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Darkhold: Secrets of the ZhentarimClick to magnify
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Join the most infamous organization in Faerûn, using the secrets within this book to run a campaign featuring the Zhentarim and their stronghold of Darkhold itself.

For centuries, the Zhentarim have been expanding their influence throughout Faerûn. Known as the "Black Network” to outsiders, those within consider themselves part of an extended family that affords them immense opportunities and generously rewards ability and ambition. The great stronghold of the Zhentarim is called Darkhold, a high-spired keep of black stone built to gigantic proportions. There are few places in Faerûn with a more notorious—and nefarious—reputation.

This full-color, 112-page supplement includes:

  • A comprehensive history and guide to the Black Network, including never-before-revealed lore from Ed Greenwood, creator of the Forgotten Realms
  • New subclasses, spells, and other player options
  • New magic items of the Zhentarim
  • Expanded rules for thieves’ cant for integration in your game
  • A guide to the history, operations, and locations within Darkhold, infamous headquarters of the Zhentarim
  • A stunning cutaway map of Darkhold Castle
  • A gazetteer for Sunset Vale including a beautiful map of the region
  • Advice for playing evil characters and running evil campaigns, whether with the Zhentarim or in any other setting
  • Dozens of adventure seeds
  • New creatures and villains, including stunning art of key Zhentarim leaders
  • And much, much more...

Join the Zhentarim... if you dare!



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Jessica B May 24, 2024 3:32 am UTC
I love this book, but I have some questions after purchasing.

For the Spell thief subclass, their level 9 ability, "Mark the Prey" on page 14, the entire ability is predicated on you succeeding an insight check, but how are we determining a success here? It says we roll insight, but against what? The caster's deception? Their Spell save? It doesn't say, so I don't know how to adjudicate this ability as the DM.

Thanks in advance, I can't wait to learn how this subclass works.
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Simon M April 04, 2024 9:52 pm UTC
Will this be available for physical printing again at any point in the future, would love a nice hardcover of it.
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Heath I March 08, 2024 12:07 am UTC
For what it's worth, there's a book in Baldur's Gate 3 that line's up nicely with this pub.

The book is titled The Leadership of the Zhentarim, and reads:

[An excerpt from the ongoing Metatext: Rebound by Iosefa Elgin, a scholar excommnicated from the Church of Deneir for her heretical efforts to reconstruct the Metatext, her god’s annal of lost and hidden knowledge.]

Despite their protestation to the contrary, it takes no keen eye to see echoes of Banite philosophy in modern Zhentarim practice – a strict militaristic hierarchy where all power flows from the top. Who occupies that position today is the matter of some speculation, for the Black Network’s leadership was thought destroyed along with their headquarters at Zhentil Keep in 1383 DR.

In the following decades, however, a new base of power began to consolidate at the fortress of Darkhold, far to the south. At its centre stands the Pereghost, an enigmatic armoured figure to whom the Zhentarim’s...See more
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Benoit T January 23, 2024 9:53 am UTC
No maps of Sunset Vale with no label?
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Ben C January 15, 2024 5:30 pm UTC
Any updates on Print on Demand availability? Hopeful thanks :)
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Atlas W December 06, 2023 11:16 pm UTC
I saw that this book was added to fantasy ground. Is there any chance it will be added to roll20 too ?
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Maciej Z September 28, 2023 10:42 pm UTC
I love all things Zhentarim 2nd and 3rd edition. Is this book only about the shell of the organization that is featured in the nu-realms?
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Brian G September 21, 2023 6:58 pm UTC
Hey guys my Sunset Vale guidebook is still coming along and I plan on crediting you guys for our work as I am using some stuff directly from this book including some of the NPC's I am going to credit you guys as part of the credits is there any other way or area that you'd like to be credited? BTW you can get ahold of me via facebook briangermain1 or through the Sages of the Forgotten Realms group
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Jose B September 09, 2023 12:29 am UTC
please make this available for POD, I'll keep waiting to purchase until it is.
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David P August 03, 2023 1:40 am UTC
Print on demand, pls. For the electrolytes!
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CHRISTOPHER W May 04, 2023 4:46 am UTC
Any chance this will come to Hardcover?
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Jose B August 25, 2023 8:07 pm UTC
this, Ed's other guild creations seem to be getting the POD treatment.
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JEREMY G April 08, 2023 2:41 am UTC
Prior Realms game designers showcased Ashemi’s unyielding determination and bravery vs. the likes of Manshoon himself. The authors of this DMs Guild work threw that all in the trash and replaced it with a ridiculous sidebar that declared she was only ever a love interest and a victim.

The authors failed to credit George Krashos in this product for his work on Ashemi. After being notified, they fixed their error in an updated version.

That leaves their work half complete.

The section on Ashemi must be re-written to acknowledge the events related to her in the novel BLACKSTAFF, and previous Realmslore.

There is no good reason to trust the section on Ashemi in this book otherwise.
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Angel A February 18, 2023 12:05 pm UTC
With DMSGuild Roll20 compatibility pushed out, will there be any plans on implementing this for Roll20?
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Tomasz L January 07, 2023 6:27 pm UTC
Wait is sample file actually a complete pdf just with watermark?
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Anthony J January 07, 2023 6:42 pm UTC
Yep! If you like it you can buy it. We want people to see what they are buying. Just like a book store.
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Scott G December 04, 2022 10:56 pm UTC
Still no pod? I’ll keep waiting.
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RJ R September 12, 2022 2:32 pm UTC
i would love to own a print version of this.
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File Last Updated:
October 22, 2020
This title was added to our catalog on August 18, 2020.