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Don't leave your characters behind! Over half of all 5e subclasses didn't make it into the 2024 Player's Handbook, but you'll find them here! Each one has been updated for compatibility with the 2024 rules and style, along with quality-of-life improvements throughout!

In this 109-page update, you will discover these subclasses:

  • 6 Barbarian Paths: Ancestral Guardian, Battlerager, Beast, Giant, Storm Herald, Wild Magic

  • 5 Bard Colleges: Creation, Eloquence, Spirits, Swords, Whispers

  • 10 Cleric Domains: Arcana, Death, Forge, Grave, Knowledge, Nature, Order, Peace, Tempest, Twilight

  • 4 Druid Circles: Dreams, Shepherd, Spores, Wildfire

  • 6 Fighter subclasses: Arcane Archer, Banneret, Cavalier, Rune Knight, Samurai, Spirit Caller

  • 6 Monk Warriors: Dragon, Drunken, Kensei, Sun Soul, Astral Self, Long Death

  • 5 Paladin Oaths: Oathbreaker, Conquest, Crown, Redemption, Watchers

  • 4 Ranger subclasses: Drakewarden, Horizon Walker, Monster Slayer, Swarmkeeper

  • 5 Rogue subclasses: Inquisitive, Mastermind, Phantom, Scout, Swashbuckler

  • 4 Sorcerer Sorceries: Divine, Lunar, Shadow, Storm

  • 5 Warlock Patrons: Fathomless, Genie, Hexblade, Undead, Undying

  • 9 Wizard subclasses: Bladesinger, Chronomancer, Conjurer, Enchanter, Gravitist, Leximancer, Necromancer, Transmuter, War Mage

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Why Make This Project? When it was announced that each of the classes in the new 2024 Player’s Handbook would have just four subclasses, we knew it was just a matter of time before we found out which ones got the axe.

Though the cuts might be understandable—the new Player’s Handbook is nearly four hundred pages long already—we knew that many players would keenly miss the subclasses left behind. They would have to stick with the 2014 rules or rebuild their characters with subclasses that didn’t quite fit. So we hatched a plan to resurrect, nay, revivify the 69 fallen subclasses.

Now, rather than give up your Phantom Rogue, Fathomless Warlock, Arcane Archer, etc., we offer you the opportunity to continue playing them!

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What's Changed? Ours is a team of real-life players and accomplished game designers. Not only do we bring our table experience, but also our designer chops publishing metaled subclasses to give each subclass the following treatment:

  • Subclasses all start at level 3 to ensure 2024 compatibility
  • Update writing style, new formatting, and game terms, such as Bloodied, D20 Tests, Emanations, etc.
  • Bring power levels better in line with each other
  • Reemphasize theme wherever lacking

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Why Is This $27.95 USD? Simply put, we really do think it’s worth that much. 109 pages of class options. Art for each subclass. An accomplished team with proven track record. The preview is 40 pages long, so take a look and we think you'll agree.

However, if the cost is prohibitive, you can get it at a discount by CLICKING HERE!

2-page spread of Wizard Subclasses, featuring the Bladesinger and Chronomancer

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Michael F October 31, 2024 3:23 pm UTC
Out of curiousity, why was Artificer left out but the subclasses for all other classes updated?
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Adam H October 31, 2024 3:31 pm UTC
Our goal was to bring you subclasses updated for 2024. Artificer, being its own class, would've been a much bigger challenge, which would've pushed back our release date and increased the price.

Also, if WotC ever comes out with their own updated Artificer, it would immediately made our Artificer subclasses obsolete, whereas you can continue playing with anything in Subclasses Revivified, for as long as WotC doesn't change the undergirding classes again.
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Chayutt P October 25, 2024 1:06 pm UTC
Great one! I started DnD in 2024 and this perfectly expand my build! Thanks a lot!
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Adam H October 25, 2024 1:15 pm UTC
Glad you like it!
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Creighton B October 23, 2024 9:08 pm UTC
The College of Spirits Occult Discovery should probably mention that the spells count as Bard Spells for you. Otherwise I love it!
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Adam H October 23, 2024 11:06 pm UTC
It turns out you don't need that it's already called out in the Bard's Spellcasting feature: "If another Bard feature gives you spells that you always have prepared, those spells [...] count as Bard spells for you."

Glad you're liking it!
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Creighton B October 28, 2024 9:18 pm UTC
Can i add another possible obesrvation? :) college of spirits mystical connection, i think it is supposed to say you pick one of the two effects. Or does it mean both effects occur?
Also, can we get an example for the Leximancer lvl 14 ability? I would be super appreciative.
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Sebastian Y October 29, 2024 11:31 pm UTC
Hey, Creighton! I'm the designer of the Leximancer; thank you so much for your request! I have a few examples of the level 14 feature I can share:

A player might change this line from the description of Fireball from "Flammable objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried start burning" to "Flammable objects in the area that ARE being worn or carried start burning" if they want to burn an item that an enemy is carrying. I can see a player doing this so the spell not only deals damage, but also ignites an enemy's wooden shield for example, with the goal of either destroying it or forcing the enemy to drop it, decreasing their AC by 2.

In a moment of desperation, a player whose character doesn't have the necessary diamond for Raise Dead might request to remove the "M" from the components list. In this case, though the edit doesn't erase the specifics of the diamond from the spell description, it does remove the part that specifies that the diamond...See more
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Adam H October 30, 2024 12:21 pm UTC
College of Spirits updated!
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Creighton B October 31, 2024 2:40 pm UTC
Clever, I love it, absolutely top tier.
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Rupert G October 22, 2024 5:20 pm UTC
It seems to me like you’ve been pretty light touch in terms of rebalancing? The Twilight cleric, for example, kept most of its very powerful features, though you changed the spell list. (I think Twilight Sanctuary would now be called an Emanation instead of a Sphere).

I checked the Shepherd Druid as well, as that was a subclass that didn’t work in 2024 rules. Glad to see your version fixes the problems, though it’s less powerful than when 2014 conjuring spells could interact with their features.
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Adam H October 22, 2024 5:23 pm UTC
Each writer had a lot of leeway about how much they wanted to change. So, just like Wizards of the Coast did, some subclasses had almost a complete rework while others have a lighter touch. Thanks for checking it out!
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Rupert G October 23, 2024 9:10 pm UTC
Thanks for answering! It’s a great book and I’m glad someone has done the work of rethinking all the other subclasses! I’m enjoying comparing your versions to the old ones and hope I or some of my party will get to use these soon!

If there’s a book in the works to update the Artificer and its subclasses that’d be great too!

A couple of other things that I’ve spotted so far that I wasn’t sure about: Is it deliberate that Redemption paladins still have 2 Channel Divinities? They’re the only one that does (the second is listed out of order - after their Level 7 feature). And I wasn’t sure how to read the Divine Sorcerer’s Deific Spells. Does it mean I can’t take Cleric cantrips with this feature, and can take Cleric spells only when I’m adding a spell to my list but not when I’m replacing a spell?
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Adam H October 24, 2024 4:32 pm UTC
Thanks! No current plans to update the Artificer. Our hesitation mostly has to do with not knowing what WotC is going to do with the class.

Here's a response from the Paladin subclasses writer: It is intentional! The Oath of Redemption is the only Paladin subclass in Subclasses Revivified that has two third level abilities tied to Channel Divinity, but the Oath of Glory in the official 2024 rules does this as well and guided balance. Emissary of Peace is more skill-based help (like Peerless Athlete), whereas Rebuke the Violent is combat-based (like Inspiring Smite). Apologies for the confusion due to them being out of order—we'll get them reorganized for the next revision.
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Adam H October 25, 2024 1:21 pm UTC
The Oath of Redemption and Divine Sorcery subclasses have been updated!
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Rupert G October 25, 2024 6:00 pm UTC
Amazing - thank you! And sorry for being “that guy”!

I’ll repeat for anyone reading - this is a great piece of work and well worth getting!
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Neil F October 20, 2024 10:11 am UTC
This looks great and I'm sure it's good value for all the work that's gone into it. But I actually only need one or two of these for my current campaign. I'd love the chance to pay for just individual classes (if individual subclasses isn't viable for you).
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Adam H October 20, 2024 2:25 pm UTC
Sorry, no current plans to split the book up. What you need might be in the 40-page preview. There's also bound to be sales in the future
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Alex C October 15, 2024 8:00 pm UTC
Is this usable in Adventurers League play, or only for home games?
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Derek S October 13, 2024 5:37 am UTC
I got it and, for the most part, it seems to be well thought out and organized. I haven't gotten a chance to look at every subclass for balance and/or mechanics issues, but the ones I looked seemed to have everything work... except the Tempest Cleric's Destructive Wraith.

"As a Magic action, you present your Holy Symbol
and expend a use of your Channel Divinity to wield
the power of the storm with unchecked ferocity.
When you deal Lightning or Thunder damage, you
can use your Channel Divinity to deal maximum
damage, instead of rolling."

As written, you will spend the first turn using a Magic Action and. Channel Divinity to do what? Unlock the ability to later use Channel Divinities to max damage? All you have left is Move and Bonus and there aren't much in the way in damage spells that could benefit from the damage boost with althat action economy.

That seems like a waste of a turn/CD. Especially since original had the usage as...See more
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Adam H October 15, 2024 2:50 pm UTC
The Tempest cleric has been updated!
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Derek S October 16, 2024 7:48 am UTC
Okay. Interesting update. Gets rid of some of the Path of the Giant synergy, but nothing egregious. I did notice another timing issue with the Banneret's Critical Surge:

In addition, when you use Action Surge, allied
creatures’ attack rolls with weapons and Unarmed
Strikes within 30 feet of you can score a Critical
Hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.

Do they get the new crit level only while using Coordinated Strike? Until the beginning of your next turn? The end of your next turn? For the rest of the combat? Until your next long rest?

Overall, the subclass got a HUGE boost, but that ability needs a little cleaning up. I will let you know about other issues as I keep reading.
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Adam H October 17, 2024 12:07 am UTC
The Banneret has been updated!
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William G October 10, 2024 10:13 pm UTC
Question about Grave Cleric. They seem to be missing the Spare the Dying at range as a Bonus action (perhaps because new one is at range?) and Circle of Mortality: max dice value of a healing spell to 0HP PCs (perhaps because of the buff to healing spells?).
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Adam H October 13, 2024 2:08 pm UTC
Thanks for your feedback! I've passed your feedback on to the writer of that subclass. If they decide to make any changes, they'll be in the next update
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Adam H October 15, 2024 2:54 pm UTC
The Grave cleric has been updated!
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JOHN S October 09, 2024 2:07 pm UTC
ok...... the roll20 version? soon?
Customer avatar
Adam H October 13, 2024 2:09 pm UTC
We'll see how sales go before deciding whether or not to do VTT conversions, but thanks!
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