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RMH-05 Unexpected HospitalityClick to magnify
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RMH-05 Unexpected Hospitality


While you were attending to other matters, Alanik dispatched a team of operatives to Barovia.
The team has gone silent, and Alanik fears the worst. You have been tasked with discovering the fate of the lost team and completing their mission.
If you can avoid the attention of Count Strahd von Zarovich, all the better.
The sixth adventure in the Ravenloft: Mist Hunters series of adventures.
An adventure for 5th level characters.


CONTENT WARNING: gore, fur trade (mention)

Reference the Mist Hunters’ Safety Kit article and Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft for tips and tools on running a safe and fun game.

The order of the Misthunters Series:

RMH-EP-01         The Grand Masquerade

RMH-01                Curtain Call

RMH-02                Back to the Front

RMH-03                The Amber Dirge

RMH-04                The Amber Secret

RMH-05                Unexpected Hospitality

RMH-06                Amber Reclamation

RMH-07                The City of Dreams

RMH-08                The Palace of Bones

RMH-09                Deadliest Game

RMH-10                The Scion of Darkness

RMH-11                Calling Upon the Dead

RMH-12                Beneath the New Star

RMH-EP-02         A Dark Lord's Denouement

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Jay A July 07, 2023 3:26 pm UTC
Note for Curse of Strahd DMs: I bought this and the next adventure, Amber Reclamation, intending to incorporate them into Curse of Strahd. My hope was that this might touch upon a town not already explored by 5e's Barovia material, the way the Adventurers League previously introduced Orasnou to the domain, a brand new village. I thought we might get an updated location from 3e, like Krofburg or Immol. Or maybe something really obscure like Jarvinak, which currently is little more than one line in a Ravenloft novel. Instead, the first half of this adventure is set in Krezk, a location familiar to CoS DMs and players. This feels like a missed opportunity.

Although the location itself isn't super exciting for DMs, the adventure does add a few mini social quests you can expand upon in the town if you want to, as well as a smattering of new NPCs. Once you leave the town though, the second half of the story is little more than a "random encounter" style encounter, with a conclusion that personally...See more
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Drew E April 10, 2022 9:41 pm UTC
This story could fit nicely as a setup for a CoS adventure as the four options to enter Barovia in CoS are somewhat contrived. Most DMs like myself setup reasons for individuals to travel to Barovia, but seeking a group would be an added bonus adventure to add to the CoS tale. I read through the previews but the only reason given for the group to go to Barovia is that a group of adventurers was sent to the Amber temple. Sending a group into Barovia would require detailed and extreme reason/need. Who would volunteer for this mission of death without assurance of exit from Barovia or options of success? Is this something that is outlined as part of the plot further in the adventure that I can't see in the previews. A little explanation would help, without giving away the whole cake. I would use this as a stand alone, but the reasons may be embedded in the series, so I apologize if that is the case. Thank you.
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Tish G December 17, 2021 6:54 am UTC
Any chance of a quick/full-size preview for this like the others in the series?
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DDAL Admin T January 01, 2022 4:46 pm UTC
Updated, thank you!
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Giovanni S December 16, 2021 10:42 am UTC
10$ for 28 pages...You must be crazy
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Martine Brandt L December 17, 2021 6:44 am UTC
You think quality can be measured in pages? :D

There's a huge system behind this adventure. Do you expect them to work for free? Besides, this is the fifth adventure with this pice tag, why react now?

No, please, take my money! This is four+ hours of fun for a group of people., and it can be used several times.
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Giovanni S December 22, 2021 10:46 am UTC
So I should assume that these modules are better than CoS itself (250 pages @50$, 0.2$/page vs 0.35$/page of the module).
It should be exactly 75% better than CoS to justify the price tag.
I hope you like being ripped off.
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Jack H December 23, 2021 12:21 pm UTC
Prices don't work like that! CoS was made by a massive company that benefits from economies of scale. While it's highly unlikely this can be said for the creaters of this product. Who also have to pay WOTC 50% of their sales as well. More importantly nobody is forcing you to buy this product! Those who do buy it have obviously decided it is worth the money.

I hope you enjoy your small and entitled world view but I somehow doubt it!
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Ryan B January 24, 2022 6:08 pm UTC
This is a D&D Adventurer's League product. They *are* WotC.
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Daniel C March 03, 2022 5:04 pm UTC
Not exactly. AL is partially controlled by WOTC, but the folks that are admins are not directly controlled by them.

The authors are also not WOTC employees, and while they do get a budget from WOTC and some art from them, as well as some other assistance, I imagine, they're still freelancers that mostly get paid from royalties from these adventures. I don't know the details, I'm not one of the AL authors myself.

And I imagine they still have to pay the DM'S Guild and WotC cuts of royalties, and perhaps even share some of it with their artists and other folks as well.
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File Last Updated:
December 21, 2021
This title was added to our catalog on December 14, 2021.
D&D Adventurers League
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