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Welcome to the second chapter of the Eren Chronicles!

The Journey of the Godslayer is a complete compendium for Dungeons & Dragons 5e that deals with divine beings, their powers and those who rise up to defy them. Through its pages, you will discover all that you need in order to create unique campaigns against the almighty Gods and their followers. It is easy to use, designed in a way that allows each chapter to be employed as a standalone or combined into an epic adventure.

Built around 12 different Divine Domains, the book includes:

  • A unique concept of Seven Sacred Seals, that detail the path to defeating a deity and serve as a campaign's milestones.

  • More than 100 unique Offerings, Sacrileges, Blessings and Banes, designed for deities of each domain.

  • A supplementary Influence Point system, to help quantify devotion and heresy.

  • 17 Theurgy (10th level) spells, that put the power of the Divine into perspective.

  • 12 Archtemple concepts, devised to shelter all possible faiths.

  • 12 Divine Artifact items that feature unique effects and can help bridge the power gap between God and mortal.

  • 12 Divine Avatar monsters (CR 22+) with built-in Fatal Flaws, capable of representing the deities in combat.

  • 12 new Character Subclasses, combining all the existing classes with flavor from the divine domains.

  • Plenty of engaging lore and original artworks to inspire you.

We sincerely hope that you enjoy its every single page!

Kind regards,
the Eren Chronicles

Sample pages:

Chapter 1 Chapter 4

Divine Avatars:

Forge Domain Grave Domain Protection Domain

Character Subclasses:

Forge Domain Trickery Domain

Walk the path less travelled;
a Godslayer's path.

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Reached the Best Copper Seller Award within 24 hours,
the Best Silver Seller Award within 48,
and the Best Gold Seller Award a month after its release.
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Reviews (3)
Discussions (11)
Customer avatar
Simon M November 28, 2024 5:57 am UTC
Main downside to this book is that the statblocks are images so you have to manually type them to Roll20 or other platforms instead of being able to copy paste
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Owen J October 23, 2023 11:37 pm UTC
Really loving the stuff in this book, I bought it some time ago and I'm finally getting around to reading it and it is amazing! That being said, I had a few questions about the Artificer subclass. The 'Lightning Pulse' ability reads like it's a reaction, but it doesn't say you need your reaction to use it, so is it just free lightning damage/extra healing whenever you or the orb heals someone? Additionally, don't Artificers get spells from their subclass?
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George S October 28, 2023 6:24 am UTC
Hello Owen,

Thank you for taking the time to express your love for the book!
Regarding your questions:

Yes, Lightning Pulse is not a reaction. During testing, it proved that due to healing coming from limited spells or abilities, its trigger was not that often that it warranted also spending your reaction on it.

All Artificer subclasses gain spells usually yes, however we opted to omit them following the trends some other subclasses use (where it's optional). This tradeoff helped us balance the rest of the abilities offered by the subclass. Each table however has its own balancing, and if you feel they are missing from your tale you can always homebrew some additional spells (Alchemist and Armorer are good selections for this) without changing the balance too much.

Hope this helps, and best of luck adventuring!

Kind Regards,
George of the Eren Chronicles
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Steph A April 27, 2022 5:57 pm UTC
Does this book contain any God vs. God material or just mortal vs. God? Does it cover the Gods of Faerun?
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Nicos O May 02, 2022 12:23 pm UTC
Hello Steph and apologies for the late reply,

The book mainly entails the strife of mortal versus the Gods. That said, its contents revolve around the 12 divine domains, rather than a particular patheon or the Gods of a single setting, making them applicable to the divine entities of any campaign. What may be of use to you in a God against God scenario could be the 12 divine avatars included in it, which you could easily pit against one another.

If you are sceptical on whether to purchase this book or not, I'll be happy to send a complimentary copy to you so that you can see for yourself if it suits the needs of your story. If it does, you could always come back and purchase it at a future time! In case you would like that, send me a message with your e-mail address through our Facebook page with the name: The Eren Chronicles.

Kind regards,
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Edward W March 19, 2022 2:24 am UTC
Is there a Print on Demand planned?
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Nicos O March 19, 2022 10:16 am UTC
Hello Edward,

Thank you for your interest! A Print of Demand submission has been sent to the OneBookShelf team for review. We understand that they may have a lot of such to handle at this point, the process might take a while. So, we are patiently waiting to see if ours will be accepted :)

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Alex H December 06, 2021 5:16 am UTC
I just bought this and was looking at the different stat blocks, there seems to be mention of creatures but no stats for them. For example one of Aeteria's abilities reads "Aeteria manifests an Arcane Devourer in an unoccupied space within 60ft for 1 minute. She then casts a Conjuration spell from her list. Only up to 2 Arcane Horrors may exist at a time." But I can find no explanation for what an Arcane Devourer or Arcane Horror is, am I missing it somewhere?
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Nicos O December 06, 2021 12:56 pm UTC
Hello Alex,

Thanks for your comment! Regarding your question, Aeteria's ability refers to the ''Arcaneling'' statblock, featured at the bottom of the same page. The conflict is caused due to a typographical error on my part.

Apologies for the inconvenience! Since the entire book has been created, edited and reviewed by three people in total, some details may be off here and there. I've discovered and noted a few during the last couple of months. I am in the process of fixing them all in an updated version, which I will upload within the next week, about the same time as our new title's release. You will receive a relevant notification at your registered e-mail by DMsGuild, in order to download it.

With appreciation,
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Alex H December 06, 2021 2:00 pm UTC
Awesome! Thanks for the quick reply Nicos! I want you to know the book is amazing, and my players are currently in an epic level el campaign to kill all the gods using your Influence system and it's been great. 14/10 will use many times!
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Nicos O December 06, 2021 2:39 pm UTC
That's so great to hear Alex, thanks for your kind words!

If you'd like, you can follow our content creator's page on facebook. We'd love to hear of your campaigns receive more community feedback!

All the best,
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Wesley N August 05, 2021 5:20 pm UTC
You can create your own scenery... It would be awesome
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Jean-Paul S July 24, 2021 10:51 am UTC
I know I am asking a biased crowd, however would this suppliment be helpful in a "ragnarok" or "end times" style campaing when the old world is coming to and end, and ushering in a (possible) new world with new powers and dieties. I really want my players to run through the end times.

Thanks in advance.
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Nicos O July 24, 2021 1:19 pm UTC
Hello Jean-Paul,

The book details the struggle of the mortal kind against the will of cruel deities. It goes in depth as to what their powers are and how they impact the material world. Therefore, apart from how to defeat a deity, it contains a lot of inspiration on how to roleplay the will of a deity itself on such a campaign.

If you'd like to tell me your email, I'll be happy to send you a complimentary copy of the book to see for yourself if it suits your needs or not. If it does, you can always come back later and purchase it :)

Hope that helps!

Kind regards,

Customer avatar
Jean-Paul S July 24, 2021 3:18 pm UTC
Hi Nicos,

With this level of care and attention from the creator, I have gone ahead purchased this suppliment as a show of support. Many thanks for the quick and helpful reply and I am sure I will find this suppliment to be as good as everyone says it is.

Best wishes,
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Nicos O July 25, 2021 7:24 am UTC
Hello Jean-Paul,

Your comment has made my day, thank you for your trust. I sincerely hope that you enjoy the book!

If you'd like, you can keep in touch with our community through our content creators' page on Facebook. You can find us by looking for a group under the name ''Eren Chronicles''.

All the best,
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Austin T July 02, 2021 3:11 am UTC
Hey, this is some quality work and I am using this as the backbone for plotting my homebrew campaign. I just have a quick question:

In chapter one under the "To Kill A God", section it states, "The Godslayers may choose among the above options based on their initiative order during their combat encounter, starting from the character who delivered the killing blow. Should their choices be yielding conflicting results, allow the characters to decide the outcomes amongst themselves."

If I understand this correctly, immediately after the combat ends with defeating the avatar, each character can choose one of the available options, "wonder, Oblivion, Banishment, Imprisonment, Sainthood or Godhood". Collectively, the group must come to a consensus and select ONE outcome, correct? Or in the case of Wonder and Sainthood, each character can choose these options individually?

Clarification is much appreciated. :)
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Nicos O July 02, 2021 9:38 am UTC
Hi Austin, very glad to hear that you are enjoying the book!

So, onwards to your question! The quick answer is that each character is meant to make their own choice individualy, as each of them is being given the same opportunity at the moment of the deicide.

Let's delve into more detail now. This is a concept that has been presented in a vague manner on purpose. While Banishment and Imprisonment highlight the ultimate defeat of the enemy deity, the rest of the options represent the pinnacle of each character's personal developement. They stand as the final outcome of their own journey and a question like ''if you could do anything, what would you do''. For each of them, this is a unique way to accomplish a great aspiration that could never be made possible through any other means. So, a character that fell in love with a celestial creature may ascend to Sainthood just to be together with them, a character that comes from a land that has greatly suffered by the deity's influence may...See more
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Austin T July 02, 2021 6:56 pm UTC
This answers so much and has helped a lot! Thank you so much! I'll be sure to tell you how things turn out in a year or so haha!
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Nicos O July 06, 2021 12:43 pm UTC
Looking forward to that, Austin!

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Team T June 10, 2021 4:41 pm UTC
I think this would make a fantastic product for the Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop. If you search my name (Rob Twohy) here on DMs Guild you can see we've done this over 400 times. We offer this service at NO COST. It will be more exposure for your product and a new audience as well. Feel free to contact me in Facebook Messenger ( and I will explain how it all works.

ThanX for your consideration.
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Nicos O June 15, 2021 8:57 pm UTC
Hello Rob,

Thank you for reaching out!
I'm afraid that there are no plans for a conversion currently. If anything changes in the future, we'll make sure to contact you.

Best regards,
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PANAGIOTA K May 05, 2021 10:10 am UTC
Remarkable work from the author and the artists aswell. Congratulations!!
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Chad L April 30, 2021 7:33 pm UTC
Hi there! Any thoughts about adding this to fantasy grounds vtt? Think this would be a great addition and would love to talk with you about it! feel free to join the grim press discord at if you have any questions, my name is Engorgio on there.

Thank you
Customer avatar
Nicos O May 01, 2021 11:49 am UTC
Hello Chad! Thanks very much for the offer and the opportunity :)
We will consider it and come back to you soon!

Kind regards,
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