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The Deck of Many Horrid Things - A Magic Item PDF


A horror themed PDF for an IN GAME deck of many things. 52 completely new IDEAS for cards that can be pulled from a deck of many things.

The ideas in this PDF can be used wityh any of the IN GAME deck of many things and is a fun way to introduce the chaos of the the deck of many things without completely destroying your entire campaign.

Example Cards:

The Cursed Crypt

Ace of Spades

When you first pull this card, there doesn’t appear to be any effect. However, when you bed down for the night, the cursed card manifests. Whenever you take a long rest, your consciousness is transported to an unknown crypt. Every night, you travel to the same crypt, and your consciousness stays there until you wake. This nightly occurrence chills you to the core. Whenever you wake from a long rest, you must expend one of your hit dice and take cold damage equal to the number rolled.

Reverse Lycanthropy

Three of Clubs

Upon drawing this card, you instantly transform into the hybrid form of one of the were creatures listed in the table below. Roll to determine the nature of your lycanthropy. Each night, when the sun sets and the moon rises, you revert to your original form. This curse is permanent but can be removed by the ‘Remove Curse’ spell

The Lich’s Phylactery

Five of Hearts

A small vessel appears in your free hand once you draw this card. You inherently know that you are holding a powerful Lich’s Phylactery. You also know that the lich knows you have it and will certainly come looking for you to retrieve it. While the Phylactery is in your possession, you have access to the following spells, assuming you have the spellcasting feature. These spells are added to your prepared spell list, and you can only cast spells of a level you can already cast. If you do not have the spellcasting feature, you learn the three cantrips listed below instead.

The Phantom Ship

Eight of Diamonds

When you pull this card, your nose is filled with the smell of briny seawater, and for a moment, you are overcome with the sensation of drowning. Then, it ceases. Looking back down at the hand in which you pulled the card, you see a black spot painted onto it. It is permanent, like a tattoo, and cannot be removed.

You have been recruited into Captain Grace O’Malley’s ethereal pirate crew. The next time you are on open water, Grace will come to claim her newest recruit, by any means necessary. Working for Grace has some perks too. The moment you pull this card, you gain the following boons.

  • You sprout gills and can breath underwater
  • You have proficiency with water vehicles and firearms
  • You are immune to the effects of intoxication.
  • A +3 Cutlass (Scimitar) appears in your free hand

The Zombie Apocalypse

Ten of Diamonds

The ground begins to rumble the moment this card leaves the deck. Hands start punching through the ground. You have awakened the Zombie King.

Every round for the next 10 rounds, zombies will break through the ground below. Each round, more zombies will awaken, starting with 1 zombie in round 1 and 10 zombies in round 10. Among the final batch of zombies to appear will be the Zombie King. They use the zombie stat block but have three times as many hit points. They also wear a crown. If you survive the zombie apocalypse, you can reclaim the crown and take the title of the Zombie King.

While wearing the crown, all undead make their attacks at disadvantage against you, and you make attacks at advantage against them. Furthermore, zombies will not harm you and can be persuaded with a DC 12 Persuasion check to fight for you instead.

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Darron B May 17, 2024 11:45 pm UTC
Umm....why are some of the pictures covering the text?
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Dave H May 18, 2024 5:39 am UTC
They shouldn't be, can you try a different pdf viewer and if the problem persists send a screenshot to

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Darron B May 22, 2024 9:39 pm UTC
Okay...guess the email didn't get through.
Just going to cut the loss then and apologies for inquiring about it
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Dave H May 22, 2024 9:54 pm UTC
It went to my junk, have rectified and emailed back! If we can't fix the problem we will at least upload a version with no pictures so it's not a problem for you!
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Darron B August 30, 2024 8:38 pm UTC
Alright...again just going to cut the losses then...
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File Last Updated:
October 15, 2023
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