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Doomed Forgotten Realms Underdark Volume One: Reign of Rot

Imagine a world where Tiamat was summoned successfully. Where the Princes of Elemental Evil tread unfettered. Where Demogorgon prowls the Underdark with the Wand of Orcus, leaving an army of undead in his wake. Where the storm giants have been cast to the bottom of the Ordning. Where Baldur's Gate has been banished to the Nine Hells. . . . 

Imagine a world where good has lost and evil prevailed. 

Demons and devils rule below. Menzoberranzan is a ruined shell of its former self.  Blingdenstone is now ruled by the Pudding King and his gelatinous Royal Court. And every day more and more creatures fall under the sway of Zuggtmycos, the newly empowered Demon Queen of Fungi.   

Welcome to the Doomed Underdark.  

Adventure Awaits

Zuggtmoy’s Reign of Rot further develops the Doomed Forgotten Realms. It is part gazetteer and part adventure. The gazetteer describes what the Underdark would look like if the demon lords were never banished back to the Abyss. The adventure is designed to take players from 1st to 7th level.  This product does not need to be set within the Doomed Forgotten Realms and can be used to expand and enhance any Out of the Abyss campaign.

 Within its profane pages you will find:

  • A transformed, demon-tainted Underdark!
  • An expanded version of Mantol-Derith that can be used as a quest hub for any Underdark campaign!     
  • Abyssal hazards, fiendish fungi, and new magic items!
  • Improved and updated stat blocks for all of the demon lords, including Lolth, Queen of the Demonweb pits!  
  • An epic adventure that will take the characters all the way from Zymorven Hall to the festering, fungal heart of Zuggtmycos

Tread the Darkest Path

Doomed Forgotten Realms: Sword Coast Gazetteer Academy of Adventure Rise of Vecna Fall of Vecna
Doomed Forgotten Realms Underdark: Reign of Rot Wrath of Zuggtmoy

Tread the Darkest Path

Epic Characters Shadowfell Acheron Heroes' Handbook

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Dylan W December 21, 2024 2:12 pm UTC
Is there no map depicting D6-D10?
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JOHN S February 08, 2024 1:39 am UTC
A roll20 conversion of the Doomed franchise would immediately take over 1st place in all charts. Seriously, you all are killing it! Even a Roll20 backerkit like DCC is doing would be amazing!!!
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Scott M March 07, 2024 2:12 pm UTC
Thanks again John! It is in the queue but unfortunately requires technical skills I don't have so the timing is a bit out of my control. I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to VTTs -- what does the backerkit work like?
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JOHN S March 12, 2024 1:29 pm UTC
You would have to check into it, but I just saw that Dungeon Crawl Classics did an great backerkit campaign to bring DCC into Roll20. You would have to search for it. I know Kickstarter is an option out there also. Basically you get the fan community (us) to help you support , ie, pay for a company to do the conversion to Roll20 for you. The name of the company that Dungeon Crawl Classics is using is called Metamorphic Studios (formerly known as Sigil) for the Roll20 conversion. They also raised enough money to fund a charactermancer too!!! Anyway, I know its tough out there for publishers, heck, everyone right now is struggling to get by day to day, I just thought about pitching that out there to see if that would be an option for you. I hope only the best for you, the products you are producing are amazing. Keep up the great work.
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Scott M September 07, 2023 11:04 pm UTC
For anyone interested in joining a great community based around the Doomed Forgotten Realms please consider checking out our Discord server:
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JOHN S September 07, 2023 4:35 pm UTC
Looks like another great product from you & the team! Curious about a Roll20 conversion & if the entire Doomed Forgotten Realms franchise will be converted over to Roll20? Regardless, this will be bought like all the other titles i have purchased from you.
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Scott M September 07, 2023 10:59 pm UTC
Hey John! Thanks for the support. Unfortunately do do any Roll20 conversions for our previous products we need assistance from our layout guru who has been juggling other projects. However we used a new layout person for Reign of Rot so will look into a conversion of that soon :)
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Rory C September 08, 2023 5:33 pm UTC
Hey John i have been running this on Roll 20 for a while now, i have all the monsters with their stats uploaded (you would have to manually move all to character vault and then to game) I also have all the maps and handouts and what not on there too but unfortunately you can only use transmogrifier on games you create.

Join the discord and shoot me a message

Death Master :)
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James O August 29, 2023 2:58 pm UTC
This is reading wonderfully so far. One thing I noted in Appendix A (without spoiling it)- external links for Juiblex and Orcus repeat the link for Demogorgon.
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Rory C August 29, 2023 3:08 pm UTC
Thanks, this is a known issue. It will be getting fixed soon, with a few other things (easier to do more than one thing and update than constantly adding versions). Glad you are enjoying it.

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Scott M September 06, 2023 5:57 am UTC
Hi James! Sorry about that -- links should be working now :)
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Rory C August 29, 2023 2:35 pm UTC
This is for those who are wondering as i have already mentioned this to Scott M and also posted it on the DFR discord server.

Gridded maps are all listed, the main map yes is high res and 40mb but opening with photo and clicking resize and re-saving should allow you to make it available for vtt upload as it should make it smaller, if file size isn't smaller then change % to say 50 then change it back to 100 and save it should then go down to about 8mb

Other maps that need altered are
Fungal grotto is 30x40
Grick burrow i have changed to 29.257 x 21.94
Neverlight grove 32x25.65
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Jacob B August 27, 2023 10:23 pm UTC
AMAZING product! I plan to use this in my Phandelver and Below campaign to extend the Underdark portion into an epic high-level conclusion. One problem I noticed with the PDF is that the Demon Lord stat block links worked mostly except for Juiblex and Orcus. Those two links took me to the Demogorgon stat block. Just thought you guys should know! Great work otherwise!
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Scott M August 28, 2023 1:17 am UTC
Thanks so much Jacob! I love the idea of connecting with Phandelver. Thanks for the heads up regarding the Demon Lord stat blocks -- Probably will wait a week or two to see if any other errors pop up but otherwise will fix the links ASAP. If you end up needing them before then feel free to email me and I can send them to you personally :)
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Scott M September 06, 2023 6:04 am UTC
Thanks for your patience Jacob -- the links should be fixed now :)
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Rory C August 27, 2023 5:33 pm UTC
Cant wait to delve into this
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File Last Updated:
November 19, 2023
This title was added to our catalog on August 27, 2023.