| Acererak's Guide to Lichdom Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $2.50 Format: PDF
Discover the secrets of liches from the greatest lich of all: Acererak. Its words were instrumental in the making of this 31 page manuscript.
Keep reading to discover:
- 40 new actions and traits.
- 4 unique liches ready to be the next great villain of your campaign.
- 2 new monsters and 1 new NPC.
- The Baelnorn: a neutral elven lich that uses necromancy to protect the clan.
- 2 new magic items.
- 5 new traps.
- 2 detailed maps of lich lairs.
- 30 images of the highest quality, laid out by a highly skilled specialist.
- Hypertext links used in the Table of Contents and throughout the manuscript.
Marco Bertini & Marco Fossati
We reached the Platinum Medal! Thanks so much for the enthusiasm!
We have released the updated version 1.2 with some corrected errors!
| Alcohol & Drugs Regular price: $2.95 Bundle price: $1.48 Format: PDF
Bring drugs and alcohol back into Dungeons and Dragons through this new version of the supplement, with a complete makeover!
1) Introducing the Intoxicated Condition for Dungeons and Dragons, and how to get there!
2) In Alcohol and Drugs you will find Over 40 examples of: Beer, Champagne, Cider, Liquor, and Wine
3) Rules for Alcoholic Potions 7 Magical and Wondrous Alcohols
4) Over 25 examples of drugs, Drug addiction, recovery, and overdose.
You can find Fantasy Grounds version here
Other authors' titles:
| Bizarre Hag Trinkets Regular price: $2.00 Bundle price: $1.00 Format: PDF
"A knick of magic, and a knack of alchemy, and... Oh, sorry my dear. After you said you don't want to trade. My mind wandered off to all the great things I could make out of you. You see, I don't intend to go empty handed, even if you don't want to trade. Hahaha..." - Arissa Mirthkettle, Night Hag
Hags are one of the most iconic creatures of D&D. They are old, scheming and extremely knowledgeable, but - most importantly - careful not to waste their immortal life. While their lore allows for tremendous roleplay potential which almost guarantees interesting social encounters, their statblocks are rather simple. Without preparation and creativity, a fight against them can feel lackluster because it misses their flavor of personality which stands out so strong normally.
Hags use their l...
| Inquisitor's Guide Regular price: $1.95 Bundle price: $0.98 Format: PDF
| "Bertini’s Inquisitor’s Guide is 15 pages long for $1.95. That’s a very fair price if you’re interested in this type of character or the campaign in which this type of character will thrive. That’s less than a cup of coffee. I give this book 5 iron maidens out of 5." Temple of the Bat-Faced God. You can find the complete review here: https://templeofthebatfacedgod.home.blog/2019/05/14/review-inquisitors-guide/?fbclid=IwAR1RBnFIUyA_pz5dWVQlySHfTc6gh4lV2gFHJb6ImwKBdCtUWshloV4IiYc
The Inquisitor's Guide
In this supplement, suitable for any setting and adaptable to "The Second Black Dawn", you will find:
- New rules for torture and extracting information
- 11 instruments of torture (some previously unpublished, some adapted from the D&D 3rd Edition Book of Vile Darkness)
- 1 new paladi...
| Of Warlocks & Patrons Regular price: $7.95 Bundle price: $3.98 Format: PDF
Print On Demand is finally available, with softcover, a new layout and updated version!
This volume aims to investigate the relationship between warlocks and their patrons, from the relationship's inception to the myriad developments that could occur during a campaign.
Inside you will discover:
- Chapter 1: Relationship Between Warlocks and Patrons, which explores Backstory, Purpose, Methods, Connections, Communication Channel, and Repaying Debts with the help of 21 tables.
- Chapter 2: New Patrons. The Elemental Lord, a powerful being from the Elemental Planes (there are 4 different patrons for each element: Air, Water, Earth, and Fire), and The Spirit, an ancient and powerful spirit of the dead.
- Chapter 3: 20 New Eldritch Invocations.
- Chapter 4: 2 New Backgrounds. The Ch...
| The Complete Hag Regular price: $14.95 Bundle price: $7.48 Format: PDF
The Fantasy Grounds version is available here CREATURES AS OLD AS EVIL
Hags are as varied and complex as humanoids, but they are, with few exceptions, evil. Inside The Complete Hag you will read about their fears, superstitions, worship, strange creations, rituals and how they use the moon’s power for their own goals. The Complete Hag expands the existing D&D canon to 143 pages of history, lore and inspiration. This work can be used for Tier I to Tier IV+ campaigns. This work will not shy away from their evil appetites, goals, or schemes. Inside, you will find:
- 36 new magic items split between hag gifts and hag weirds - New rules and tables for a legendary potion of mutation - Witch fingers, macabre talismas to boost a spellcaster’s power. But there is a price to pay - 26 new sp...
| The Complete Hag Annex I Regular price: $3.95 Bundle price: $1.98 Format: PDF
More Lore and Flavor for Hags!
This first Annex builds upon, but can be used without, The Complete Hag. Inside are ways to personalize each hag’s magical attacks and spells, specifics for Auntie and Grandmother Dusk Hags, more powerful variants of Morgantha and Mad Maggie, Hag patrons and 100 tchotchkes.
Inside you will find:
- 10 Magic themes
- 3 New spells
- 5 New magic items
- 5 New creatures
- Hags as character patrons
- 100 tchotchkes
- Supernatural plants and fungi and cyanide harvesting
- Optional rules for the fey and iron (or cold iron) allergy
CONTENT WARNING: This work contains mature content and is not intended for children. Inside it, you can find: Alcohol, Addiction, Blood, Drug Use, Eating a Sentient Creature, Erotic Behavior, Horror, Insanity, Irrational Behavior...
| The Second Black Dawn Regular price: $7.95 Bundle price: $3.98 Format: PDF
"The FANTASY GROUNDS version is now available!"
"The ROLL20 version is now available!"
"This adventure is written in an excellent manner, full of engaging narrative elements and with great care to detail. I find the narrative intertwines perfectly with the combats to create a good balance of story beats, without the presence of empty encounters. Personally, I consider this adventure to be of better quality than the Starter Set." Filippo M.
"This adventure is an excellent snag for anyone looking to grab a newer and more mature intro to D&D. As I was reading it, I kept getting feelings of Warcraft II, Diablo, Wheel of Time, The Black Cauldron, and other classical fantasy books and video games. With excellent layout, well-balanced combat and roleplay encounters, and a cast of ...
| The War for the Throne Regular price: $9.99 Bundle price: $5.00 Format: PDF
Following the platinum best-selling adventure The Second Black Dawn, a new, exciting adventure is finally available!
Defeat the encroaching evil
A city burns, occupied by cultists of a dark sect, ravenous undead, and bloodthirsty brigands. The plan to unleash the Second Black Dawn has now come to fruition and the apocalypse is at hand. Race through a city on fire, investigate a mysterious dark sect, search for clues, and prepare for the ultimate battle against the forces of evil in this dark fantasy adventure providing over 30 hours of gameplay!
Main Features:
- A 63-page adventure with excellent attention to detail, incorporating the style and graphics of the official Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition products. - A gripping and dark-themed campaign providing over 30 hours of gameplay...
| Undead Monsters Regular price: $4.95 Bundle price: $2.48 Format: PDF
This volume introduces a bunch of new undead monsters, either brand new or from previous editions, ready to be used in any campaign.
Inside you will discover:
- 21 new monsters and stat blocks
- 22 beautiful arts
If you are looking for the Fantasy Grounds Version - click here.
If you are looking for the ROLL20 Version - click here.
Other authors' titles:
| Volo's Guide to Ghosts Regular price: $3.95 Bundle price: $1.93 Format: PDF
In this guide, we will report all that we have learned from Volo about ghosts. He has assured us that he has personally witnessed most of the information herein, while the rest come from verified sources.
In this supplement you will find:
- Tables to give different origins, appearances, and anchors to your ghosts
- New Actions and Traits for your ghosts
- Help with communing with spirits: different types of mediums, how to find them, and how to play a medium as a character
- 4 New Ghost NPCs: The Hound, The Twin Sisters, The Wizard, and Captain Jonny Pitton
- A Ghost Ship: The Misty Devil and its crew
- Hypertext links used in the Table of Contents and throughout the text
- 28 images of the highest quality, laid out by a highly skilled specialist
"You can find The FANTASY GROUNDS...