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Elminster's Candlekeep Companion (Roll20)Click to magnify


Elminster Aumar, Chosen of Mystra, invites you to explore the grandest repository of knowledge in the Forgotten Realms: Candlekeep, the Library Fortress! The Sage of Shadowdale has assembled this companion to help seekers of wisdom navigate the Castle of Tomes. Be warned! Elminster requests that you bring a suitable entrance gift, lest you be turned away at the front gates.

This module is the definitive guide to Candlekeep and includes the first-ever comprehensive map of Candlekeep. Dungeon Masters can find a history and overview of Candlekeep developed in consultation with Ed Greenwood, creator of the Forgotten Realms, new variant rules, 26 new magic items, and 11 new creatures found in the library fortress. Players can create characters from four new subclass options and 34 new spells, and embark on stories involving the Castle of Tomes and the lore held within. Elminster’s Candlekeep Companion also includes an adventure for use in Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus, written by M.T. Black.


(Map by Marco Bernardini included in this module)

Chapter 1 provides four new subclass options for creating Candlekeep-inspired characters.

  • Bard - College of Destiny: By virtue of prescience, they navigate the twisting roads of luck and fate.
  • Cleric - Prophecy Domain: These oracles are blessed and burdened with overwhelming visions of the future.
  • Monk - Way of the Avowed Preserver: They swear to protect their chosen library or archive, no matter the cost.
  • Wizard - Academic Lore: In the classrooms and dining halls of magical schools, these students and professors strive to master their Art.

Chapter 2 presents a general overview of Candlekeep, such as requirements for entry, major locations, and the monastic order known as the Avowed.

Chapter 3 includes an in-depth look at the Great Library of Candlekeep, its rules, and the books contained therein.

Chapter 4 details ideas for creating Candlekeep adventures, and includes an adventure by M.T. Black, for use in Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus.

Chapter 5 contains 26 new magic items and 34 new spells found in Candlekeep and its vaults, including magical books, tomes, and grimoires.

Chapter 6 provides 11 new monsters and NPCs, such as bookworms, tome guardians, and Miirym, the legendary Sentinel Wyrm.






Note: This product is for use in the Roll20 virtual tabletop. If you would like to purchase the PDF version, click here.


Lead Designers: Justice Arman, Anthony Joyce

Designers: Trevor Armstrong, M.T. Black, Jeremy Forbing, Laura Hirsbrunner, and Ed Greenwood

Editor: Laura Hirsbrunner

Graphic Designer: Gordon McAlpin

Cover and Interior Art: Bob Greyvenstein

Cartography: Marco Bernardini

Creative Consultants: Teos Abadía, Enrique Bertran, M.T. Black, and Ed Greenwood

Roll20 Conversion: Sandy Koch

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Twitter: @thegrimpress

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Sandy K March 08, 2024 11:57 pm UTC

Found this answer in the Roll20 forums - it's old, but I believe the answer is still the same - only the creator of the game can add add-ons.,else%20be%20the%20GM%2C%20though.
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Kaleb C March 08, 2024 9:05 pm UTC
So I purchased this title as part of the Elminster's Candlekeep Companion Bundle, but on Roll20 I can't seem to add the AddOn to the campaign I am DMing. Perhaps it is because I am not the campaign "owner" (another player has a larger compendium than I, so hosts the campaign for us, while I DM), as I see no options to add any AddOns at all. Is there any way to get this added to my campaign?
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Sandy K February 19, 2023 12:57 pm UTC
No. This is an add-on, and the subclass is text only, with a sample character sheet that includes the features.
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Curtis M February 19, 2023 7:25 am UTC
Are the new subclasses available in the Charactermancer?
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This title was added to our catalog on February 17, 2023.