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Jergal: Lord of the End of Everything


Jergal, the Lord of the End of Everything, is the enigmatic Seneschal of the Dead. Learn about the history of the most mysterious of Netherese gods, including the Rise of Netheril and the Crown of Horns. Find out why Jergal's failed ritual led to the collapse of Netheril and the Weave. Delve into the details of the Seven Sigils War and the Scepter of the Sorcerer-Kings. And finally, unveil the mysteries behind the Rise of the Dark Three (Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul) and the Fall of the Seven Lost Gods.

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Szymon P May 07, 2021 9:46 am UTC
Really loved this product but was wondering how much of this lore is speculation and/or confirmed? Would love if this product included some kind of references or citation of sources to see how all of this lore was pieced together. Particularly, I'm interested in whether Jergal is actually a spellweaver or is that mostly just speculation as I can't seem to find that info elsewhere.
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Eric B May 12, 2021 11:46 am UTC
Szymon, thanks for the feedback. The idea of Jergal being a spellweaver has been lurking since I read the novel "Prince of Lies." See the picture on page 26 of the novel "Prince of Lies."
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Kaylee H April 28, 2021 9:23 am UTC
Can I ask what your source was for this line?

"The first was a human slave warrior in the service of Maram whose skill and prowess was so puissant that he was known as the “Bane of the Ancients” on the world of Abeir."

In all my research I cannot find anything on Bane's history pre the Dark Three.
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Eric B May 12, 2021 11:53 am UTC
Hi Kaylee, thanks for the question. This reference was built by integrating mentions of Maram in a few products, with the world of Abeir from 4e, combined with a passing reference to Bane being from another world in the novel Stormlight, page 299.
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Nathan B February 18, 2021 10:08 pm UTC
If your a Realms fan, you can finally find the "true" version of the rise of the Dark Three.
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File Last Updated:
December 23, 2021
This title was added to our catalog on February 13, 2021.