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Journeys beyond the Radiant CitadelClick to magnify
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Journeys beyond the Radiant Citadel

"Salaam, weary traveler. Make yourself comfortable as I weave for you a wondrous, hopeful tale that unfolds beyond the Radiant Citadel." - Speaker Sholeh

Journeys beyond the Radiant Citadel is a companion to Journeys through the Radiant Citadel that includes expanded gazetteers of seven of the lands first introduced in Journeys through the Radiant Citadel. This book was created by a team of twenty-two people of color from around the world, and we hope you take a moment to see the new lands and artwork created to inspire you and those around your gaming table. Included in this team are seven of the writers of Journeys through the Radiant Citadel, each providing additional material to build upon the lands they've created.

Inside these pages, you'll find expanded lore, thrilling encounters, intriguing adventure hooks, and a new magic item to enhance Journeys through the Radiant Citadel. Additionally, there are sixteen pieces of original art created by thirteen artists of color that ignite the imagination and bring these locations to life. Each piece of art is commercially available for your own use in a separate Radiant Citadel Creator Resource Pack offered here on the Dungeon Masters Guild website; weave them into the stories we’ve told here or create entirely new realms and adventures that link to the Radiant Citadel. The choice is yours.

We invite you to experience Journeys beyond the Radiant Citadel and the adventurous inspiration contained within. We've made the entire book available for you to preview before you decide to purchase this. Simply click on "Full-size Preview," and we're certain you'll fall in love with what you see.


The Journeys beyond the Radiant Citadel team

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Tyler W June 23, 2023 5:52 am UTC
Would it be possible to have this as a POD in the future?
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Proxy Q September 15, 2023 1:59 am UTC
"We've made the entire book available for you to preview before you decide to purchase this. Simply click on "Full-size Preview," and we're certain you'll fall in love with what you see." why would they? if you want the big preview watermarks removed, pay for it.
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SMiki L July 27, 2022 6:00 am UTC
Could I request a PDF variant with downgraded graphics so that it would load faster on my tablet? It's a surprisingly weighty file considering the number of pages.
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Matthew C July 23, 2022 7:47 pm UTC
Sounds interesting. What was your favorite part about making this document?
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For printed books, we have performed high-resolution scans of an original hardcopy of the book. We essentially digitally re-master the book. Unfortunately, the resulting quality of these books is not as high. It's the problem of making a copy of a copy. The text is fine for reading, but illustration work starts to run dark, pixellating and/or losing shades of grey. Moiré patterns may develop in photos. We mark clearly which print titles come from scanned image books so that you can make an informed purchase decision about the quality of what you will receive.
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These ebooks were created from the original electronic layout files, and therefore are fully text searchable. Also, their file size tends to be smaller than scanned image books. Most newer books are in the original electronic format. Both download and print editions of such books should be high quality.
File Last Updated:
July 19, 2022
This title was added to our catalog on July 19, 2022.