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Strixhaven Supplemental Volume I: Course Catalog and Staff DirectoryClick to magnify
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Strixhaven Supplemental Volume I: Course Catalog and Staff Directory


Strixhaven Supplemental Volume I: Course Catalog and Staff Directory is a companion to Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos.  This first volume contains 127 new and unique classes, each with their own punny or humorous name, to offer your players during their time at school. Each class comes with example ideas for DMs to use in terms of homework assignments, lab sessions, and exams as well as associated skill checks and other rolls for DMs to use for roleplay purposes. 

Each class in this book comes with it's own reward.  Using the school setting each player essentially can learn magic like a Wizard without needing to multiclass and gains spells for successfully passing classes.  These spells are meant to be used instead of the spells granted in the new, published backgrounds.

Additionally included are 31 new professors and staff of all manner of races and gender identities, each with their own personalities and backstories.  There are also additional details on the published faculty so DMs have more than two to three sentences to use when building personalities for the published faculty.

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Customer avatar
Tania V February 09, 2023 12:38 am UTC
Hello Alex,
I enjoyed very much the idea of learning spells as class rewards, but I`m confused on how will they work with the different characters. Are those supposed to be a "always memorized spell' or will be just added to spell book or spell list? And what happens if he character isn't a caster? Will he be able to cast each spell once per long rest? It seems to be that the reward benefits non casters more than wizards, for instance.
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Alex C February 21, 2023 4:09 pm UTC
The spells are intended to be "always prepared" spells that do not count against the number of "spells known". They take spell slots as normal. This actually rewards casters more than non-casters. In my own play through as a DM I only have one non-caster player and I've been giving him the spells despite not having innate spell slots. There's an item in volume 3 that still allows him to cast. Additionally, I've been granting him small, single-use/single-turn uses of some abilities. For example, he's a Quandrix Echo Knight and he's able to use Enlarge as a single-turn bonus action to get a bit of extra damage or really pull out a strength check when needed. He also can cast mirror image without needing the spell slot but he only has one image instead of three. Small things like that are still rewarding him without making him a pseudo-caster.
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Kyle G August 23, 2022 9:41 pm UTC
Hi Alex,
Are the spell rewarded supposed to be added to a characters prepared spells (increasing the total number of prepared spells) or their spell list.

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Alex C February 21, 2023 4:11 pm UTC
I'd leave it up the DM. In my own game I'm adding it as an "always prepared" spell that does not count against the number of spells known. This is intentionally causing a bit of spell overload for some of my players but also makes everyone a bit more versatile once they really learn their spell list.

I could definitely see just adding these to their spell list too and allowing them to learn the spell via normal means.
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Pascal G March 14, 2022 12:49 pm UTC
Hi Alex,
Now that i created a digital database of all NPCs including your new professors, i found some more things i want you to know.
1. The cover is missing in 1.9
2. Akhwa is described as "professor of order" even though she is a prismari
3. Most of the Quandrix professors are missing the principles. I'm not sure if Clem is theory or substance for example. In Silverquill on the other hand the principle is something you write much about.
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Mathieu L March 05, 2022 7:02 pm UTC
Just wanted to give a huge thank you for all four volumes of your Strixhaven Supplementals. The adventure was in serious need of restructuring and tuning up and your products have really helped when it comes to adding more flavor and options!
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Marcel S February 04, 2022 11:30 pm UTC
Great Strixhaven supplement, I've been telling people in my Strixhaven group on Facebook about it and posted some links to DMsGuild.
But now, I'm curious-what are the 26 classic monsters? Lol
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Marcel S February 04, 2022 11:49 pm UTC
This is what I came up with:A-Ankheg, B-Basilisk, Beholder, C-Carrion Crawler, D-Displacer Beast, Dragons, Drider, F-Flumph, G-Gelatinous Cube, Githyanki, Gnoll, I-Illithid (Mindflayer), K-Kobolds, L-Lich, M-Mimic, Modron, O-Owlbear, P-Purple Worm, R-Rust Monster, S-Shambling Mound, Slaad, T-Tarrasque, Troll, U-Umber Hulk, V-Vampire, W-Wraith
Only real issue I have is I couldn't really include any Demons/Devils, although I think that should be a whole separate class.
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Alex C February 06, 2022 9:26 pm UTC
These are perfect! I never got around to coming up with a complete list but this one is really well done! I would agree that demons and devils would be separate. And thank you for the feedback and mentioning me!
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Charles F June 05, 2022 8:23 pm UTC
I think you misssed X-Z. X is Xorn, Y = Yeth Hound or Yeti, Z is of course Zombie.
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José S February 04, 2022 4:01 pm UTC
Hey :) I was wondering if I just missed the DCs for passing courses or if they aren't in this supplement. I noticed this because you mention that some courses are quite challenging and thus have a higher DC to pass but I couldn't find said DCs anywhere. Thanks in advance
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Alex C February 06, 2022 9:25 pm UTC
I didn't offer specific ones I don't think because I couldn't decide what was "fair" in my head. So I leave it that part up to you! If you have any suggestions or any comments after playing please let me know!
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Tamara H February 04, 2022 12:15 pm UTC
Hellu, I am writing on a tiny Strixhaven mini-podcast series and I wanted to ask if you would give me your permission to mention stuff (mostly teachers and classes) from your supplement. Of course with a link to the DMsGuild pdf and mention in the description.
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Alex C February 06, 2022 9:24 pm UTC
Sure! I'd love the link too, to give it a listen for other things you mention as I'm starting this campaign with my players here in a few months!
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Javier L January 21, 2022 6:54 pm UTC
Hi! I bought all the volumes, they are great! However, there's a msiteake in pages 15 and 23 of the printer firendly Volume 1 document, where some colums show on the right limit of the page and part of them are left out. Can you confirm if this is just for me or is it general? Thanks and very cool additions again!
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Pascal G January 30, 2022 7:35 pm UTC
Same for me.
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Alex C January 31, 2022 5:27 pm UTC
Hey Javier, sorry about the delay! This should be fixed now with version 1.9! Thanks for pointing this out!
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Alex C January 31, 2022 5:28 pm UTC
Hey Pascal, this should now be fixed! Thank you for bringing it to my attention and my apologies!
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Eike P January 18, 2022 1:09 am UTC
You wrote that one class has the same rewards like Magical Physiologies. I'm unable to find the rewards for the original course. What are they?
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Alex C January 19, 2022 8:19 pm UTC
Hey Eike! Students who ace the various exams in that course get advantage when attacking the creatures from those exams. I think it's chimera, owlbears, and slaadi that are featured in the book.
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Cory V January 09, 2022 11:08 pm UTC
Is there any possibility of getting this in a printer friendly version? Reading this much text on screen is real tough on my eyes! If not I totally get it, from what ive made it through so far its great!
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Alex C January 10, 2022 9:49 pm UTC
Hey Cory! Sorry for my ignorance here but are you not able to just download the PDF and print from there? I'm able to using the same file I've been uploading to DMsGuild.

If you can't, let me know and I can look into sending you copies of the files on Google drive or something!
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Cory V January 10, 2022 11:16 pm UTC
I apologize, I was not very clear about what I meant! For some supplements that ive gotten in the past the creators also had PDFs that were text only since printing off the pages with the stylized background uses up a ton of extra ink. If you dont have those available I understand, thats potentially a lot of work I could be asking you to do! Again, the supplements youve put out for Strixhaven have been a wonderful read and I cant wait to integrate them into my upcoming campaign.
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Alex C January 10, 2022 11:27 pm UTC
Oh I understand now! I'll see what I can make happen tonight!
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Alex C January 10, 2022 11:28 pm UTC
Oh I understand now! I'll see what I can make happen tonight!
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Alex C January 11, 2022 2:02 am UTC
Hey Cory, printer friendly versions have been added for all 4 volumes! Thank you for making me aware of this setting and my apologies that I didn't have a printer friendly upload available originally!
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Cory V January 11, 2022 2:23 pm UTC
Thank you so much for this! I am blown away by how willing you were to respond and add on these really amazing supplements!
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Joshua F January 08, 2022 2:57 am UTC
Quick question; this has both a 1.5 and a 1.6 version available for download, any particular reason?
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Alex C January 08, 2022 3:50 am UTC
Because I forgot to remove the 1.5 version haha. Sorry about that. The higher number is the most recent version. Update notes should be in your library I believe.
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Joshua F January 09, 2022 3:37 pm UTC
Update notes... in library... right. Because I knew that and don't just immediately download everything upon purchase and run away with them cackling with glee as I prep late into the moonlight hours as if I have stolen something. Lol

Thanks for the answer! I figured that was the case but thought there was a chance that the newer update had unreliable material or something.
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Bryen M January 06, 2022 10:40 pm UTC
Hey love the content and am using it actively in my Strixhaen game!

None of the parts of this series allow for a CTRL+F or any other search function, they are formatted in a way that makes trying to find and reference info incredibly difficult and a headache, is there something that can be done about this?
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Brenden R December 27, 2021 1:56 am UTC
Hey I'm loving your Strixhaven stuff! Looking forward to volume 3!

I'm having troubles getting a list of Classes or Extracurriculars in front of my players though. I can't exactly show the players your PDF as it has a bit of DM-only info, however the text of the pdf doesn't seem to be highlightable, so I can't copy/paste the names out of the doc to make a "Course Catalog" for my players. Suggestions?
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Alex C December 27, 2021 3:05 am UTC
Hey Brenden, excellent point! I'll include some player friendly tables and descriptions in an updated version of Volume I tomorrow! Also volume III is nearly completed! Glad you're enjoying things and thanks for the comment!
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Alex C December 27, 2021 4:10 pm UTC
Brenden, this upload is complete! Your library should now contain a version with player-friendly printable handouts!
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Brenden R December 28, 2021 3:53 am UTC
Sweet, thank you so much! I'll def be using this at my table!!

Any chance of getting something similar for extracurriculars?
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Alex C December 29, 2021 2:59 am UTC
Consider it done...because it is! Just uploaded a new version of Volume 4 with a player-friendly chart. And as of tonight Volume 3 is officially published!
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Ty M December 22, 2021 9:10 pm UTC
Hi Alex!

Just wrote a rave review for you because I enjoy your product. As I make my way through Volumes 2 and 4, I'll be back to talk them up as well. Question for you: what changed between 1.3 and 1.5?
Customer avatar
Alex C December 23, 2021 1:28 am UTC
Thanks Ty! In 1.5 I corrected a few grammatical errors and added labs for third-year Witherbloom classes as this was missing.

Thank you for the review! You make some great points! I really wanted to add art but Dmsguild currently does not allow Strixhaven MTG art to be used and im no artist. I'm hoping the funds from sales will be enough to commission art for the new professors and I hope to make those available to folks in the future!

Also it's different pieces of the bigger picture because I eventually want to combine everything I've been working on into one larger collection. I'm just pushing out the different parts as I finish them for folks who are playing the campaign immediately or for people who only want certain things. I'm really enjoying the work so far and I have several interesting ideas for things coming up! Thank you again for your purchase and review!
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Christopher B December 21, 2021 2:45 am UTC
I bought both this Volume I and Volume II (Rulebook). I noticed the updated Course Catalogue v. 1.3 is under the Rulebook updated downloads. Did you consolidate these supplements?
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Alex C December 21, 2021 2:51 am UTC
No, that was not the intention, so thank you for telling me about this. I mistakenly uploaded the file with the updates for Pascal to that title. This has been fixed now. Eventually I will release a cheaper, consolidated version but that's probably a month or so away. I'm hoping to use the initial funds from these sales to commission art for the various professors for folks to use as tokens in their games.
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Pascal G December 19, 2021 9:59 pm UTC

Thank you very much for this! Some of the courses are funny and add more flavor to the campaign.

In the "Third-Year Courses" section, you say students are still required to take at least 1 Lab. But there isn't one for Lorehold, or am i missing something?
Also when you say students may take 4 courses in one year, do you for example take the "Physiologies" (required), 1 College Introduction (required), and 2 additional courses in the first year?
So when it comes to testing would you test in this order?
1. Physiologies+Introduction
2. Physiologies+Course1
3. Physiologies+Course2

Thank you and Regards
Customer avatar
Alex C December 19, 2021 10:23 pm UTC
Hey Pascal, glad you're enjoying the companion! Thank you for catching the missing lab, looks like that made it through editing. The "Hoard of the Rings" and "Dying to Fight Another Day" classes are intended to be the lab offerings for 3rd year Lorehold students. I am working to update the PDF.

For testing you can either split it into 4 different time slots (Physiologies, Introduction, Course 1, Course 2) or, for shorter exams, combine the time slots. Some exams are quick, practical events while others are longer, written exams. Either method works, totally up to you (but I will likely be doing the second method in my own game so my players aren't robbed of their free time).
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