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The Runekeeper Class & Runic Invocation


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The Runekeeper & Runic Invocation is an expansion of the magic system granted to the Rune Knight Fighter from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Within this supplement, you'll find:

- The Runekeeper, a brand new 1st to 20th level class specializing in the art of runic invocation with inspiration drawn from previous editions of Dungeons & Dragons!

- New "1/3-invoker" classes for the Druid and Wizard, as well as a variant Rune Knight that expands the palate of runes for the subclass!

- Dozens of new Runes from the Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Druidic, Dwarvish, Elven, Primordial, and Thieves' Cant languages!


The Runekeeper itself is a flexible Intelligence-based Gish with the power to bestow enchantments onto equipment and other objects in a similar manner to the Rune Knight.

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Customer avatar
B0ss G June 22, 2024 7:33 am UTC
I do want to know if this class has been play-tested, as I do not have time to play-test myself.
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Taron P June 22, 2024 10:21 am UTC
Yup! It's also been in multiple campaigns for the last two years!
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John B April 27, 2023 9:00 pm UTC
I have a question regarding Dragon's Ascent. How does it interact with a character's movement limit? IE: at level 10 he can jump 30 feet in the air. For most, that is the limit of movement. how can he move 'foward' while falling? or does this ability depend on using the Iokharic's rune stance to hover for the round and then use the next round to fall? and even then, coming down if you moved forward 5 feet for every foot down, that would allow 150 feet. Most DMs I know are RAW when it comes to movement, meaning once you reach your speed in distance, you are done. unless you take the dash action. which then removes the damage ability of the second paragraph because you won't be able to make an attack when you land.
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Joseph S August 23, 2022 7:46 pm UTC
Do we have a time line on the additional subclasses and the Elven and Primordial Runekeepers?
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Jesse F May 26, 2022 5:04 pm UTC
Hi there, really like the class, it's the class for my backup char after my druid is either dead or rdy to retire. A question though, if I wanted to play a more frontline/melee focused Runekeeper would how would intelect as main stat factor into that? i have skimmed through most of the runes and not many use the Runic Attack bonus as an enhancement of a (melee) weapon. Are there some I missed, or would you just suggest to create my own runes for that specific purpose?
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Nicholas A April 11, 2022 1:38 am UTC
Question and a typo

Infernal rune - Duot (life) is spelled Duoy later in the document at the runes description.

Is there any way you can add a changelog at the end of your document? You've already posted an update and some of your responses seem to hint that you are still working on the class. This will really help those of us who have players who are loving the class keep track of what is changing. Thanks man, absolutely love the class.
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Tory S March 26, 2022 4:22 am UTC
Love the class so far! Quick question about Nilbog (Goblin/Reverse):

If the creature who "attempts to damage" the wielder is Charmed, do they still get their attack/spell, or would this rune have a chance at actually cancelling the damage attempt?

P.S. - maybe a small typo on pg 54 Dor (Goblin/Truth) - "On a failure, a creature takes 2d8 lightning damage, and it can't take reactions until the start of its next turn. On a failed save, a creature takes half this damage." It says on a failed twice instead of on a failed/on a success.
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Antoine L March 25, 2022 5:48 am UTC
Is the Harengon feature("Rabbit Hop") affected by "Dragon's Ascent"?
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Kai K March 24, 2022 3:29 pm UTC
the invocation of the ISE rune says "Ise increases your sturdiness, granting you a bonus to all ability checks and saving throws that use Strength or Constitution for the duration. " what is this bonus?
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Taron P March 24, 2022 3:56 pm UTC
Ahhhh thank you! This is supposed to be equal to your Runic Invocation ability modifier.
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Antoine L March 24, 2022 4:29 pm UTC
Sorry to bother you but how do I calculate the "Runic Invocation ability modifier", and what page is it on.
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Taron P March 24, 2022 4:40 pm UTC
It's listed in the class's Runic Lore feature.
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Kai K March 24, 2022 8:45 pm UTC
im fairly certain that its just Intelligence. similar to spell casting, it uses the main mental stat for the class or subclass.
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Alan P March 10, 2022 11:23 pm UTC
Ediqfy grants the spell contagion as a third level spell despite contagion being a 5th level spell.
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Taron P March 10, 2022 11:29 pm UTC
This was corrected in the 1.3 update!
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Alan P March 11, 2022 3:31 am UTC
I'm sorry, I just purchased and the edition I downloaded wasn't the current one. I love the class so far. The druid on the other hand makes me want to put in a BBEG building corrupting standing stones every where returning the land to a more natural state at the expense of large cities.
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Valera G February 26, 2022 9:00 pm UTC
Not really an observation, but a possible idea of a concept, as i enjoy jotun themed subclass, the first stance it has Domination, wouldn't it be more thematic for it to act like stunning strike, i mightve missed the reasoning in the creation streams, but just something i wanted to share, thank you for this product
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Valera G February 26, 2022 1:21 pm UTC
So from the first glance i wanted to verify, is it intentional for Annamm and Grolantor from Jotun rune list to both have the ''turn a failed saving throw, you can choose to succeed instead'' effect
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Logan F February 22, 2022 9:46 am UTC
I do have a question about the Jotun cap-stone feature.
Why do you just end up being permenently large sized?
This might just be me but while I do like the idea of just being large size, most dungeons and most buildings are not made for large creatuers, and personally, on a bit of an asthetic stand point, not everyone might like the idea of just being stuck in this large size. I personally would just rule it that you could turn to large size at will with your bonus action and then have the Huge effect consume your Skilt Krigga use before your next rest. It lets your character actually be able to control their size more without the down sides of being permenetly too big.
Is their something I am missing with this cap-stone feature that I am not understanding?
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Aidan L February 10, 2022 5:09 pm UTC
Some really amazing work here! Just one question: what weapons count as "polearms" in terms of proficiency?
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riley E February 10, 2022 6:11 pm UTC
my best guess, anything covered by polearm mastery.
so glaives, halberds, quarterstaffs and spears.
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riley E February 09, 2022 4:02 am UTC
so 2 things
1. the celestial doesn't have the proficiency ability of the other subclasses. is this intentional?
2. do you, as a rune keeper have to attune to your own runes?
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Taron P February 09, 2022 6:24 am UTC
1.) Thank you for the catch! This will be updated and fixed this weekend.
2.) Yes, if a rune states it requires attunement, you must attune to it to gain its benefits. However, Harmonic Attunement should make that much easier in the second tier of play.
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