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The Alchemist Class

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Alchemist Class

As smoke clears from a candle-lit laboratory, a gnome wipes the soot from his goggles. In front of him lies a glowing mixture that fumes offensively after the sudden, but anticipated, reaction. His excitement overcomes a curse the concoction seems to be casting on his senses, as he rushes to seal the now shaking flask with cork. Holding the vibrating flask in-hand, he smiles as he drips a layer of resin over the cork, proudly preparing his bottle of bad day for the trip ahead.

Often found cooped-up with their experiments or scavenging the wilds for ingredients, the alchemist is a student of the metaphysical essence of things, and is as curious as they are resourceful. They may be dedicated to the research of medicinal applications, demolitionists fascinated with the kinetic potential of violent reactions, or researchers of the hidden weakness of monsters that plague the land.

Nonmagical Alchemist Class Description

Alchemy and Magic

The chemical creations of an alchemist can often blur the line between the natural and supernatural. Considering spells often draw on power through material components, it's entirely reasonable to believe an alchemist exists somewhere in this blur, but unless the creation specifically makes mention of a spell, the item and its effects are not themselves magical. Alchemists are a great fit for low-magic campaigns, where spellcasting may be extremely rare for the standard adventurer.

Playing an Alchemist

This class grants you features intended for a particular playstyle. The alchemist is a low defense, high damage and utility martial blaster. It's highly recommended that, in combat, you stay a safe distance away from the enemies to use your alchemical items on them, but as far back as is safe.


Screenrant Logo

BJ Keeton for ScreenRant

"The most interesting part about the alchemist is that it's a martial class and not a spellcaster. Not having a spell list makes the chemistry part the actual focus and not an afterthought like some unofficial subclasses have done."

Rated ScreenRant's 2nd Coolest Unofficial D&D 5e Class

Flutes Loot Logo

Flutes Loot

"I can tell you it's incredibly thorough as a non-magical alchemist that doesn't ignore existing 5e mechanics. There is a learning curve with this one, but it's worth it. I look forward to playing this class, but I'll have a difficult time choosing a subclass since they're all so thematic, evocative, and mechanically interesting."



Treantmonk's Temple

"A subclass by its nature is usually a specialization of a class, but 'Alchemist' doesn't seem like a specialization to me. And apparently, it didn't to Taron Pounds, who wrote the Alchemist.
Rather than just take something from Pathfinder, he developed his own, unique take on the Alchemist. He knows I love it because, I told him so!"

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jason K November 24, 2023 6:53 pm UTC
Hello Taron P
Will it be possible, one day to have all of your awesome classes featured in one great tome for POD? As I like using books at the gaming table instead of a PDF.
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Avery R November 05, 2023 8:49 am UTC
Eureka "You can use the bonus action granted by Catalyze to create a
potion with a rarity of common that you know the formula for,
providing required raw materials."

Does this mean that the potions you craft with Eureka do not cost any raw materials? Or does the cost of raw materials equal your alchemical item and your potion cost combined? If the latter is true than is the cost of crafting potions the same as the costs on the magic items table?
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Henri K September 29, 2023 9:42 am UTC
So if I use the Salbenists feature to anoint a hand crossbow with lets say oil of sharpness and then use different oil on my ammo, does the ammo get the exploding dice effect?
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Bruce K April 12, 2023 3:35 am UTC
I have a question regarding the exploding dice mechanics. The Fulminare and Salbenist 2nd level features both state can roll one of the dice an additional time. Is it only supposed to be one die? Do these mechanics scale with Volatile Potency or no? If they do scale does Spontatneous Combustion mean the first dice explosion would be able to reroll twice give how the feature is worded? I'm not sure if that's intentional considering the feature is supposed to give potentially infinite amounts of damage and rerolling twice initially would be increasing the odds of getting more damage. I ask all of this because after rereading these features I'm wondering if my group has been running this wrong the whole time. How we've run it so far is that any of the dice can explode meaning a 17th level Salbenist with bladefire oil could end up rolling a maximum of 6d4 fire damage as opposed to say 4d4 fire damage if they can only explode one die. As for Spontaneous Combustion my group figured we would just roll until we couldn't...See more
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Bruce K April 13, 2023 3:12 pm UTC
Also for the Motelight alchemical item is the concentration check supposed to be your alchemical save dc or just the normal dc of 10? My group ran it as a flat 10 then later decided to try doing it as an alchemy save dc and I’m wondering what the intention was with Motelight.
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Lucas B August 26, 2024 7:11 am UTC
There is a feature in the alchemist base class that replaces the saves of any alchemical item with your own so long as you made it
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Wiktor R September 16, 2022 5:54 am UTC
Hey Taron!
First off I'll say you did a great job with this and the feel is awesome ^^
I was wondering if you considered adding some more explosives to the class. I currently feel a lot of the material for the Fulminare builds up to this idea of throwing explosive pots, but then the only item in here that uses pots is Green Slime which doesn't interact with the Fulminare's features.
The other sub classes seem to have a lot of items that fit their fantasy, while the Fulminare has Alchemist Fire, Thunderstone and I guess Instant Wall ^^
I feel adding just one pot bomb to set a precedent would help here and make it easier to build on with homebrew. Or multiple if you feel so inclined!
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Taron P November 29, 2022 11:46 am UTC
Thanks so much for the feedback and sorry about the late reply!

Additional Alchemical Items are definitely planned. I'm currently working on getting this thing ready for a Print on Demand release, so it will definitely be getting more content when that one drops. I've heard a lot of people out on the Fulminare, and I had been worried about the amount of modularity with the theory. Plus, I wanted to explore a bit more of the "clay bomber" theme a bit further.
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Bruce K July 29, 2022 6:43 am UTC
After looking at the Volatile Potency Feature And The Mix Feature, and given Volatile Potency states "When a damage or healing roll is made with an alchemical item or potion you created, you can roll one additional die of the same size and add it to the damage or healing of the item. If the item uses multiple damage dice sizes, the die you roll an additional time is the largest size used." if you use an item with multiple damage types is the damage of the additional dice supposed to be left up to the player and DM to decide? Or would it be an an additional die per damage type as you would be rolling seperate dice which I feel is not the intended interpretation. I am trying to see if I understand Volatile Potency correctly.

Also would it be possible to perform the Annointing Ritual using a mixed oil given that the Mix feature states "When the new combined item is used, both effects occur simultaneously. The combined item loses its potency if it is not used within 10 minutes". the...See more
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Taron P July 29, 2022 9:26 am UTC
Thanks for the questions!

To the first; it was playtested with the idea that an alchemist determines which of the damage types is increased. As of right now, Mix is not intended to add two additional dice by virtue of being a combined item.

The Anointing Ritual does not allow for mixed oils, as the mixed item only lasts for 10 minutes, the ritual takes 1 hour to perform, and the feature does not allow a coated oil to count as one being absorbed into the weapon.
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Ethan W July 01, 2022 1:43 pm UTC
I've had a quick read-through and I'm wondering if, outside of the Eureka feature, the alchemist can craft more expensive or higher rarity items any faster than a character with proficiency in alchemist supplies? Not that's really an issue I'm just confused by the downtime rules. Love the class though. It's my favorite interpretation of an alchemist I've seen by far!
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Flutes L July 12, 2022 5:39 am UTC
As I understand it, the only lasting craft that the Alchemist gets is Experimentalist Adept which applies only to alchemical items as designated in the PDF. The portion of the PDF that is devoted to crafting is a summary of the rules in the DMG and Xanathar's. The potion crafting table can be misleading because it illustrates how consumable magic items are crafted at half the cost of a normal magic item. The table can make it seem like the Alchemist crafts those potions faster since it's an Alchemist PDF, but really anyone can do that part. I don't know if I'm answering your question at this point, but I figured I'd try to overexplain since crafting rules are wild in 5e.
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Taron P July 12, 2022 6:50 am UTC
Flutes got it right. Eureka allows you to create a potion via Catalyze, but that means the potion's quick creation causes it to lose potency if not used quickly.
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Anthony M July 01, 2022 12:49 pm UTC
The robustness of this classes features are worth the cost for any DM looking to add new options to their table. Even if you are not interested in the class, the large amount of alchemical items Taron took the time to convert over to 5e will ease the strain on any DM who is just looking for minor magic items to populate the cache of a traveling merchant or magic shop.
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Flutes L July 01, 2022 3:42 am UTC
I watched Taron's streams during the creation process for this class and I can tell you it's incredibly thorough as a non-magical alchemist that doesn't ignore existing 5e mechanics. There is a learning curve with this one, but it's worth it. I look forward to playing this class, but I'll have a difficult time choosing a subclass since they're all so thematic, evocative, and mechanically interesting.
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Stan F July 01, 2022 2:34 am UTC
Oh hell yes. I've been watching your build videos on YouTube and telling my d&d group about this.
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