideas for a Strahd versus Strahd multiverse of madness style campaign thanks to this genderbended reimagining of COS! can't wait to see what these creators release next!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Donald F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/13/2022 19:01:11

I enjoed this guide a lot. The biggest plus for me is the author adding the new lore from Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft into the campaign. Ever since VRGtR came out it's bothered me how it seems vanilla Curse of Strahd contradicts info presented in it. Also some other changes like having Ismark being the long lost brother of Izek is great and helps fix a problem I had with the original plot thread.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Brett B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/07/2021 07:33:17

Note: I read and understood the author's caution that if I was happy with the original story, I should move on. This story has been told and retold so many times through the editions and I've loved every iteration so much that I couldn't wait to get my hands on this, so I skipped the Warning and dove right in...

and was subsequently disappointed. The author states her intention clearly enough - she wants to do away with the misogyny and child abuse and throw in some genderbends to make the female role in the campaign more powerful. This is vexing in itself - the Curse of Strahd campaign never glorifies the abuse by Strahd or Vallakovich or any of the other characters, but it exists to lend an air of resigned horror to the atmosphere - and that's what Ravenloft is supposed to be. As for powerful female characters, that is and has always been on the DM. Ezmerelda, Ireena, Stella, Zuleika, and more have always played powerful roles in my CoS campaigns, and I've used Ireena so much that I have sheets for her all the way up to level 12 as various classes.

When getting into the reimagined lore of the campaign, everything falls apart. The story feels like it was pieced together from a dozen different smut novels - minus the smut, of course, there's certainly an image to maintain here. The "consent" part truly cracked me up. A vampire will cast Charm Person more often than a bard, and will "court" whomever he/she chooses. This campaign lacks the horror aspect so closely tied to Ravenloft for so many years, and feels like a crude imitation better suited for younger players than the typical audience. Because the idea is so fun, I will be running a genderbent Strahd campaign without using any of the material here.

I will rate this 1/5 stars, deservedly, because the art is truly spectacular. I really hoped for more.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Zevith P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/01/2021 12:46:04

Not exactly what i was hoping for, but still an alright add-on to curse of strahd

[3 of 5 Stars!]
She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 10/27/2021 09:48:06

Originally posted here: https://theotherside.timsbrannan.com/2021/10/review-she-is-ancient-genderbent-curse.html

A couple of months ago, beginning of September I think, I was made aware of a new title on DMsGuild called She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd by Beth the Bard. I checked it out and liked it. Poped on to Twitter to offer her congratulations and mentioned that she would hit Gold Best Seller status. Well, this past month she did it! I thought with Halloween coming up and so many people running the 5e Curse of Strahd this would be a great time to review it.

She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd

by Beth the Bard

157 pages, color art, PDF.

To start with you will need the 5th Edition version of Curse of Strahd to use this resource. Though I am going to also talk about how this can be used with the original AD&D 1st Edition adventure I6 Ravenloft.

She is the Ancient is more than just giving us a distaff Strahd. You don't need a guide for that. This guidebook shows how changing the gender of Strahd, but keeping her as a strong warrior figure, changes the nature of her relationship with, well everyone. The most interesting is her new rivalry and even hatred of Tatyana. These new relationships take up a good bit of this guide.

Beth the Bard reminds us that this IS a horror adventure and to assume that bad things can't happen to, well, everyone, is unreasonable. So yes there is still violence here and it's directed at everyone this time.

The changes are largely of these sorts:

Characters/NPCs. Several characters get changes, some minor, others are major. Strahd is now female, as is Van Richten. Others get minor changes. Any of these can be used optionally. Many of these are much more interesting than the ones we get in Curse of Strahd.

Relationships. Related to the characters are new relationships. These are very well detailed and even if you never change a single character according to this guide this is a very useful tool for Curse of Strahd.

Encounters. There are also changes to various encounters all over the Curse of Strahd adventure. This takes the shape of some encounter rewrites and others with tips. Additionally, there are encounter "flowcharts" that show how the various encounters are related to each other. There are also new handouts that you can print out to give to players.

That is overly simple, there are 157 pages here after all, but this is the gist of it.

The layout is clean and clear and the art is rather fantastic. It is on sale right now, but even at its regular price of $19.99 is a good deal, especially considering all we are getting here.

The overall feel is the same I get from watching a classic horror movie. "Dracula" is a horrid monster, someone that kills pretty much everyone in his path. "The Bride of Dracula" is just as evil, and likely kills as many people, but for some reason, her story seems more tragic. This new guide turns even this around.

Strahd is tragic, his love for Tatyana has driven him to become a monster. In this new Strahd, she is still a tragic figure, but it is nothing so prosaic as love that drives her, but hate and betrayal and yes jealousy. THIS Strahd is motivated by more violent emotions and desires. You anger her at your peril.

There is an accessible version of this adventure available. Link included in the PDF. There are tokens and NPC portraits you can use with this OR with the original Curse of Strahd if you choose.

I6 Ravenloft

Curse of Strahd is the newest iteration of the classic Ravenloft tale. This is "Dracula Untold" with Luke Evans. "I6 Ravenloft" is Hammer Horror with Christopher Lee. SO it stands then that "She is the Ancient" applied to I6 Ravenloft is Ingrid Pitt, in her "Countess Dracula" role.

I have not sat down with this new guide and Ravenloft and analyzed it line by line, but I have run Ravenloft several times since I purchased the original shortly after it was released. I have run it for every version of D&D since 1983, including D&D 5e before Curse of Strahd was released. My feeling here is that She is the Ancient can be used with the classic module just as easily.

Much of what is presented in the She is the Ancient is relationship-based. So conversion to or from 5e and 1st Ed is not an issue. There are some 5e stat blocks, but nothing that can't be easily replaced or swapped out.

Honestly the next time I run I6 I am going to give this a try.

What I like best about this is an attempt to do something different with what is now can be considered a classic sort of tale. It shows that like love, the topics of hate, revenge, and undying purpose are universal and can transcend simpler concepts of gender.

I had thought, originally, that this would give me some ideas for my own Darklord and Domain, Darlessa and Arevenir. Thankfully, She is the Ancient is not only NOT distaff Strahd, it is also NOT just a generic female vampire Darklord. I will, however, adopt the adventure flowchart idea and the relationships as they are modeled here. There are some great ideas to be honest.

Who should buy She is the Ancient? Anyone who has run and wants to re-run Curse of Strahd and wants to try something different. Personally, I feel the DMs that have run Curse of Strahd already will benefit the most from this.

I also think that first-time DMs of Curse of Strahd will enjoy this, but there is a LOT going on in both Curse of Strahd AND She is the Ancient.

Once you have this you can adopt/adapt as much or as little as you like. Or even just use the flowcharts and relationships to flesh out all the characters more.

I would say my ONLY complaint is that there is no POD option, but in truth, the layout and design are such that any page or collection of pages can be printed out and slotted into your Curse of Strahd book. Though a POD would be nice.

She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd is not going to be for everyone and that is OK. BUT, for the people that are inclined to use it is a great resource and guide. It is well written with great art and layout. A lot of work went into this and like the original Ravenloft, it provides yet more options for replayability.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/25/2021 11:02:44

My players had already started in Barovia and had heard some about Strahd, but hadn't met them yet. I was able to work in a story to retcon some things and impliment changes from this but not all of the changes, just because some of it was too fixed already for the players. My players told me after the "retcon session" that they appreciate this take on Strahd and like having a villain who is a little more complex and has motivations and a story they aren't quite as familiar with (some have played CoS before and some are just familiar from memes/stories).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by GM J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/25/2021 10:54:28

A fascinating supplement. I haven't run it, but just reading it, it has already been a worthwhile purchase. The author makes interesting observations on the gender politics of the Curse of Strahd adventure, and there's something to take away from it, even if you never plan to run a female Strahd or a "gender-flipped" Barovia.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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