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Banner for Echidna's Lair - free 5E content on DTRPG by Echidna Design

"This book is just full of fun fun things [...] It is the book for geese related Dungeons & Dragons content [...] and this one does it really really well." -Splinterverse

"I absolutely love absurd supplements like this, so I’m very giddy about it." -Geektyrant

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Welcome to the Vault title

The Honkonomicon awaits you in all of its dangerous, goosy glory with 80 pages of options for DMs and characters 

In this book you will find:

11 new goosish subclasses designed by Ennie-nominated, Adamantine best-selling author Vall Syrene (VS Press | Vall Does DnD)

A goostiarium of 28 new monsters with plenty of original art, including the dreadful honkraken, the insidious megoosa and the fiendish demogoose

16 new spells of all levels to truly wield the chaotic power of geese 

16 new magic items of all rarities to reward or curse the characters, including the legendary Golden Egg of Divinity, the restorative Goose Wine or the mischievous Honkonomicon tome itself

3 geese of power, a trio of patrons embodying different aspects of goosedom, complete with mythic stat blocks

7 fowlish curses and 6 adventure hoonks to aid you into introducing goosiness in your games

Dozens of horrifying puns with the words "honk", "goose" and more

Original illustrations and quality stock art provided by great artists to truly bring the honk to life

Hyperlinked table of content, so you can goose around at maximum speed

The time of humanoids is over, the age of geese has arrived.

Peace was never an option, so honk on.

Looking for the Fantasy Grounds version? Click here!





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Riyaaz T October 25, 2024 6:40 pm UTC
This is amazing, thank you.
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Paolo D October 26, 2024 5:06 pm UTC
ThOnk you Riyaaz! We appreciate your honkthusiasm!
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Edward G December 03, 2023 5:51 am UTC
This is on my wishlist and would be an easy purchase if there were a Foundry version made available :)
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Paolo D December 04, 2023 4:21 pm UTC
Hey Edward! Thank you for your feedback. You are not the first one to propose that, so I might make it happen in the future.
Thank you,
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Edward G December 18, 2023 3:07 am UTC
Hey Paolo, would really love to see it. I did purchase the PDF version for running an in-person session but I'll absolutely double-dip (ideally at a discount) for a Foundry conversion: being able to click and drag spells and items and run monsters directly from compendia would really make the difference in terms of running a smooth online game.
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Natalie N July 06, 2023 9:32 pm UTC
Can you also covert Honkonomicon into Foundry And Roll20
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Paolo D July 14, 2023 4:53 pm UTC
Hey Natalie! Sorry for the delay.
Thank you for asking! We do have a Roll20 conversion in our plans. About Foundry, we really haven't been having a lot of request for it yet, but if more people come forward to ask for it, we might consider it too :)
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Thomas B July 25, 2023 8:19 am UTC
I would also love to see a Foundry conversion of this!
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Paolo D July 25, 2023 10:42 am UTC
Thomas, thank you for commenting about this, so we know there's more interest! I guess we'll take a look into it ;)
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Marius S May 29, 2023 5:02 pm UTC
I need this in my life, preferably on my bookshelf. Any chance of seeing a Print version?
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Paolo D May 29, 2023 11:04 pm UTC
Ahahah we are glad of the enthusiasm! :D We are working on the Print On Demand version, hopefully we can get it out sooner than not. But it might take some time
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Marius S May 30, 2023 9:07 pm UTC
My friend, just knowing that is on your mind has made my day. It will be a beautiful day when I hold this honk-tastic book in my hands ^_^
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Paolo D May 30, 2023 9:22 pm UTC
I'm very glad we made your day! Thank you so much for your support :D
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Paradigm J October 09, 2023 1:04 am UTC
I know it's been awhile since this thread was posted but seconding the desire for a hardcover (preferably) Print on Demand version of this. Maybe even a version that includes the Circle of the Honk, Honkland, and Honkrasque as an all-in-one.
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Paolo D December 04, 2023 4:19 pm UTC
Hey Paradigm! Thank you for joining the conversation, and sorry for the delay in answering you.

The POD version is still part of my plans and still in the working. I was trying to make it happen during summer, but unfortunately the person who was supposed to take care of the job didn't manage to get their hands on it, and still isn't. I'm looking into solutions for that, since I also really would like to see the Honks on paper.

On the topic of fusing all of the honkontent under the same physical book, I'll take that into consideration - there might be some bumps on the road to make it happen (like, that I don't own Circle of the Honk - that was done by Vall Syrene/VS Press some years ago, way before the Honkonomicon happened) but that would be great, if it was possible.

Thank you,
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JOHN S May 25, 2023 3:10 am UTC
Roll20 conversion soon?
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Paolo D May 29, 2023 11:03 pm UTC
We are working on that! ;)
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Richard H April 21, 2023 2:59 pm UTC
I find all of this to be fowl!
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Paolo D April 21, 2023 3:23 pm UTC
And you might be avianly correct!
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Lucas A April 12, 2023 3:21 am UTC
I can't leave reviews due to my account type, but I just want to say I love this book and all it stands for with all my heart. It's EXACTLY the kind of book I went into the dmsguild game making: a big absurd joke taken very far and absolutely seriously in terms of effort and design. And also, after my own heart, you clearly love the concept. The best part of making a joke homebrew supplement and making it actually functional instead of a low-effort gag is that it's not only something that might see use and benefit games, but by taking it seriously and designing it properly it's even MORE funny because it's actually balanced and functional instead of being a sloppy, careless joke design. Love the theme, and thrilled that a unique and bold product like this (not to mention my love of bigger dmsguild books than smaller ones) is getting the attention it deserves.
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Paolo D April 12, 2023 9:32 am UTC
Lucas... Thank you so much. You *truly* get this, and I'm so glad &lt;3 This is a joke compendium, of course, but it was no joke to us in a wider sense, as we designed and produced it just as "seriously" as we would have with anything else.

You know, since we intended this to be balanced and usable side by side with the other game options, I'm actually pretty excited myself to see what kind of play is gonna come out of this book in the middle to long term future, like: will Anserath become a permanent presence in my campaigns just as much as other demon lords? Will Call of the Ur-goose become the "break in case of emergency" spell for when everything else fails? Will people be looking for the Goose Wine for when they need a combat boost on top of the healing (and taking the risk to trigger the Go Swine effect and turn into a berserking boar)?

Maybe, or maybe not. But whatever's the answer, I'm glad that the Honkonomicon is out there now. :)
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Marker M April 11, 2023 6:47 pm UTC
This seems to have a lot of geese themed monsters of the "What has science done?!" variety. Is there something that's more appropriate for roles like pest, annoyance, and "little s**t that left my rake in the lake"? Something that would be more likely to grab some keys and run off, trigger a trap that catches the PCs, or maybe interrupt the rogue's pick pocket attempt with a well-timed honk.
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Paolo D April 12, 2023 9:44 am UTC
Hey Marker, thank you for your question! That's actually a pretty clever point.

The answer may surprise you, but... In my playtesting experience, actual geese do this pretty effectively.
One of my parties got cursed (the whole party) by the Curse of the Uncanny Goose, that basically summons a permanent, unkillable goose whenever the cursed target rolls a natural 1. So they ended up with a little flock of geese following them, making things... Interesting, especially during social situations or stealth actions, as in your example.

Also, there is a creature in our book that I could totally see behaving as you are suggesting and is... Nothing less that the Ur-goose itself. It is a CR 26 primordial, but is also famous for its mischievousness and stealthiness, having proficiency in deception, sleight of hand and stealth, plus having some illusion magic.
It is a powerhouse of a monster, but also, most of the time is just hiding and being an agent of chaos in minor ways... The fact...See more
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April 06, 2023 11:02 pm UTC
Oh my Bob. The art alone has me in stitches. LOL!
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Paolo D April 08, 2023 11:55 am UTC
Ahah I'm glad, thank you! The artists did an amazing work, for sure.
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Matteo D April 06, 2023 8:31 am UTC
Esiste, visto gli autori, anche una versione in italiano? ^^
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Paolo D April 06, 2023 1:14 pm UTC
Siamo già al lavoro! ;) Potrebbe volerci un po', forse un paio di mesi? Il testo è tanto, e cambiando gli ordini alfabetici di tutto bisognerà rifare il layout. Ma arriverà :)
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LORENZO R April 09, 2023 8:05 am UTC
Consideratelo già acquistato da parte mia!!!
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Paolo D April 09, 2023 7:38 pm UTC
Grazie Lorenzo! :D Ti consiglierei allora di seguirci sulla pagina fb di Echidna Design, li daremo notizia non appena la versione ITA sarà pronta. :)
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JEREMY G April 06, 2023 1:00 am UTC
I love it!
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Paolo D April 06, 2023 1:12 pm UTC
Thank you Jeremy! :D
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Jaron M April 05, 2023 1:26 am UTC
Why will this not print?
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Paolo D April 05, 2023 8:08 am UTC
Hey Jaron! :)
I'm sorry you're having troubles. Can you be more specific on what's going on? -Paolo
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JOHN S April 03, 2023 6:16 pm UTC
Roll20 conversion?
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Paolo D April 04, 2023 6:00 pm UTC
Hey John,
Given how much following this book is gaining, we will certainly take a look into that. Thank you for asking :)
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Giacomo C April 03, 2023 3:18 pm UTC
L'ho preso, un manuale fantastico, da avere. Troppo divertente. Fatto benissimo.
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Paolo D April 03, 2023 3:53 pm UTC
Ti ringrazio, sono felice che il nostro duro lavoro venga apprezzato. :) -Paolo
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