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WBW-DC-GC14-01 The First ForestClick to magnify

WBW-DC-GC14-01 The First Forest


A Candlekeep-led expedition into The Feywild brings with it the chance to unravel the legend of The First Forest; the sentient source of feywild flora and fauna and ancestor to all woodlands. The enclave’s journey takes them to an altered autumnal land, which its wondrous warden nurtures with a blustery hand. Can our adventurers aid their benefactors on this journey to discovery? Will they be blown over by the unraveled secrets? Can they overcome the cold shoulder of an acrimonious archfey? Even more challenging, can they overcome themselves?

The first of four adventures in the Soul of the Forest series was written for and premiered at Gary Con XIV. A Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3.

Content Warning: Pet endangerment (none harmed)

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Briana C October 03, 2022 1:25 am UTC
This module is listed as WBW-DC-GC14-01 here, but listed as DC-WBW-GaryXIV-1 in the actual module PDF. Which is correct?
It looks like the PDF is missing the code in the left corner that shows on the preview, and only has the code in the footer instead.
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Luke D April 06, 2022 3:41 am UTC
The one thing that should be known about this series that caused something of a stir at Garycon is that with the exception of part 3, they strongly encourage non-violent solutions to problems and tend to disincentivize combat quite harshly. This can be a fun change of pace or a source of deep frustration - so ymmv.
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Mark M March 28, 2022 8:44 pm UTC
I played the module at GaryCon XIV, I think its part of a great series and well executed.
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Christopher B March 24, 2022 12:22 pm UTC
Can you tell me the Seed or Domain, as well as the name of the Arch-fey for each of these domains for the 4 adventures in the Soul of the Forest series?
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Shawn B March 24, 2022 12:54 pm UTC
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File Last Updated:
March 22, 2022
This title was added to our catalog on March 24, 2022.