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Spelljammer Tables Bundle [BUNDLE]Click to magnify

Spelljammer Tables Bundle [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles.

441726-thumb140.jpg200 Spelljammer Noncombat Encounters - Random Tables
Regular price: $3.00
Bundle price:
    200 Non-Combat Encounter Prompts for Spelljammer Tables visible in Previews under the product image.  Non-Combat Encounters for spelljammer adventures and campaigns. Meet merchants trying to sell pets and trinkets, a modron ship or watch dancing earth spirits. View the wonders of Wildspace, scavenge among the asteroids and meet ship captains with woeful tales. Includes d20 tables for ... Wildspace (Wildspace, asteroids and moons) Astral Seas & Dead Gods (Astral sea, dead gods) City & Commerce (Rock of Bral, space merchants) Ships & Captains (Ship encounters, ship captains) Space Events & Anomalies (Ship events, space anomalies and other wonders)  More D&D Tables Included in the Spelljammer Tables Bundle, Noncombat Encounters Bundle and Spelljammer an...

433461-thumb140.jpgSpelljammer Alliterative Adversaries - Ideas Tables
Regular price: $2.00
Bundle price:
       Interesting Ideas, Entertaining Encounters and Varied Villains Tables visible in Previews under the product image. Simple ideas tables usnig the power of alliteration, from A-Z for adversaries, encounters, allies, npcs and rivals.  Gullible githyanki, energized elves or a blinking b'rohg. Psionic pirates, kleptomaniac kindori or an illusory illithid.  Includes d10 tables for ... A-E (A, B, C, D, E) F-J (F and some Ph-, G, H, I, J and soe G-) K-O (K, L, M, N and some Gn-/Kn-, O) P-T (P, Q, R and some Wr-, S and some C-, T) U-Z (U, V, W, Y, Z and X) Complementary Charts (astral anomolies, delightful distractions, fishing fun!, luxury locations, strange ships, various vessels) More D&D Tables Included in the Spelljammer & Beyond Bundle. You might also like th...

409406-thumb140.jpgSpelljammer Encounter Tables
Regular price: $5.00
Bundle price:
    Spelljammer Tables for Terrains, Ships, Creatures, Hazards and Extras Tables visible in Previews under the product image. Using creatures from Monster Manual and Spellljammer. Supports Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse.  Encounters for adventures and campaigns in the Astral Sea, Wildspace, Realmspace featuring Dead Gods, Spelljammer Ships, Asteroids and cosmic creatures. Includes d20 tables for ... Combined Encounter Tables (Encounters level 1-4, 5-10) Spelljammer Terrains - Asteroids & Moons, Astral Sea, Dead Gods, Rock of Bral, Wildspace (Encounters level 1-4, 5-10, Beasts, Encounter Details) Hazards and Locations (Hazards and obstacles, spelljammer locations) Magic Items (Spelljammer magic items, spelljammer one-use items) Monsters & NPCs - Abberations...

441894-thumb140.jpgSpelljammer Fishing and other Tables
Regular price: $1.00
Bundle price:
      Tables for Astral Fishing, Fish, Flora and Junk Tables visible in Previews under the product image.  For characters who like astral fishing with rods, nets or other devices. Also details more astral fish, unusual kindori, space weed to scavenge or discover and floating items of interest. Includes d20 tables for ... Astral Fishing (Fishing table expanded, astral fishing fumble, astral fishing critical, dangerous catch) Fish and Kindori (Make an astral fish-creature, kindori - on their backs, kindorn - extras) Weeds and Junk (Astral flora, space debris, make your own space junk) More D&D Tables Included in the Spelljammer Tables Bundle and Spelljammmer and Beyond Bundle. Also of interest might be Noncombat Encounters Bundle, Spelljammer Encounter Tables, Spelljam...

409673-thumb140.jpgSpelljammer Trinkets with Creation Tables
Regular price: $2.00
Bundle price:
      80 Trinkets for Spelljammer with Tables for Many More Tables visible in Previews under the product image.  For characters and treasures, in adventures and campaigns for spelljammer with themes of the Astral Sea, wildspace, journeys, swashbuckling and weirdness. Use addtional tables to create and modify your own trinkets. Includes d20 tables for ... 80 Spelljammer Trinkets (tables A-D) Modifying and Building Spelljammer Trinkets (Modifying Existing Trinkets, Building Your Own, Trinket Base Item A, Trinket Base Item B) Descriptors and Extras (Trinket Descriptors, Trinket Extras A, Trinket Extras B) Decorations, Inscriptions and Materials (Trinket Decorations, Trinket Depictions, Trinket Inscriptions, Trinket Materials) More D&D Tables Included in the Spelljammer and Be...

Total value:$13.00
Special bundle price:$6.95
Savings of:$6.05 (47%)
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Reviews (1)
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August 17th, 2023
This bundle is essential Spelljammer material for DMs!!! I've gotten some of the non-spelljammer tables previously and suggest any DM to get this if running SJ! [...]
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This title was added to our catalog on April 12, 2023.