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Christmas Encounters

14 Christmas-themed encounters and short adventures to add to your game!

With Festive Encounters By

Bianca Bickford, Brian Patterson/d20Monkey, Chad M. Lensch, Jean Lorber, Jeff C. Stevens

Challenge and Scaling

The encounters include Scaling Suggestions, allowing you to run them with characters and parties of various skill level or experience.



Challenge Rating Scaling

Carol of the Sirens

A new phenomenon has unsettled the locals as everyone in town seems to be humming the same melody.

1 - 10

Feast of the Moon

The characters take the day to celebrate the Feast of the Moon, an annual festival in Faerûn.


Get Flocked*

Fey magic animates trees, sending them on a rampage attacking a druid and their cow.

1 - 9

Ghost of Solstice Future*

The adventurers interact with ghostlike entities inside the pocket domain of a winter Fey.

5 - 13

Gnome for the Holidays

The characters are invited to a raucous family holiday dinner, where they can try to gain information needed to advance their adventure.


Jingle Bell Vrock*

A Winter’s Bounty Eve holiday party held at the home of a prominent scholar and summoner hits a snag when an unexpected guest from the Abyss accepts an invitation.

1 - 11

Missing Chestnuts*

A local village’s Christmas celebration is being delayed as they await the very popular Cherry’s Chocolate Chestnuts.

1 - 7

Noggin’s Toboggans

The party participates in an exciting sled race with three other sled teams!


O Tannenbaum*

An indignant frasier fir decides to fight back when an unlucky townsfolk tries to chop it down.

1 - 9

One Tough Cookie

The characters must complete an investigation and stop a potential killer.

1 - 13

Santa in Scales*

A temporarily generous red dragon is giving presents to the characters and their allies, but her kobold minions begrudge her generosity.

8 - 12

Sinister Stockings

The characters are visited by The Soot Witch, a wraith of soot and shadow.

3 - 9

Waltz of the Snowfey*

A newlywed couple needs help to journey through a blizzard-filled forest ruled by an icy fey queen.

2 - 11

You’re Not Santa!*

A local village’s Christmas celebration has been infiltrated by a nasty, benevolent entity posing as Santa.

1 - 10

*  = the encounter includes a map.

Product Overview

14 Christmas-themed encounters.

Scalable for lower or higher level characters.

Downloadable maps.

Christmas Encounters Example

More Creations by Jeff Stevens Games

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File Last Updated:
December 05, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on December 05, 2024.