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The Whisper of Yule: A Collection of Yule-themed Subclasses & MonstersClick to magnify
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The Whisper of Yule: A Collection of Yule-themed Subclasses & Monsters




The Realm of Yule

The realm of Yule is an ancient and mysterious land, lying far to the north of many different worlds, seeming to exist everywhere through gateways via the Aurora Borealis. Home to many factions and different smaller countries, and overseen by the Vindyrfather and his Holiconsul, Yule is full of wonder and merriment that spreads over the universe for several months once every year as the snows of winter and winds of the cold blow in. The numerous countries within Yule range from the high frigid mountains of the frost giants under the command of their king Utgard-Loki and the mighty footfalls of the druids of the north, to the peppermint forests of the Lady Sucrosa de’Sveetnen and the subterranean cities of the Rat King. Yule is alive and awaiting all who see whimsy, adventure, and the wild.

New Subclasses and Monsters!

Take your first quiet step as the Silent Knight Fighter, or go berserk as a Path of the Tantrum Barbarian. See if you can keep up against the Yule Goat, or combat the deadly Living Garland. All these fantastic creations ceom from the mind of Mike Olson, Chris Hopper, Emisarts, Cayde Anderson, and Tallulah Cunningham, with sensitivity reading and cultural constulation by James Ritter! Explore seven new subclasses and six new monsters, meant for any table any time of year!


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File Last Updated:
March 12, 2023
This title was added to our catalog on March 12, 2023.