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EB-14 From Dust



Deep beneath Metrol, the Order of the Emerald Claw is excavating the ruins of a haunted daelkyr sanctuary. Sulring Mroranon knows a sage who can provide vital information about the dig site, but there's a catch — they've not been seen for over a century. Optimized for APL 14, this is the first in a trilogy of adventures, the Engines of War storyline.

Welcome to the Oracle of War campaign, a new 20-part standalone story for the D&D Adventurers League! You can play this adventure as part of your own Eberron: Rising from the Last War campaign, or as part of the Oracle of War organized play campaign. While this campaign runs under the umbrella of the Adventurers League, it utilizes different rules. You can familiarize yourself with these unique campaign rules by checking out the Oracle of War Player's Guide and Oracle of War DM's Guide, found in the D&D Adventurers League Players Pack.

Find other adventures in the Oracle of War campaign here

EB-01 The Night Land

EB-02 Voice in the Machine

EB-03 Where the Dead Wait

EB-04 The Third Protocol

EB-05 A Century of Ashes

EB-06 The Last Word

EB-07 Song of the Sky

EB-08 Parliament of Gears

EB-09 Lord Bucket

EB-10 Judgment of Iron

EB-11 My Undying Heart

EB-12 The Waiting Game

EB-13 Stonefire

EB-14 From Dust

EB-15 Dream Eater

EB-16 The Dragon Below

EB-17 The Final Tribute

EB-18 Scales of War

EB-19 Back to the Mud

EB-EP-01 The Iron Titan

EB-EP-02 Rolling Thunder

EB-EP-03 The Rising City


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Discussions (7)
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Keith C January 29, 2022 2:53 am UTC
Hey there, just wanting some clarification on the Libram: the statement "which are wizard spells for you when you are attuned..." seems a bit odd since all the affected spells already ARE on the wizard spell list. Is this just a redundant but harmless phrase, or am I missing something? Is is meant to say that they're PREPARED for you? Surely not that, since the keyword 'prepared' isn't in there and that would be SUPER powerful.
Trying to grok why those spells were separated from the miscellaneous ones at the bottom, besides just the necromancy theming. Thanks!
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Andrew D February 09, 2022 11:57 pm UTC
That text is from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, and it seems to be because Speak With Dead is not on the standard wizard spell list.
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Keith C February 12, 2022 7:05 am UTC
Ah, good catch! Thanks for that.
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Joseph M May 07, 2021 2:44 pm UTC
Can anyone confirm that Spinweave's Eye Ray only costs 1 legendary action, as listed? It seems like something that would cost at least 2.
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Will D May 07, 2021 3:59 pm UTC
The text is correct. Note the wording though - it's firing one random ray, not using the eye ray action (which fires three).
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Shane Y April 16, 2021 3:30 pm UTC
Will there be a Korranberg Chronicle entry for this adventure? It's currently the only Oracle of War adventure which does not have an accompanying Newspaper Article.
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Will D May 07, 2021 4:00 pm UTC
This was accidentally added to the wrong file and has now been fixed.
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Daniel P March 14, 2021 6:13 pm UTC
I purchased this to incorporate into my Mournlands campaign as this was set in the Metrol, where you would be fighting the Emerald Claw. Be warned that at least half of the adventure takes place in the Mror holds. There is a suggestion in the adventure that if your players want to continue on into the Mournland to the dungeon below Metrol that you use an adventure DDAL-EB-16 that is, at the time of writing this review, not available for purchase.
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Evgenii T March 12, 2021 1:40 am UTC
Are there any plans for updates on Oracle's buffs in this story arc and the next one? 10 temporary hp is entirely uncompetitive with other options at Tier 3, tbh
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Will D March 12, 2021 9:30 am UTC
No plans at present, but that is an interesting idea!
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R. Aiden M March 10, 2021 1:46 am UTC
Are the fallout/consequences of Stonefire ever touched upon? Or is it assumed that the Nations of Khorvaire contained the problem when this module starts. I presumed there would have been some indication of the aftermath but it isn't touched on here.
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Paul B March 10, 2021 8:16 am UTC
Apparently it is under control enough with the demise of the Cairdal Knot that it doesn't even get addressed in the whole trilogy.
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R. Aiden M March 10, 2021 11:11 am UTC
That's good to know at least.
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Will D March 11, 2021 12:34 pm UTC
Attacks struck cities across Khorvaire, but the situation is now under control, and doesn't affect the events of this trilogy. The EB-14 newspaper is supposed to provide some context for this, but I didn't get a chance to write it before release unfortunately. Hopefully will add it soon!
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Paul B March 12, 2021 1:29 am UTC
Do not blame the presses for the delay. They likely had some sleepers in their midst as well!
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Sean T March 09, 2021 11:31 pm UTC
Battle maps for this module available at
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File Last Updated:
April 19, 2021
This title was added to our catalog on March 09, 2021.
D&D Adventurers League
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