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Dread Metrol: Into the Mists - An Eberron / Ravenloft CrossoverClick to magnify
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Dread Metrol: Into the Mists - An Eberron / Ravenloft Crossover


Dread Metrol: Into the Mists

Join Eberron setting creator Keith Baker for a journey through the Mists and into the domain of Dread Metrol. Explore one of the greatest cities of Khorvaire—a city now besieged by nightmares.

In this book, Keith creates a bridge between the settings of Eberron and Ravenloft. Trapped in an endless war, Metrol has become a harsh realm where familiar elements take dark turns. In this besieged city, House Cannith crafts soldiers from flesh and steel, House Vadalis supports the wererat secret police... and in the shadows, far more sinister secrets await.

Dread Metrol: Into The Mists provides everything you need to dive into the darkness and explore the city of Metrol, including a starter adventure plus a host of ideas for creating adventures and characters that are deeply tied to the setting. This book can be used to incorporate Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft into Eberron, or you can use it as a standalone setting (no familiarity with Ravenloft required!).

What's Inside?

  • Dozens of pages of new lore on Dread Metrol, including its history, districts, Vermishards, and factions.
  • Statistics for Queen Dannel, ruler of this dark domain.
  • Plot hooks and tables galore to inspire new adventures.
  • The Mastermaker, a new artificer archetype who specializes in rebuilding their own body.
  • "The Mourning After," an adventure by Andrew Bishkinskyi that takes characters from 1st to 4th level; this can be used as the start of an Eberron campaign, or tied through the Mists to an ongoing campaign in any world.
  • High-resolution copies of the maps used in "The Mourning After."
  • Companion 32-page "Player Edition" PDF, allowing DMs to share the setting of Dread Metrol with players—without revealing its deepest secrets.
  • ...and more!

The Domain of MetrolQueen Dannel
The Mourning AfterBurster

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Customer avatar
Liga D September 24, 2024 3:19 am UTC
Does the adventure already have a module in roll20?
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Scott H April 08, 2023 2:39 am UTC
No way to get a physical copy?
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Brandon R October 23, 2022 2:23 pm UTC
Really like this book but a little let down that the maps included don't match up to the grid on Roll20 and it doesn't included any ungridded versions.
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Eran A October 04, 2023 10:17 am UTC
Did you try changing the grid size in Roll20?
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Clover W August 28, 2022 6:27 am UTC
This book and its concept are too cool, it deservers so much more attention then it is getting.
Im currently running a Curse of Strahd game, where one of the PCs was thrown from Cyre 1313 and landed in Barovia. If they succeed and get 'sent home' through the mists im gonna have them end up in Dread Metrol, because im cruel.
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Kristen F February 08, 2022 5:40 pm UTC
Is there any chance of getting a copy for players that doesn't spoil the fact that you're on the demiplane of dread? I want to run a campaign where neither the players nor the characters know, and presume they're still in Eberron - but that's spoiled pretty hard in the player edition... I appreciate that's a significant change, but in the current form I can't use the player edition and would need to copy-paste it into word or similar and edit before sharing this (less pretty) version...
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Esmeralda B January 14, 2022 9:55 pm UTC
Any chance of making this available as POD (preferably hardcover)? I'd really love to add this to my physical collection of books.
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Jay W February 19, 2022 3:48 pm UTC
It would seem not likely sadly because it seems to not have sold as well it to get a POC like Exploring Eberron did.
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Jason B August 23, 2021 11:13 pm UTC
Someone needs to make a Metrol Rations Chit!
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Willem-Frederick T August 01, 2021 2:16 pm UTC
I believe I discovered an error in the book, or at least some clarification would be great! It's in the sample as well, so I hope it's OK if I paste relevant text here.

"A gold piece is only as valuable as a copper piece was before the siege, and a silver is worth only a copper, while a single copper is worth its weight in pre-siege gold."

"Jewelry and other once-valuable goods typically command a tenth of their value, like coins."

The second sentence mentions that coins fetch a tenth their value, which leads me to believe the sentence was intended to read that gold fetches the value of silver, and silver of copper. Should the entry have read "A gold piece is only as valuable as a silver piece was before the siege, and a silver is worth only a copper, while a single copper is worth its weight in pre-siege gold." I further presume this as the sentence doesn't lump gold and silver together, saying they are both worth one copper, but lists them...See more
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Visionary P August 10, 2021 4:17 pm UTC
Thank you! We've addressed that for the next errata.
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James C July 22, 2021 9:04 pm UTC
Will this like some of the other Eberron books be converted to FG? I normally play online and using FG is the best way for me. Also will totally get this when I get paid!
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Visionary P July 24, 2021 3:17 pm UTC
Hi James, we are currently working on an FG conversion. We'll have announcement when it is ready!
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Bruce F August 05, 2021 10:49 pm UTC
I'll keep my eye out for it. I'll snap up the FG version as soon as it's released.
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James C January 15, 2022 8:50 pm UTC
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Brandon R October 05, 2023 6:49 pm UTC
Any ETA on the FG conversion? Would love to pull this in for my Eberron campaign.
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Julien K July 15, 2021 12:10 am UTC
Do they not have this is in physical copy?
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John H May 12, 2023 12:44 am UTC
Purchase and with receipt go to any UPS or FedEx store and have them print and bind it for you, it'll cost extra, but well worth it if you're really needing the physical copy. I honestly think that anything Baker makes should have a supported hard copy option regardless, but... that might just be me
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Chad L July 14, 2021 10:56 pm UTC
Ok this looks amazing! Any thoughts about adding this to fantasy grounds vtt? Think this would be a great addition and would love to talk with you about it! feel free to join the grim press discord at if you have any questions, my name is Engorgio on there.

Thank you
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Jorge G July 14, 2021 10:02 pm UTC
Any info on the grid size of the maps?
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Andrew B July 14, 2021 11:17 pm UTC
Hi, all the maps should be 5-foot grid size.
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Jorge G July 26, 2021 12:40 am UTC
Some ungridded versions would be nice!
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Visionary P July 30, 2021 3:33 pm UTC
Thanks for your comment! Our next update will include those in the maps package.
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Jorge G August 02, 2021 4:37 pm UTC
Thank you so much!
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Zachary L January 13, 2023 3:24 am UTC
Hi Keith, any update on ungridded maps? I'm running this starting next week using roll20. Amazing supplement by the way! So much conflict and lore to sink our teeth into.
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Jordan M November 20, 2023 9:37 pm UTC
That isn't what this user meant. How many pixels across are each grid? The reason everyone is complaining that they can't get the grid to fit is that the grid doesn't appear to be based on a whole number. It's something like 75.5 pixels or something. The grid also doesn't start on the corner of the map, so no matter what grid size it is, it needs to be offset. If I set the grid size to 75, the VTT grid is smaller than the squares on the map. If I set it to 76, the VTT grid is too large. So not only do they need to release a gridless version for people who don't understand grid scaling and just want to overlay their own grid, but you also need to fix the existing grid so that VTTs can actually use it. Right now the only solution I have is to not use a VTT grid and just slide the tokens around manually.
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Chad C July 14, 2021 9:38 pm UTC
Waiting for POD to buy like others!
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Marc C July 14, 2021 4:29 pm UTC
I'm awaiting POD for this one. Sounds enticing!
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Mason H July 14, 2021 5:40 pm UTC
I'll second that. This looks good enough for me to need a hardcopy of this.
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William D July 14, 2021 7:17 pm UTC
Thirded. Hopefully the option gets added.
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William T July 15, 2021 9:28 pm UTC
Fourthed(?), would love a printed version of this.
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Patrick A July 14, 2021 4:18 am UTC
Saw this from Jorphdan and just had to buy this asap. As a premise, this is exactly what I was gonna do with Metrol. Oooooo I'm so excited to read it. Thank you so much for making this Keith. Makes my life so much easier when I have something to base off from and make it my own.
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Visionary P July 14, 2021 3:03 pm UTC
Thank you Patrick! We hope you enjoy the book!
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Patrick A July 15, 2021 4:36 am UTC
I was curious if you guys have thought of other threats that could be coming from the Mists other than the Karranthi. I forgot where I read something about elves showing up but they are rare. I just liked the idea of other armies from the other nations showing up but in a twisted/irregular way.
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Chris S July 14, 2021 2:16 am UTC
Hey Keith! Just purchased and downloaded. Looks awesome! Hope you and Jenn are well!
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Visionary P July 14, 2021 3:04 pm UTC
Thank you Chris!
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