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Aloysius' Guide to Social Acceptance Vol1Click to magnify

Aloysius' Guide to Social Acceptance Vol1


Aloysius' Guide to Social Acceptance Vol 1


Aloysius' Guide to Social Acceptance is a personal passion project to showcase creatures all throughout Dungeon and Dragon's history and allow it's readers the ability to make player characters with such creatures from all across Faerun. Volume 1 will contain old and new races that seasoned adventurers and newcomers to Dungeons and Dragons may have heard of or seen from a glance. If a race has made it's presence known within the Inner Circle of the Great Wheel, then Volume 1 will serve you well in making unforgettable characters. Nearly every bit of content in Aloysius is geared to be Faerun friendly and contain brand new artwork from a large host of artists.



28 New Playable Races

Abeil / Chitine / Cloaker / Equinal / Faerie Dragon / Formian / Galeb Duhr / Gargoyle / Gnoll / Gremlin / Half-Gnoll / Half-Ogre / Hengeyokai / Homunculus / Illithid / Killoren / Magmin / Medusa / Merfolk / Myconid / Ogre / Pixie / Siren / Sphinx / Troll / Verbeeg / Yuan-Ti Abomination / Yuan-Ti Halfblood

5 New Lineages

Ceremorphed / Constructed / Ghost / Skeleton / Zombie

3 New Elf Subraces

Drider / Lamia / Cecaelia

1 New Additional Feature

Enlarge: Turn your Medium sized character into a Large one. Permanently.

4 New Archetypes

Path of the Titanoboa / College of Dance / Worg Master Conclave / The Great Cold Patron


Vol 2 will be coming soon and explore more player race options that reach out into the Outer Circle and beyond!

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Georg T May 04, 2024 8:40 am UTC
30 bucks for a 36-page PDF, and not even a preview to check the contents, seriously!?
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Aidan L October 05, 2022 6:01 pm UTC
Honestly I absolutely love this work, very professionally done with a lot of fun races to play around with. The only issue I see is some balance problems. The one I notice most is the Constructed lineage having advantage on Str and Con saves. Since advantage is effectively a +5 on a roll that's even better than giving proficiency in those two saves which is just insane, especially with how often Con saves come up.
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Andrew R April 19, 2022 12:07 pm UTC
Could use some rebalancing, some races are just too strong, for example warrior formians having an abilitiy that does 1d6+1d4 plus a chance to paralyze all at level one is a bit much. And as written the abiel can fly in medium and heavy armor since it says 30ft of unrestricted flight and only when it mentions light armor to no armor your fly speed just increases 10 feet. So great in concept as always but I would really like a rebalanced version on these features.
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Gabe S January 16, 2022 5:44 pm UTC
Love the book.

There is an error with the Lamia Elf subrace.

It states that get an additional language, which is draconic but then a few lines down they get another additional languages feature and it refers to them as a Yuan-ti abomination.
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James M December 30, 2021 1:10 am UTC
Do you have plans to possibly do a print on demand book? perhaps a combination of part 2 and this on its release if you want to add more value.
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Terry G October 03, 2021 5:02 am UTC
I have a question regarding the "Path of the Titanoboa" subclass: is it deliberate that "Strangle" and "Enemy weapons" do not/cannot deal magic damage? This might only be me but there are a ton of monsters that are immune to nonmagical attacks/damage.
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Florian S September 14, 2021 9:10 pm UTC
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isaac P August 21, 2021 3:20 pm UTC
Looks pretty good, we need more though.
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Patrick W August 20, 2021 5:13 am UTC
Hey hi hello- Not sure if you realize this, but several of the spells on the Expanded Spell List for The Great Cold are actually already Warlock spells, meaning you've only really given them a *slightly* expanded spell list. The spells are: Hold Person, Hallucinatory Terrain, and Hold Monster.

This is actually something I noticed when you first published The Great Cold patron as a standalone supplement, and I was really hoping to see it fixed when I saw that you'd republished it here. Do you have any plans to modify things like this?
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Cory A August 19, 2021 4:03 am UTC
Finally! More playable BUG races other than Mage Hand Press' Skithari race! Also... the backstory behind the Summerbreeze the Siren made me sad, she is a wonderful girl and I will die for her! AHHH~!
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Michael N August 16, 2021 10:41 pm UTC
so if i am reading these right, if you pick the Forman race and worker subclass and the path of the titan boa, you can have the same lifting strength as a gargantuan creature.
Because the work subrace gives.
Incredible Build. You count as two sizes larger when
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can
push, drag or lift.
And path of the titan boa gives
Super Strength
Also at 3rd level, you count as a Large size creature when
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can
push, drag, or lift.
So at 20 strength you could lift 4800 pounds or just over 1 ton
Push, Drag, or Lift. You can push, drag, or lift a weight in pounds up to twice your carrying capacity (or 30 times your Strength score). While pushing or dragging weight in excess of your carrying capacity, your speed drops to 5 feet.

Size and Strength. Larger creatures can bear more weight, whereas Tiny creatures can carry less. For each size category...See more
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Michael N August 16, 2021 10:28 pm UTC
I love these book it has lots of cool playable races and can't wait for more but i do feel the layout could be better
First off i find it hard to read when the text goes across the full page especially on my phone.
secondly some of the pictures are above the information about another race and can be confusing.
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Joseph W August 12, 2021 7:18 am UTC
i got this and love it. i have made a lot of npcs and more with it cant wait for more
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Abby J August 11, 2021 1:38 am UTC
There a few things that I found are weirdly worded or inconsistent.
- for Abeil Servant and Formian Worker's nectar trait, it says "a meal's worth of nourishment for 24 hours." does this mean it acts like how a goodberry nourishes, or does it mean that its only good for 24hours?
- the Chitine's XXX doesn't make it clear how often a creature can remake its saving throw. is it just one more attempt on the next turn or is it at the start of each of its turns that it can try to end it early for the whole minute? There is a similar wording issue on the Medusa's Venomous, the Mycanoid's Spore Cloud, . similarly, the Medusa's petrifying gaze does not mention if a second failed save is what finishes petrification and turns the creature to stone, so a clarification would be nice.
- Galeb Duhr's natural armor says "starting" AC instead of natural AC. this wording doesn't really make sense and need to clarify that this is your AC when not wearing armor. This is a similar issue with...See more
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Christopher Z August 12, 2021 7:49 pm UTC
An update will be made to address most of this issues as much as possible, but most importantly the Spectral Owl Feature.
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Thomas J July 29, 2021 5:13 am UTC
Heard this has a lot of errors.
Good to see you decided to make a compendium collection of your's and others works.

150 races total between 3 books? That's a massive amount.
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Jared M July 22, 2021 8:45 pm UTC
Just spotted the Faerie Dragon is missing it's language proficiencies even though the Pseudodragon Variant is not.
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Christopher Z July 22, 2021 9:14 pm UTC
Thanks for that, making a fix as we speak.
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