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Rime of the Frostmaiden Ythryn Map PackClick to magnify
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Rime of the Frostmaiden Ythryn Map Pack


Best Electrum Seller Medal

Rime of the Frostmaiden Ythryn Map Pack is a collection of 18 Black and White battle maps detailing locations within the necropolis of Ythryn.

The maps included:

  • Ice Causeway
  • Tower of Abjuration 
  • Tower of Conjuration
  • Hag’s hut
  • The Library
  • The Arboretum
  • Tower of Divination
  • Wellspring of Answers
  • Bazaar of the Bizarre
  • Hall of Silk
  • Observatory (lower and upper floors)
  • Tower of Evocation
  • Tower of Illusion
  • Tower of Enchantment
  • Tower of Transmutation
  • The Museum (lower and upper floors)

This collection includes a PDF to see all of the maps in one place, plus two digital versions of each map:

  • 300 DPI (high quality) with a transparent background for use with VTT
  • Printer friendly JPEG format 
Map grids have a pixel dimension of 75x

Check out my other work and follow Lightheart Adventures on Instagram (@lightheartadventures), Facebook ( and Twitter (@LightheartAdv) 

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Brenton S December 17, 2021 10:31 pm UTC
I recently received a comment that some people might be having difficulty getting the grids to align to Roll20's grid. Hopefully that person was able to figure it out, but for those still having issues, here's what I do:
1. Upload map
2. Drag/Drop map onto the "Maps & Backgrounds" layer
3. Right click the map, highlight "Advanced" and select "Align to Grid"
4. Drag your best estimate of the 3x3 grid, and once the prompt asks if you're ok with the selection, update the pixel dimensions to 75x75.

That should do the trick, and I will be creating a handy-dandy Roll20 map upload walkthrough page to include in all products, both past and future!
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Joshua M April 25, 2021 2:33 am UTC
Bought the maps. They are great, and the art style reminds me of older modules in a good way. Also keeps the lag down on Roll20.

In the future it would be useful to add the map dimensions somewhere, maybe in the image titles or on the maps somewhere, so they are easier to scale in roll20.
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Sam B February 05, 2021 10:42 am UTC
how come you opted to do this in black and white? :) all these maps are gorgeous I'm just a lil confused!
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Brenton S February 05, 2021 6:36 pm UTC
Black and white is my preferred method of illustration, though future maps might have a bit more color to them ;)
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Sam B February 09, 2021 7:37 pm UTC
That's fair!
I look forward to whatever you make next :)
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File Last Updated:
January 16, 2021
This title was added to our catalog on January 18, 2021.