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Rashemen - Campaign GuideClick to magnify
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Welcome to Rashemen!

In the distant lands of the Unapproachable East, on the edge of Faerûn, stoically stands the cold lands of Rashemen. Far from the Sword Coast, this land is filled with wonder, danger, and endless adventure.

Rashemen is a nation known for its fierce berserkers and the wychlaran, an order of witches who govern with power and wisdom. For centuries, they defended against incursions by the Red Wizards of Thay. The lands hide broken ruins of the fallen empires of Narfell and Raumathar, who destroyed themselves in a conflagration of fiendish and arcane sorcery.

The Rashemen Campaign Guide is filled with exciting new ideas for Dungeon Master’s and players to add to their home games. The book explores locations in and around Rashemen, its history, and the people who thrive in this dangerous land. A collection of monsters lie ready to challenge adventuring parties of any level. Players will discover enticing character options, including new races, classes, backgrounds, feats, and spells.

This book provides all of the setting, story, and character options for those looking to craft adventures in Rashemen. Inside you'll discover:

  • An overview of Rashemen and the surrounding lands
  • A history of events in Rashemen and the faction that influence the region
  • 3 player character races - hagspawn, spirit folk, and taer
  • 9 class archetypes plus 1 full character class - the wychlaran
  • 2 new backgrounds customized for the region
  • 5 new feats including lodge berserker and runescarring
  • 11 new spells wielded by the Witches of Rashemen
  • 11 mundane and magical items from the land of berserkers and witches
  • 10 unique NPCs waiting to help - or betray - adventurers
  • 17 new monsters to cheallenge players, including the Ice Dragon of Lake Tirulag
  • A collection of adventure ideas to create your own campaigns in Rashemen


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Reviews (7)
Discussions (16)
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Matthew B February 07, 2025 11:51 pm UTC
I'm looking through some of the stat blocks and it seems Raustulph shares his base stat block with Chaul, even the CR level, but when I look in the index it seems Raustulph is supposed to be a CR 13 and not 16 like Chaul. This leads me to believe that his statblock is not what it was meant to be.

Would you happen to have what his stats are supposed to be?
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Henrik G November 18, 2024 8:15 pm UTC
In using the book today, I discovered a couple of errors.
Page 27, Paladin subclass features, it says "Oath of Nydeshak Features", when it should say "Oath of Nydeshka Features"

Page 29, ranger subclass has the "Pledge Bonded Conclave Features", but the table contents are copies of the ones from the Paladin subclass.

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Elijah R April 17, 2024 2:15 pm UTC
Hey! Small detail, the Spirit Folk section doesn't mention creature type as far as I'm able to see, and there are races of different types now, so I'm wondering whether the Spirit Folk is fey or humanoid!
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Joe R April 22, 2024 3:33 am UTC
I believe the intent was they would be humanoid, given how few playable races in 5e are currently not humanoid.
fey is a fit thematically, but I'm uncertain if doing so would negatively impact game balance.
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Elijah R December 21, 2023 10:29 pm UTC
Just a quick clarification regarding the following feature:
Place Magic
Starting at 5th level, you are able to draw on the
magic of the land itself to help you cast your magics.
While you are located in Rashemen, you can cast any
wychlaran ritual spell without having it prepared.
Additionally, once per short rest, you can cast
one wychlaran spell you don’t have prepared using an
appropriate spell slot.

It says "Any Wychlaran ritual spell" with no mention of spell level. Then it says "Additionally, once per short rest, you can cast
one wychlaran spell you don’t have prepared using an
appropriate spell slot." That does mention spell level (it limits it to something you have a slot for). Does this mean that one could cast say, Contact Other Plane, a 5th level spell, when the character turns level 5? This doesn't seem particularly broken to me given the class's low spell slot count, but I figured I'd check
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Joe R December 28, 2023 3:35 pm UTC
I'll check with Andrew, our designer for this class. However, if this came up in my home games, i'd rule that the ritual would have to be of a level they could cast. Using your 5th level caster example, they could cast any Wychlaren ritual up to 3rd level, since that's the highest spell level they can cast at 5th.
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Andrew B January 11, 2024 3:56 am UTC
Use this wording for intended result:

"..., as a ritual you can cast any wychlaran ritual spell you can prepare even when you do not have it prepared. Additionally, once per short, you can cast one wychlaran spell you do not have prepared using an appropriate-level spell slot."

They are two separate parts of the feature, but in both cases you must be capable of casting the spell (level-wise" to cast it using the feature.
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Elijah R June 17, 2023 9:48 pm UTC
The "Moment of Calm" channel divinity doesn't state a duration. I'm assuming it only lasts one round?
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Joe R June 21, 2023 12:03 am UTC
That seems reasonable.
I might allow creatures to reroll the save against the effect at the end of their turn -- potentially giving it a longer impact.
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Elijah R June 16, 2023 1:52 am UTC
Since Ed Greenwood worked on this, does that make in canon?
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Joe R June 16, 2023 5:12 pm UTC
Technically it's not officially created by WoTC so I can't claim its cannon. However, Ed's mentioned he supported considering it so in his Pateron discord, so it's as close as you can get to being considered canon.
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Elijah R June 17, 2023 8:48 pm UTC
Ed Greenwood canon is of more concern to me, so thank you! Does this book add new setting info or is it more of a compilation of existing information?
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Joe R June 20, 2023 11:59 pm UTC
We tried to compile elements from previous editions to bring this region of the Realms into 5e. There are new lore to give an idea of whats occurred up to the current 5e timeline.
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Jose B October 01, 2023 7:36 pm UTC
same! Ive decided to pick this up now that its offered in POD!!!
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Jessica B February 05, 2023 1:41 am UTC
The 9 new "Class archetypes" are those subclasses for the 12 base classes of D&D 5th edition?
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Joe R February 07, 2023 4:17 am UTC
Yes. The book has 5e subclasses for artificer, barbarian, bard, paladin, ranger, sorcerer, warlock, and wizard. There's also a new wychlaran class with two two subclass options.
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Sam P June 17, 2022 1:07 am UTC
I have a question regarding a small mistake in the print version (since I don't have the PDF). Is repurpose construct a level 10 or 14 feature? The class table states 10, by the feature itself says 14. Thanks a lot!
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Joe R June 17, 2022 3:10 pm UTC
Thanks for the question Sam! It looks like that typo got passed our reviews. I'm fairly certain the writer intended this to be a 10th level feature. Your chosen praxis later enhances this feature at 14th level -- Protective Construct (Praxis of Tradition) or Personal Guardian (Praxis of Power)
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Charles L January 26, 2022 9:16 pm UTC
Has this file been update from the questions below? You had stated end of OCTOBER, but looks like its not been updated since it was originally uploaded in September.
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Joe R January 27, 2022 5:57 am UTC
Hi Charles. My hope was to have updated the .pdf version some time ago, but unfortunately, life has gotten in the way. I will make it happen in the coming months, but I can't share a target date yet as to when that'll happen.
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Clay L April 17, 2022 5:03 am UTC
Just curious if the updates discussed here have been made? My group is interested in a Physical copy but want to make sure everything has been updated/fixed/clarified first before we do so.
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Joe R April 18, 2022 2:55 pm UTC
Hi Clay. Thanks for your interest in the book. Our .pdf version now includes a separate wychlaran .pdf containing updated/clarified language for the class. My hope would be to update the main .pdf file later this year, but given my current workload seems unlikely to happen for some time. IMHO, most corrections are very minor and do not affect the usability of the volume. The physical copy has not been updated and likely won't be for the foreseeable future. Updating the printed version is a much longer process that requires removing it from the site for an extended period of time.
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Eric W November 03, 2021 4:41 pm UTC
I'm a little confused on the Runescarred. The wording seems like you can only use one of your scars once per long rest. is that correct?
"You cast any spell you have inscribed at its lowest
level. You can cast and concentrate on these spells
while raging. Your rage doesn’t end early if you cast
a spell on your turn. Spells you cast in this way have
a range of self if they didn’t already. You must finish a
short or long rest before using this feature again."

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Joe R November 04, 2021 2:46 pm UTC
Hi Eric @!
Thanks for the question.
As written, the text says "you must finish a short or long rest before using this feature again.", which effectively means once per encounter provided you can take a short rest after an encounter.
Note, you also gain an additional use once you reach 6th level.
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Eric W November 03, 2021 3:09 pm UTC
So glad to see people working on Rashemen. I made a little supplement but it was just the stuff I used in my own game. this is much more comprehensive. thank you.
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JC D October 15, 2021 3:31 pm UTC
Just want to say this book is awesome! Can't wait for your next project Joe
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Joe R October 15, 2021 5:44 pm UTC
Wow! Thanks so much. Hope you enjoy! It was a real pleasure putting this together.
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Krzysztof P October 09, 2021 8:50 pm UTC
Need some clarification for the wychlaran class please!
Bonded recovery specifically states you recover bonded spell slots, then in the example lists recovering 2 level 1 slots as an option even though you never have more than 1 bonded spell slot.
Community bond: the dice size initially only increases if more than 1 wychlaran is in the bond, but then the coven ability increases the dice sizes without specifying that these creatures have to be wychlaran. Is this intended?
Was it a design intention for wychlaran to have the most spells prepared of any class?
The wording on Commanding Channeling is...clunky. So the bonded creatures only get the bonus to damage against targets damaged by someone else in the bond? This makes for odd book keeping. Personally i would just make it a cha bonus to one attack roll each bonded creature makes on its round.
Can a once repurposed construct be repurposed again? In general this feature feels a bit off - you'll either be running around with an incredibly...See more
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Andrew B October 11, 2021 12:25 pm UTC
Hello! Thanks for the detailed questions, I designed the wychlaran mechanics and will provide intentions as best I can:
1. Bonded recovery: you are correct that two first level is not possible, we'll fix the example in next update.
2. The Coven feature increases dice for additional Wychlaran only, this is already on the list of wording fixes for the next update.
3. Re design intent and spells: It is intentional that Wychlaran have access to a lot of magic - they have a huge spell list, and many prepared spells. This is balanced out by them having significantly fewer spell slots and the prepared-spell restriction - they change their prepared spells slower.
4. Commanding channeling: the intent is that each creature adds the damage once to their OWN attack. Will clarify in the next update.
5. Construct, re-purposing same: The intent was that you can't re-purpose the same construct again, although I'm not sure this would be entirely bad. Will clarify this to either be impossible, or...See more
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Jeffrey T October 11, 2021 5:11 pm UTC
Do you know when the next update will be? I would like to get this hardback once it has been updated
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Krzysztof P October 11, 2021 8:59 pm UTC
Hello :)
Thanks for the clarifications! I think my main concern about the construct is that while, yes dispel magic can destroy it, realistically that isn't a spell an enemy would normally use on a construct unless they were specifically aware of this weakness. That and the fact dispel magic isn't exactly a common ability, plus allowing the construct retain its immunities, makes the right construct untouchable for the majority of MM.
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Joe R October 11, 2021 11:38 pm UTC
Hi Jeffrey. We'd targeted promoting an updated .pdf near the end of October. Updating print is more problematic as we'll need to remove the print offerings from the site and go through the full print proofing process again. At the moment, i don't have a timeline for updating the print version and it may be some time before we can make that happen.
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Joe R October 11, 2021 11:47 pm UTC
Hi Krzysztof! You're correct, few monsters in the MM have the dispel ability. However thematically, the wyclaran's most consistent enemies for centuries have been the Red Wizards who frequently have that capability. IMO - tier 3 PCs adventuring around Rashemen have a good probability of having to deal with agents from Thay. However, if you find an ability or stat problematic, I highly recommend changing it to better fit your table's campaign and playstyle.
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Chad L October 03, 2021 4:26 am UTC
This is an incredible product! I could stop right there, but then I'd be forgetting about the incredible writing team (I mean, c'mon---these people are top shelf), the beautiful maps, georgous layout, and material that a DM can mine the hell out of. Keep your eye on Joe Raso...he's making good stuff! Congratulations to the whole team that put this thing into our hands! This isn't easy to do...
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Joe R October 04, 2021 8:53 pm UTC
Thanks so much Chad!!!
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Aarón C September 28, 2021 7:09 pm UTC
I'd like to have a standard color version. Would that be possible? Why Premium only? POD is quite expensive due to Premium color.
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Joe R September 28, 2021 7:46 pm UTC
Hi Aarón. Your right, the premium colour is expense. Our initial thinking was to create as high-quality of a book as possible. Each additional version we offer requires us to invest in proofs for every type, which gets expensive when you don't have a budget. ;o) However, a few folks have requested a cheaper option and we may be looking into offering this in the future, however, I don't have a timeframe for this at the moment.
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Aarón C October 01, 2021 6:24 pm UTC
Thanks for answer. I'll be waiting for cheaper option in the future, then :P
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Joe R October 29, 2021 5:40 pm UTC
Hi Aarón. After a longer than I would have liked delay, we've enabled the standard color softcover version.
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Christopher R September 27, 2021 2:18 pm UTC
Any plans for a Fantasy Grounds version? This is an exciting product.
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Joe R September 27, 2021 5:03 pm UTC
Hey Christopher. Thanks for the kind words!!

I was actually chatting with Trevor at Grim Press on Friday about getting a conversion done. We're in the queue to get it done, however, I don't yet have a timeline for when it might be ready. There's a lot of content so it might take a little bit of time to translate.
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Trevor A September 29, 2021 7:09 am UTC
Hi Christopher,

This title is in the works to be adapted for our favorite VTT! At 175 pages, it will be a bit before it is completed but we'll post an update when it is done. To be notified right away, please consider joining our discord as we announce all new releases there when they drop:

And a shoutout to Joe for working with us to get this amazing product converted!
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Christopher R October 03, 2021 9:13 am UTC
Thank you!
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Wout T October 06, 2021 7:27 am UTC
Excellent news!
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Joe R November 06, 2021 2:35 pm UTC
Hey Christopher! This week Grimm Press released the Fantasy Grounds translation of the book. You can find it here:
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