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Tasha's Crucible of Everything Else Volume 1Click to magnify
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NEW CONTENT ALERT: Volume 2 is now available! Save $5 off Volume 2 in this bundle!

FANTASY GROUNDS Version is now available! Save up to $5 in this bundle!

"I especially love it when innovative game mechanics fuel the story. I am pleased to find a hefty supplement that provides not only incredible inspiration for myself (I'm looking at you Ennida's Tea Set) but for any players I provide this to as an additional option for character options. I can tell you one thing, next time I'm a PC I am going to beg my DM to let me play a bard from the College of Pantomime." - Morrigan Robins (Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden)

"Rodgers' (@TatteredDemalion) gorgeous cover truly conveys the talent, beauty, and professionalism bubbling away in the melting pot of a crucible of a cauldron. This book holds a 17th level create bonfire of a candle to the official Wizards release!" - Curse of Sebs (Tabletop Roleplaying Game Reviewer)

"I love when big teams of creators get together to make these types of books. They always have such a fantastic variety inside, and Crucible is no exception. Some of these subclasses and spells made me want to immediately sit down and start making a character! I'll definitely be using this book in my games, both as a player and DM." - Bryan Holmes (Hellbound Heists, Cursed Classes, Mythic Encounters)

"Tasha's Crucible of Everything Else has been put together by a fantastic team of DMsGuild creators, and it should come as no surprise that the quality supplement they’ve put together is outstanding. Strongly recommend everyone check this one out!" - Trevor Armstrong (Adaptable NPCs, Disturbed Graves, Creatures of the Tomb)


Brought to you by QL Games, Tasha’s Crucible of Everything Else is a massive, two-volume collaboration of over 25 different DMs Guild creators that expands on the options found in the Player’s HandbookDungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual.

Below is a short description of what you’ll find in each chapter of the book.


  • 27 new subclasses for every class, including artificer
  • 3 remastered subclasses; just like the Circle of Spores druid and Bladesinging wizard get reworks in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, the Way of the Four Elements monk, the Wild Magic sorcerer, and the Undying warlock get new, exciting reworks in Tasha’s Crucible of Everything Else


  • Over 30 new spells
  • Social, combat, and exploration spells for every tier of play
  • Harness the power of the planes with new conjunction spells!


  • Over 50 new magic items to be discovered in any environment
  • Useful for both players and dungeon masters!
  • Discover the arcane properties of Tasha's Cauldron


  • Alternative rules for Working Together
  • Add mechanical depth to characters by using Variant Flaws
  • Come to the dark side with Downtime Crime Revisited
  • Preludes, an alternative to traditional backgrounds where Dungeon Master and player work together to determine a character’s backstory and background feature



Chapter 1: Subclasses

  • Artificer
    • Effigist
  • Barbarian
    • Path of the Abomination
    • Path of the Alchemical Brute
    • Path of Infiltration
  • Bard
    • College of Harmony
    • College of Pantomime
  • Cleric
    • Inquisition Domain
    • Seership Domain
    • Trade Domain
  • Druid
    • Circle of the Bough
    • Circle of the Dragonfriend
  • Fighter
    • Bodyguard
    • Fencer
    • Scrapper
  • Monk
    • Way of Mundanity
    • Way of the Iron Grasp
    • Way of the Four Elements Remastered
  • Paladin
    • Oath of Enlightenment
  • Ranger
    • Dark Trapper
    • Herbalist
    • Stargazer
  • Rogue
    • Improviser
    • Temple Raider
    • Witchblade
  • Sorcerer
    • Spellslinger
    • Wild Magic Remastered
  • Warlock
    • The Creeping Vine
    • The Inevitable
    • The Undying Remastered
  • Wizard
    • Numerology
Chapter 2: New Spells
  • Class Spell Lists
  • Spell Descriptions
    • Behold
    • Buckshot
    • Conjunction of Air
    • Conjunction of Chaos
    • Conjunction of Dawn
    • Conjunction of Earth
    • Conjunction of Fey
    • Conjunction of Flame
    • Conjunction of Mundanity
    • Conjunction of Order
    • Conjunction of Shadow
    • Conjunction of the Natural
    • Conjunction of the Nexus
    • Conjunction of the Other Side
    • Conjunction of Water
    • Conjure Greater Animals
    • Dancing Decoy
    • Dartak's Retribution
    • Detect Portal
    • Dismantle
    • Elminster's Evoked Delivery
    • Folk Rite
    • Illusory Wall
    • Nystul's False Trail
    • Telegrab
    • Tenser's Climbing Wall
    • Wall of Bones
    • Wall of Mist
    • Waterspout
    • Zap
Chapter 3: Magic Items
  • Adderstone
  • Alarmotape
  • Amulet of the Night Moth
  • Anklet of Potential
  • Armor of the Naive
  • Armor of the Spineless
  • Armor of the Witless
  • Aundra's Magic Bracers
  • Blink Boots
  • Bloodseeker Weapons
  • Bonekeeper
  • Camp Cable
  • Cloak of Vines
  • Coinslot Necklace
  • Cold Iron Armor
  • Cold Iron Weapons
  • Diadem of Mental Fortitude
  • Disappearing Ink
  • Elemental Longbow
  • Enidda's Tea Set
  • Feather Tonic
  • Feywild Rose
  • Figureine of Wondrous Power (Coprolite Monkeys)
  • Firequench Cloak
  • Fleshhook
  • Gelatinous Shot
  • Gilded Lily
  • Grimoire of Hindsight
  • Harp Bow
  • Hlam's Welded Gauntlets
  • Iron Crown
  • Lock of Medusa
  • Lute of the Reveling Satyr
  • Manual of Exotic Golems
  • Mimaxe
  • Missile-Proof Glass
  • Mithral Weapons
  • One Hour Energy
  • One-Way Lantern
  • Pick-Eating Lock
  • Portable Hall
  • Portaorb
  • Ring of Fate
  • Ring of Sudden Impact
  • Shellstone Ring
  • Shovel of Digging
  • Snapdragon Gloves
  • Tasha's Cauldron
  • Tenser's Folding Disk
  • Tome of Animal Understanding
  • Trick Cards
  • Unseelie Dagger
  • Vajra's Antiwand
  • Wereboar Necklace
  • Xanastone Ring
Chapter 4: Dungeon Master Tools
  • Alternative Rules for Working Together
  • Variant Flaws
  • Downtime Crime Revisited
    • Environmental Implications
    • Infamy
      • Bribery
      • Doing Time
      • Laying Low
    • Criminal Activity
      • Extortion/Protection Racket
      • Counterfeiting
      • Street Level Dealing
      • Underworld Alchemy
  • Preludes
    • Example Lifepath Tables
    • Example Scenes
Appendix A: Creatures and Spells Referenced
Appendix B: Real Prelude Example


Emmy Rodgers paints a gorgeous picture of the sly and dangerous archwizard Tasha, peering at unfortunate adventurers. You can find more of Emmy’s work at her website ( or on her Instagram page (@TatteredDemalion).



Q: Do I need to own or have access to Tasha's Cauldron of Everything to use this book?

A: Nope! This book was intentionally written to be an excellent stand-alone product.

Q: When does Volume 2 come out?

A: It's out now! You can find it here.

Q: What is in Volume 2?

A: Subclasses, races, DM tools, and new creatures!

Q: Is there a discounted bundle for volumes 1 and 2?

A: Yes. You can find that here.

Q: What's with the Armors of the Naive, Spineless, and Witless?

A: They're particularly useful if you have a negative modifier to the given stat.


Interested in learning more about Tasha's Crucible of Everything Else? Want to stay up-to-date on QL Games playtest opportunities and product announcements? Contact us at QLGames (at) Yahoo (dot) com!

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1.0 (November 12, 2020) - Original

1.1.0 (April 30, 2021) - Typos corrected and small balance changes made.

1.1.1 (May 1, 2021) - Incorrect bookmarks fixed.

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Customer avatar
Dylan M February 09, 2024 5:40 pm UTC
Is there still a possibility of this getting a physical copy in the future, either softcover or hardcover?
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Andrew W February 11, 2024 8:18 pm UTC
Yes! :) A Print-on-Demand version is currently underway and should be available starting in a few months. We expect to send out a one-time email to people who have purchased Volume 1, Volume 2, or both to notify them that an improved POD version that combines the two volumes with an entirely new visual style has become available, and that they can receive a discount on the new version based on which volumes they've purchased.
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Lewis C February 13, 2024 1:19 pm UTC
This is great news. I am glad that the demand for this made you reconsider doing a print version. This made you a sale on the PDFs to have money going forward for the compilation.

Since Tasha's Scrapped Book is also by this group, will it be included as well?
Customer avatar
Andrew W February 14, 2024 9:25 pm UTC
Thank you! Yes, We've been wanting to do a print version literally for years but the stars finally aligned and we've been able to get solidly into development.

Tasha's Scrapped Book shares many of the same authors of this project, and even cover art by the same artist, but is not a QL Games official project and won't be included. It's a collection of content that was actually cut from this project during development for being redundant, irrelevant, or performing poorly in playtesting and peer review.
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robert C December 15, 2024 3:07 pm UTC
Is this still happening, I would love a POD version?
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Andrew W February 01, 2025 1:27 am UTC
Sadly it's been delayed for a good while. :( Starting a few months after posting that there was a long series of complicated but terrible things going on in my personal life that prevented me from working further on it. Hopefully one day we can revise this for the new core rulebooks and whatnot, but it won't be at least for the next few months.
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Robert R February 03, 2024 6:51 am UTC
I have a question regarding the Effigist. When you make the effigy of the target, can you ONLY affect the effigy with spells that have a range/area of “touch”? If I cast searing smite on a dagger and stab the effigy with it, would that affect the target? I ask this because their are a limited number of range: touch spells, though those that are there are potent.
Customer avatar
Andrew W February 05, 2024 6:16 pm UTC
Great question! I see the point of confusion and would love to clarify: while you CAN target the effigy with spells with a range of touch, you can ALSO use your bonus action to expose the effigy to any relevant harmful effect. So yes, you can stab the effigy with a smite-empowered dagger, even though it's a spell that doesn't have a range of Touch!
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Robert R February 06, 2024 7:54 am UTC
Thank you for that. Just to fully clarify, if said stabbing happened as a bonus action, would it receive the full effect of the searing smite spell, or would that be an action?
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Andrew W February 11, 2024 8:15 pm UTC
Hmm. This is an excellent niche scenario that we had not considered when designing this. Artificers normally don't get access to Bonus Action spells that inflict damage once as part of the same bonus action, and the Effigist continues that trend.

Rules-as-written, smite spells (which you could access with multiclassing, feats, or some other character options) use your bonus action on your turn, and usually are cast with the intention of using your Action to damage a creature with the spell. Smite spells aren't Action spells and don't have a range of Touch, so you'd have to use your Bonus Action to expose the effigy to the relevant effect (which would deal 2d8 of the relevant damage, rather than the effects of the actual spell itself; for searing smite specifically, this would be fire damage and would NOT set the target on fire). Except you can't take two Bonus Actions on one turn, so you'd have to use your BA to cast the Smite spell OR expose the effigy to an effect, but not both. You also, I believe,...See more
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Robert R March 19, 2024 5:05 am UTC
Thanks for clarifying!
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Dante D October 22, 2023 2:30 pm UTC
Hi! very interested in buying the roll20 + pdf bundle, when available. Are there any plans for Roll20 version?
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JOHN S February 19, 2023 10:07 pm UTC
I hope & pray that you crack the top 100 of Roll20 conversions. You deserve it! You deserve to be in that group. This is such an integral part of my homebrew D&D campaign...... can't wait to see a Roll20 version. We all are excited so see this....... you are builiding one or the fundamental technique of a successful Dm........ suspense.
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lucemon22 U April 13, 2022 7:10 am UTC
So just a question, on a balance side of things with the Effigist. The target remains marked even when out of range, so in theory you can just spam the damage to the marked target even if they're multiple miles away? A full hour could be easily be over 400 damage with no limit outside of the hour time limit on the effigy.
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Andrew W April 15, 2022 4:50 pm UTC
By jove you're right. Here's what the relevant clause will probably say in the next update:
"When you create an effigy, you designate a creature within 60 feet of you that you can see or hear for it to represent. As an action on each of your turns, you can designate for the effigy to represent a new qualifying creature. This connection ends when the effigy loses its magic or if the target goes out of range."
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lucemon22 U April 16, 2022 7:52 am UTC
That would help with the spamming. Last thing I would maybe suggest just so someone isn't constantly popping their action to swap targets. (Just because unlike hex and hunters mark you can't bonus action it.) Is maybe something like 'once marked, you can use the bonus action to do damage to the target up to 120 feet or so? (I'll playtest it myself, but its just a thought.)
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Andrew W April 16, 2022 3:58 pm UTC
Thank you for the ideas. We'll definitely consider them.
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Thomas W April 11, 2022 6:31 am UTC
About the Spellslinger Sorcerer:
Is "Piercing Spell" supposed to be restricted like "Twinned Spell", where the spell must be unabled to target more than one creature, or are those spells fine, as long as I target only one creature?
I.e. would "Scorching Ray" be compatible with that Sling?
Customer avatar
Andrew W April 11, 2022 3:31 pm UTC
So the text says "When you cast a spell that targets one creature and uses an attack roll, you can spend 1 to 5 sorcery points to deal additional piercing damage. Your spell attack deals an additional 1d8 piercing damage for each point expended. You must choose to add this damage before making your attack roll. If the spell requires you to make multiple attack rolls, this benefit only applies to one of those attacks."

This would mean that yes the spell CAN target more than one creature, but is only targeting one in this instance. For spells like scorching ray that make multiple attack/damage rolls, you would only apply it to one, and you would have to target all of the rays at one target.
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Thomas W April 11, 2022 4:53 pm UTC
Thanks for clarifying
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Patrick L February 11, 2022 7:52 pm UTC
So, I need some clarification on the Undying Warlock. For Undying Nature, is the poison immunity for the condition, damage type, or both?
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Andrew W February 12, 2022 4:02 pm UTC
Great question! It's immunity to all of the above. And also to poisons that inflict neither the condition nor the damage type (e.g. the stinking cloud spell).
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Zackery S August 05, 2021 10:07 pm UTC
I have two question about the circle of the dragon friend. Question one for the lesser/greater draco special wild shape if a person muti-class and has extra attack are you able to attack twice with your claw attack. It is a bit confusing since it says it is a melee spell attack which that term is used for spell such as shocking grasp which takes an action to use. Question two in the description of the lesser/greater draco it say you can use your hands as normal does that mean you can still cast spell in this special wild shape?
Customer avatar
Andrew W August 06, 2021 2:09 am UTC
Excellent questions.

1.) Rules-as-written, even though the claw is a magical attack, it is not technically a spell. Because making a claw attack requires you taking the Attack action on your turn (as opposed to the Cast a Spell action), the Extra Attack feature DOES allow you to make two such attacks.

2.) Short answer: no, you cannot cast spells while wildshaped in draco form. Longer answer: your draco form has fingers and thumbs just like a human does. A human can operate a remote control and open a doorknob and type at a computer. A dog or other pawed creature cannot, at least not as easily and reliably. So yes you have the tactile dexterity to perform the somatic components of spells while you're in your draco form, but one of the basic rules of the wildshape feature is that you can't cast spells while wildshaped. And unlike the spore druid's fungal transformation or the wildfire druid's elemental companion, the dragonfriend druid's draco transformation IS a wildshape option. So it's...See more
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Zackery S August 06, 2021 2:32 am UTC
Ok thank you for that clarification I look forward to using this class it is the most balanced dragon based druid I have every seen and I love it.
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Andrew W August 06, 2021 3:09 am UTC
Glad to hear! Feel free to leave us a review :)
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Seth K June 03, 2021 1:04 am UTC
Here's another vote for a POD edition.
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Thomas H May 01, 2021 5:52 pm UTC
This desperately needs a print version
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Andrew W May 01, 2021 10:41 pm UTC
Thank you! We've discussed it with the website staff and they are not currently interested in adding this to Print on Demand, but. This summer we'll be releasing another product that probably will be. ;)
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Lewis C September 10, 2023 4:16 pm UTC
I understand that getting the print version is more difficult than putting together a PDF. But please reconsider, because this really is the kind of thing that people will want print copies of. Maybe one combined with the 2nd book and Tasha's Scrapped. I understand that with One edition coming out, it might not seem like the time to put more effort into an old product. But the inevitable people who don't change over are going to be looking for growth in the "old" system. Print books is a good way to show you plan to be around for a while.

To be honest, the lack of a print edition & thinking about what I would have to do to get it printed is the reason I put this on my wish list instead of just buying it.
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Dead B. B January 30, 2021 5:45 am UTC
I have a question concerning the Effigist subclass. It says you create a magical effigy every long rest or when you expend a 1st level spell slot to do so before the next long rest. What i find weird is that the effigy only lasts 1 hour after it's created. Meaning, for 1 hour after a long rest, you have your main gimmick of the subclass, but then you must expend a spell slot in order to activate it again.

I would make the magic in the effigy's magic last until the next long rest, but the effects that allow you to perceive through the targets senses or cause damage through it only last 1 hour. It makes the main feature of this subclass require you to choose between spellcasting as normal or use your spell slots for your effigy.
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Andrew W January 31, 2021 8:38 pm UTC
...See more
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Quinn T January 13, 2021 11:36 pm UTC
All the bookmarks are randomized letters and numbers. They don't actually have any titles.
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Andrew W January 14, 2021 4:19 am UTC
We've noticed and will be fixing that in the 1.1 update. Thank you for letting us know!
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Aaron M December 29, 2020 7:07 pm UTC
Any chance for a VTT conversion?
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Andrew W December 30, 2020 12:10 am UTC
We'll be starting work on a Fantasy Grounds version once we release version 1.1 in Spring, the same day we release Volume 2.
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Jason P May 01, 2021 6:02 pm UTC
Is a FG conversion still coming? Thank you in advance for your time. What about for Vol 2 - will one be released concurrently?
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Andrew W May 01, 2021 10:39 pm UTC
Due to some restrictions for submitting products to the ENnies (the TTRPG equivalent of the Oscars) we had to push Volume 1 1.1 forwards so we could submit it in time. We're starting work today on a FG version. Expect one in a few weeks! Sadly, because we can't start FG work until we finish PDF work, volume 2 will also take some time before we can release a conversion. Expect a PDF version of vol 2 (and a bundle of the two volumes together) to be released in roughly 2 weeks.
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Andrew W June 04, 2021 5:45 pm UTC
A Fantasy Grounds version is now available! You can find it here:
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Greg O December 28, 2020 5:35 am UTC
A suggestion for your update: Seeker (Warlock of the Elder Orb)

A strange servant to an elder orb (a very powerful and ancient beholder), the Seeker is given a degree of freedom and status among the eye tyrant’s minions but the most beholden of them, kept in check by the mystical connection by bond made with the creature. As part of the bond with the Beholder, the warlock removes one of his eyes, replacing it with an eye created by his patron that mystically attaches itself to the warlock’s socket, providing him a replacement for the one that he sacrificed. The warlock sees through this monstrous eye normally though it also provides him 30’ darkvision (if he doesn’t have it already); the eye also relays visual and (through the warlock’s own senses) audio information back to his patron whenever the beholder desires to see through his servant. Elder beholders do not require warlocks bound to them to be bound to the ethos of evil (though most are) though they prefer them to be lawful and...See more
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Andrew W December 28, 2020 5:23 pm UTC
Thank you for the suggestion! The update will largely be typo corrections and balance tweaks, and won't be adding any substantial new content. Since you already have this subclass developed, sounds like you might be ready to publish it yourself! :)
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Greg O December 29, 2020 2:49 pm UTC
no, no, feel free. I'm no longer in the RPG publishing biz
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Andrew W December 29, 2020 3:40 pm UTC
We won't be adding in any new subclasses in any updates, but thank you again for the offer!
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Somber P December 14, 2020 12:12 pm UTC
I think fencer fighters are missing an 18th level ability
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Andrew W December 14, 2020 4:48 pm UTC
Like the Arcane Archer and Purple Dragon Knight, its 18th level ability is described earlier in the subclass. Under "Improved Precision," it says "Your Precision Dice turn into d10s. At 18th level, they turn into d12s." I hope that helps!
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Quinn T January 13, 2021 11:35 pm UTC
Seems like that's just one feature then in my opinion. I'd suggest adding an actual feature instead of just giving one feature a chance to go only 2 higher than usual. An ability at that level should be something you've been waiting for the whole time. Not a d10 turning into a d12.
Customer avatar
Andrew W January 14, 2021 4:21 am UTC
We wanted to make sure the Fencer wasn't significantly more powerful than other fighter subclasses at that level, so we decided to make the capstone feature what you see in the current version. This 18th level feature is very similar to several other fighter subclasses' 18th level features, which are really just a die size increase.
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Jasper D December 08, 2020 2:19 pm UTC
Quick note, you might wanna redesign the Twisting Fate ability of the Seership domain of the cleric. It is has more range than the Grave cleric lvl6 ability and can even just make the attack miss
Customer avatar
Andrew W December 08, 2020 11:37 pm UTC
Thanks for your feedback! We're taking a look into that now. Expect the 1.1 update to reduce it from a range of sight to a range of 30 feet.
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