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Greyhawk Expanded: The Baklunish Near WestClick to magnify
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Greyhawk Expanded: The Baklunish Near West


Unleash the Mysteries of the Baklunish Lands!

Explore the rich tapestry of the lands to the west of the Flanaess with Greyhawk Expanded: The Baklunish Near West! Building on the foundations of the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide and Greyhawk Expanded: A Player’s Guide to Oerik, this definitive supplement plunges you into the heart of one of Oerik’s most evocative regions.

Delve into the storied histories, vibrant cultures, and intricate religion of the Baklunish peoples, complete with a full pantheon of deities to inspire your adventures. Whether you’re a veteran Dungeon Master or a player eager to explore this exotic land, this book provides comprehensive tips and guidelines for playing any character class or background in the Baklunish lands.

Highlights include:

  • 3 New Subclasses: Embrace the whirlwind combat style of the Dervish (Fighter), channel temporal options with the Warrior of Infinite Paths (Monk), or master elemental forces with the Elementalist (Wizard).
  • Immersive Lore: Dive into detailed sections on Baklunish history, culture, and religion, with in-depth explorations of major nations, regional politics, and the unique challenges of adventuring in the Near West.
  • Endless Opportunities: From political intrigue in the courts of Zeif to epic quests along the Mithral Road, find everything you need to craft unforgettable stories.

With Greyhawk Expanded: The Baklunish Near West, the steppes of the Baklunish lands, the peaks of the Yatils, and the bustling ports of the Dramidj Ocean are yours to command. Where will your story take you?

Note: Some lore and player options referenced in this book can be found in A Player’s Guide to Oerik, also from RVN Creative Studios.

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Rojo N December 02, 2024 10:41 pm UTC
A welcome addition to the Greyhawk Expanded series.
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MICHAEL B December 02, 2024 10:29 pm UTC
I like what you've done with Ull, incorporating the 5e bits with realities of your unique map of Oerik. I also personally like that some of my Ull fandom flourishes have carried into this work such as the Ulakand mesa and the fighting pits. Appropriately you've expanded on them in ways that has me inspired again. Kudos.
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File Last Updated:
December 02, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on December 02, 2024.