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“I cast Sharknado!”       

                                                                                                     ~Haravard the Wereshark

Included in Adventures in Ravenloft:

  • Introduction on Ravenloft and the Adventures

    • A brief overview on the Domains of Dread.

    • Short summaries on each of the advenutres.

  • Ten Adventures set in the Domains of Dread

    • Each adventure set in a different Domain of Dread

    • The adventures are all designed for four to six players of a variety of Adventure Tiers.

    • All with unique art. 

    • Five authors wrote two adventures each, providing a vast array of adventure styles.

  • 26 Magical Items

    • Rewards and treasures 

  • 26 New NPCs

    • Custom NPCs for each adventure

  • 1 New Spells

  • 25+ Maps

    • DM & Player battle maps for the adventures

    • ZIP file containing all maps, in both gridded and non-gridded versions





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Job G June 28, 2022 12:57 pm UTC
I was curious about the maps. There are nice maps added in these adventures but in the zip file these maps are in no way related to the ones used in the adventures. Is this intentional or do I just have a bugged version of maps that are not applicable to this setting ?
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Aaron G June 28, 2022 6:23 pm UTC
I have no idea what happened. Those are not the correct maps. I've re-uploaded the correct file. Try re-downloading it. It should contain all the maps for the adventures in both gridded and non-gridded formats.
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Aaron G June 28, 2022 6:29 pm UTC
Not sure why, but having some issues uploading a correct file now. Even after I delete the old file and upload a new one, only the Old file is available for download, so I'm going to try to rename the file and upload it as "" and see if this antiquated website complies ... sorry for the troubles.
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Job G June 30, 2022 7:17 pm UTC
Thanks a lot for this response and for uploading the correct maps this time, hopefully the issue will be resolved for further customers. These ones work! Maps looking good :)
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Aaron G June 30, 2022 7:28 pm UTC
I'm really surprised it took more than a year for someone to notice the maps in the .zip file didn't match the maps in the PDF, lol

Thanks for letting me know!
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Jack L March 12, 2022 3:51 am UTC
Yo, is this compatible with 5e?
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Aaron G March 12, 2022 5:58 am UTC
Yes. As a general rule, everything on DMsGuild is compatible with 5E unless it specifically says otherwise. And only WotC can post products for previous editions.
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Brandon S July 27, 2021 7:27 pm UTC
Out of curiosity, what domains are featured?
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Aaron G July 27, 2021 8:36 pm UTC
They're in the sample in the ToC, but ... Barovia, Bluetspur, Falkovnia, Har'Akir, Lamordia, Forlorn, Markovia, Aggarath, Saragoss, and Sri Raji
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Rory C June 14, 2021 12:51 am UTC
Found a couple of errors with Cheri.

On multi attack it states Cheri makes three melee attacks: two with her psi knives and one ranged if a target is available. is it 3 melee attacks or 2 melee and a ranged?
Psi Knife 4d6+5 is 19 not 21 on both melee and ranged

Clockwork Guard

Halberd 1d10+3 is 8 average not 9

Clockwork hound

XXX 1d6+3 is 6 damage not 10
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Rory C June 14, 2021 1:16 am UTC
Actually got a couple more for you, ill take note and once i have all the monsters done ill do them in one shot
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Aaron G August 17, 2021 9:24 pm UTC
Rory, I saw your low review and I'd very much like to fix the list of errors. I'm not sure where you sent them or to who, but if you could send the list you made to me that would be great!

You can either join our Grim Press Discord =
And then contact me directly PM me the list.
Or e-mail the errors to me =
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Rory C May 14, 2021 8:33 pm UTC
SOOOOOO happy to get this, couple of thjings that i would like/change is

Add the Adventure Levels on the contents sorry but first time looking through

On the pdf i know on the contents page you have the start pages to the adventures hyperlinked but having them tabbed would be easier so i dont have to go back each time to get to a sepcific adventure.

Not a big deal in all honesty but looking forward to running some of them in upcoming Ravenloft Games
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Aaron G May 14, 2021 8:36 pm UTC
Thanks so much for the praise!

I'll see if there is room to add the adventure levels on the ToC. It's tight for space there, so it might not be possible.

The PDF was built in Homebrewery. I can maybe load it up in another PDF program and add tabs/bookmarks, but I'm not sure. I've personally never tried that. But I'll give it a try.
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Rory C May 14, 2021 8:43 pm UTC
awesome thanks

also it states above that there are 26 magic items and 1 new spell but no appendix for them so trying to figure out where they all are
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Aaron G May 14, 2021 8:46 pm UTC
The magic items are in the adventures right where they are found by the players. Same with the one spell, when it gets used by the boss Haravard the Wereshark or found after the fight.

I thought about adding an appendix just for the magic items, and I might still do that in an update, but I didn't want to artificially pad the page-count, because I know a lot of people judge how much a book should cost based on how many pages they get for the cost.
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Rory C May 14, 2021 9:01 pm UTC
thats cool I found the spell its nice and a few of the special magic items i was just wondering was all.

Now sorry to be a pain but reading the monsters both wereshark and werepanther the attcks can cause lycanthropy i know with the main forms all have specific things to them like a min strength is that something that is left to the dm or is there a plan for weresharks and werepanthers (I already have were bats and werecrocodiles and have a player asking to be a werehippo)
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Aaron G May 14, 2021 9:09 pm UTC
One of the "gaps" of 5E is that there really aren't any comprehensive rules for Lycanthropy. In the Monster Manual, the same blurb that talks about how a PC changes from lycanthropy also offers the option that PC's succumbing to lycanthropy possibly becoming NPCs under the DM's control. There are several variations of homebrew rules for PC lycanthropy out there on the 'net ... weresharks and werepanthers included.

And now that you mention it, I want to be a werehippo too! I mean, if I'm going to be a deadly half-animal, I want to be the deadliest half-animal I can be, and hippos kill more humans than any other animal on Earth :D
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David L June 28, 2021 11:07 pm UTC
Depending on which list you check (because they vary a little from site to site), and assuming you aren’t counting creatures that spread disease, (or humans), your hippo is the MAMMAL that kills more humans on earth (although, some sources tie them with elephants, and others say elephants kill more.) Roughly 500 people per year.

Other non-disease carrying animals that kill more than that are
Crocodiles 1000 per year
Scorpions 3250+ per year
Snakes 100,000+ per year
But those aren’t mammals, if that’s where your focus was.

And of course, animals that spread disease kill from 10 times more (like dogs with rabies, 35000+) to 100 times more or higher (various snails and insects like mosquitoes at 750,000+ per year.)

Cripes! What if mosquitoes spread lycanthropy??
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Darryl L June 28, 2021 11:14 pm UTC
Maybe that's what Stirges are?
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Aaron G June 28, 2021 11:28 pm UTC
If Stirges are Weremosquitos, then my new headcannon is that Kobolds are Weredragons :D
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James L October 19, 2021 4:05 am UTC
Mmm.. that's because they published one of the legends about becoming a werewolf back in.. AD&D 1st.. if I recall? One of the main 3rd party publishers.. probably Frog God.. published the other main one. Then it was in Dungeon Magazine about how one legend had stuff about drinking rainwater out of a wolfs paw in the full moon moonlight, and all of the other various legends. Then TSR just said 'Nope.' and refused to publish the other versions.. so there never was a comprehensive thing done on Lycanthropy. Of course a few years later Vampire the Masquerade and Werewolf came out, so anyone who wanted to play werewolves went that route. Pathfinder 1st Edition DID publish a comprehensive Lycanthropy manual at some point. Two, if I recall.. You could always reference one of those as a D&D 3.5 Ed. version, then convert that to 5e. Messy, I know, but it's A solution. Be wary of modern takes on Lycanthropy, some of the homebrew stuff I've seen leaves it WIDE wide open for player abuse.
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James L October 19, 2021 4:09 am UTC
Sorry, but I have to call B.S. on your numbers. Rabies is extremely rare these days. Mange is making a comeback. (Chupecabra flavored raccoons anyone?) Hard pressed to find even a rabid skunk these days. I'm going to have to ahead and ask for a source for those numbers. ;)
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Rory C October 29, 2021 9:45 pm UTC
Oh I just found a werehippo and also rules for Player Characters as Werehippos....
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