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The CubonomiconClick to magnify
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The true secrets of the gelatinous cubes revealed at last!

“Oh I’m sorry, did you think that these cute little dungeon cleaners were harmless? Perhaps see them as some sort of mascot? The truth is terrifying. These are apex predators. Like jelly, they conform to the environment they are subjected to. They adapt to whatever they absorb. Never heard of the Trap Jelly? Or the Sulfuric cube? No songs about defeating the dreaded Cubepocolypse Swarm? Of course not! They leave no survivors to carry the tales. You poor, clueless novices. There is a war in the darkness below, and we are losing...” Valdindara Silverstar    

The Cubonomicon presents 32 new Gelatinous Cubes to delight and devour your player characters. From slightly whimsical to downright devious, these cubes are a deadly addition to any self-respecting dark overlord’s dungeon or mad wizard’s catacombs. Be the envy of the next Villain’s conference as you flaunt your absorbing entertainments.

With threats ranging from CR 1/8 through to CR 20, there’s a cube to suit all occasions. 

Make your players fear the dark once more...      

The FANTASY GROUNDS version can be found HERE


Behind every harmless gelatinous cublet is a hungry swarm of its fellows waiting to dissolve unwary adventurers...


Sometimes invoking Hadar's Hunger with something as pedestrian as a magical spell goes awry

Hadar is always hungry...


"What in the Nine Hells is that?!" 

Last words of an unknown, unremarkable adventurer.

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DGM D February 08, 2021 8:36 am UTC
"With threats ranging from CR 1/8 through to CD 20, there’s a cube to suit all occasions. "

Do you mean CR 20?
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Douglas M February 05, 2021 5:32 pm UTC
In your preview regarding the Blink Cube, it shows the creature being blind past 120'. Why give it a 150' teleport? That's 30' of teleport range that it is blind to.
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Micah W February 05, 2021 10:37 pm UTC
Hi Douglas. Good pick up. That’s a typo. It should have a teleport range of 120, the same as its blindsight range. We’ll update in version 1.1
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Douglas M February 06, 2021 12:24 am UTC
Cool. I was thinking of all sorts of fun that I could have with an Ooze that would blindly teleport to some unseen location. If you guys ever need a set of fresh eyes for proofreading, I'm your guy. :D
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Jacob N February 02, 2021 10:05 pm UTC
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Jacob N February 02, 2021 10:06 pm UTC
Great fun... played well.
Why have a plain old cube when you have all this flavour to chose from
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Micah W February 02, 2021 11:33 pm UTC
Thanks Jacob. The contributors had so much fun with these. The playtest sessions were amazing, with both the new and particularly the older (and potentially more more jaded) players really enjoying the variations that kept them on their toes.
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File Last Updated:
February 01, 2021
This title was added to our catalog on February 01, 2021.