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The Withering of RothsvilleClick to magnify
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The Withering of Rothsville


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The small village of Rothsville is little more than a cluster of buildings built within a tiny vale in the woods. Wisps of mist cling to the tops of the scrawny trees that surround the buildings. 

This product provide a short one-shot about infectious vampires—withered vampires—which carrry a deadly plague, contaminating all folks from the little hamlet of Rothsville. You also get a gazeteer for the hamlet in case you want to use Rothsville to preface the adventure, or to use it in a standalone format, outside of the adventure.

The adventure is designed for four characters raning from 5th to 7th-level and is focused on the exploratio and combat pillars.

What's included?

A beautifully laid out 18-page PDF containing amazing artwork and:

  • Rothsville gazeteer
  • The adventure
  • 1 new creature
  • Roths map with 16 variations, from mist, rain, bright, night, no roof and other kinds of versions
Map Preview

Rothsville Map
Rothsville Map No Roof

Feedback or comments on the adventure are most welcome!

The Team

The product was written by NeverNotDMChristian Zeuch and Jeremy Forbing. The editor was Matthew Wulf. Christian Zeuch managed the project, created the maps and the layout.

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Discussions (4)
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John D October 17, 2023 3:00 am UTC
How long would you say this one-shot is supposed to take to complete?
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Brian B June 04, 2023 12:02 pm UTC
FYI: This is a village, not a hamlet. A "hamlet" is defined specifically as not having its own place of worship, usually due to its small size. This place contains a church.
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Christian Z August 18, 2023 2:20 pm UTC
Tks for the heads up, I wasn't aware.
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Job G August 23, 2022 9:15 pm UTC
Hello I had a question about the ruling on the monster. The specific oneshot monster I will not name (no spoilers) but in the claw attack it states "the target must succeed on a DC 12 Con saving throw or be infected with the Withering". What does this mean though mechanically ? Are they turned when they go unconscious as part of the curse ? Do they get the weaknesses already described with herbs and sunlight ? Do they just roleplay feeling constantly hungry ?
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Christian Z August 24, 2022 2:20 am UTC
Hi Job! There's a sidebar about it on page 10. Does that help?

Mechanically, it means:

"While cursed, the
creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw every 24 hours or gain a level of
exhaustion that cannot be removed except by
magical means. When the cursed creature dies,
they rise a minute later as a withered vampire."
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Job G August 24, 2022 1:07 pm UTC
Hello Christian, that does help a lot indeed. Had been reading it last night prior to sleeping and had forgotten the sidebar where it was mentioned when looking at the monster stats. Thanks :)
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Christian Z August 24, 2022 1:50 pm UTC
All good! Hopefully you and your players will have a good time with this one :D
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Rory C June 08, 2021 1:07 pm UTC
There appears to be stairs in the Petselkey and Petrovka hames as well as the general store but no indication of an upstairs map(s) or mention of it in the adventure.
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Christian Z June 08, 2021 1:38 pm UTC
Hi, yes, this was intended. The map already has 6 interior maps within it and it would be tough to fit nd floors. However, if you notice via the shape of the roof, you'll see that the 2nd floor is usually just a room or attic.
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Rory C June 08, 2021 1:47 pm UTC
I Had that feeling i was just wondering as i tend to have players who want ot go EVERYWHERE and check everything out this way i can figure something out.
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Christian Z June 08, 2021 1:47 pm UTC
Thanks for asking!
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File Last Updated:
May 14, 2021
This title was added to our catalog on May 14, 2021.