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There's Something Wrong with Santa (Roll20)Click to magnify

There's Something Wrong with Santa (Roll20)


There's Something Wrong with Santa

An adventure by Jeff C. Stevens

"What could happen if Santa became a vampire?"

There’s Something Wrong with Santa is a 2- to 4-hour adventure for four to five characters of 5th level. Scaling Suggestions are included, allowing you to run the adventure for lower or higher-level characters.

This adventure is designed to be neatly dropped into any campaign. It features a small village named Hol­lypocket, which is hosting a Christmas celebration, with Santa as the special guest.

However, a nearby vampire learned of Santa’s plans to attend the festival, and intercepted the jolly, white-bearded man while he traveled to Hollypock­et. Now, Santa is cursed with vampirism and is on a mission for the vampire: gather the tasty villagers and bring them to the devil’s lair.

"Santa's a vampire?"

Yes! While the characters may not know this at the start, there are several descriptive clues that should lead them to believe Santa is now a vampire. This fact becomes more evident the closer they get to vampire Santa.

"What will they do?"

Will your heroes kill vampire Santa, or will they find a way to cure him?

Product Overview

2 to 4 hour adventure for four to five characters.

Designed for 5th level characters.
Scalable for lower or higher level characters.

Roll20 Example

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This title was added to our catalog on November 29, 2024.