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Dragon Relics



The Devourer Awakens
A 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign for characters from 1st to 12th level

When a cloud giant castle comes tumbling from the sky right into the characters’ path, they are confronted with the horrifying realisation that an ancient blue dragon named Rah-Ziel the Devourer has woken from his centuries of slumber, and is making his presence known once again in Faerûn.

After Hrungnir, king of the cloud giants reaches out to the characters for assistance, they are tasked with tracking down four dragon relics - powerful items made from the bones of a bronze dragon that are the Realms’ only hope to defeat Rah-Ziel.

Content Warnings
Several potentially triggering subjects are touched on throughout Dragon Relics.
Chapter 1. Animal Distress (Horse)
Chapter 3. Enchantment Magic (Rakshasa, Vampire)
Chapter 4. Slavery, Desecration of the Dead/Tombs
Chapter 6. Loss of Agency, Religious Persecution, Torture
Chapter 7. Slavery
Appendixes. Genocide, Oppression, Slavery






New Monsters
New Magic Items
New Player Options
Custom Art & Maps

Twitter: @jvcparry
Facebook: JVC Parry

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John W February 04, 2024 9:38 pm UTC
Been running the roll20 version of call from the deep will this one also be adapted to roll20
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Jack H December 12, 2023 2:16 pm UTC

I have a question regarding the "Blood at the Auction" chapter. I don't understand sister Scorn's motivation for making Barak Coalhammer keep her candle. In what way does it beneft her for him to possess it?

Also I don't suppose there are any pictures of Father Tallcrown and Tabitha Fairal detached from their true identities? Because you can't show the pictures as they are to the playerswithout giving the game away which is a real shame!
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Joshua P December 13, 2023 10:13 am UTC
Hi Jack,
Feel to invent any reason you like! In my mind, Sister Scorn has only just been freed from cult captivity, and Barak was looking after it for her while she was imprisoned. Because she's a hag, she wants to see mortals become corrupted. Perhaps part of the reason she's left it with him is to see if he'll use it for nefarious deeds himself, allowing her to claim his soul. Perhaps she even wants to see him sell it, so he'll owe her an even greater debt. Let your imagination run wild!

Regard portraits, the full roster of NPCs can be found here:

Customer avatar
Phill S May 27, 2023 1:34 am UTC
I have bought this and looking forward to running the full campaign soon!
I've re-worked a few of the maps for a Players version and I love the artwork!

Quick question - Chapter 3, Coalhammer hall. I'm just a bit confused - is it suppoed to be underground in Citadel Adbar? Or above ground nearby? It talks about approaching through a tunnel (think underground) - then talks about gardens and windows, and stables and someone arriving on a horse (think above ground?)? So a little confused.
I'd like to create some maps of the "complex" for better roleplaying on a VTT if the players want to sneak around the "hall" and whatever else (accomodation?).
Thanks so much :)
Customer avatar
Joshua P May 28, 2023 10:01 am UTC
Hi Phil,

It's above ground nearby. I assume that characters travel through Citadel Adbar (underground) to reach it though, hence the tunnel description. Hope that clears things up!
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Phill S May 29, 2023 3:00 am UTC
Cheers! That's kinda where I was heading - which is great as I've got a map that suits!
Thanks so much - this should be good.
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Greg S June 05, 2022 5:59 pm UTC
So I am Dming this campaign now and at the auction and at the part for the magic item auction get the information the following table shows the winning bid for each item and who it is made by unless the character intervene but the tables just show who is interested in the items and not how much they are willing to pay, and just wondering for reference how much each character is interested in something that is not their main focused item.
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Joshua P June 06, 2022 9:21 am UTC
Hi Greg,

Who ends up with the item can be decided at your discretion or at random out of the interested individuals. The price they pay can be determined by using the rules on pages 21-22.

How much the NPCs care about the other items is also up to you!

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Fabian K March 08, 2022 6:57 pm UTC
Just purchased and when I download the maps, I get maps from "Sorceria: Cult of the Hydra".
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Joshua P March 09, 2022 10:07 am UTC
Sorry, that's a DMsGuild bug. It should now be fixed!
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John L January 14, 2022 4:58 am UTC
While I see that there are no player maps specifically, is there any reason some of the maps aren't DM maps? Notably the Guard Chambers for Chapter 4, as well as The Ruby Hauler. Also, there's no map for Chapter 3 at all. I get that with the individual rooms you can easily find maps that fit, but it seems a bit difficult to get a feel for the entire Hall and who can see what night activities when the map is absent
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Joshua P January 17, 2022 9:13 am UTC
Hi John, because this campaign is an amalgamation of several previously published parts, there are some discrepancies between map styles. I've done my best to include maps that are useful for both DMs and players. Chapter 3 has no map because it's primarily a non-combat chapter, and because I didn't feel a map would add anything to the already clear and concise presentation of information for that chapter.
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Greg S January 07, 2022 11:29 pm UTC
Just wonder if there are any player maps available. I could not find any in the maps.rar and wondering if I missed them somehow. Loved Call from the Deep, DMing that one right now and looking to get my second group into this one.
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Joshua P January 08, 2022 10:08 am UTC
Hi Greg,

Sorry, but there are no player maps.

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Charles B July 19, 2022 11:13 pm UTC
Just curious as to why there aren't any player maps. The map collection is fairly small, and it's such a huge benefit for DMs managing their games online.
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Joshua P July 20, 2022 8:12 am UTC
I'm afraid that since publishing this adventure I've lost the original map files due to a laptop meltdown! This means I'd have to entirely remake each map from scratch.
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Otis A February 27, 2021 11:51 pm UTC
Hi! I purchased this title with high hopes, and it hit all of my expectations and beyond! The only problem is I do not have the type of computer for RAR files which the maps and artwork are in. I can open zip files. Is there either a zip file converter that works or a zip file for the work? Thank you!
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Otis A February 28, 2021 2:11 am UTC
Never mind. I found a converter!
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Joshua P March 29, 2021 7:43 am UTC
Let me know if you have any issues and I can make a zip for you!
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Jose F July 03, 2021 3:40 pm UTC
Hi sorry to tag on to this message but I had purchased this product as well and had the same problem in trying to open the maps and art downloads. Is there any way I could also get a zip file for the maps and art? Thank you
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Joshua P July 05, 2021 5:42 am UTC
Hi - zip files uploaded to DMsGuild always seem to corrupt. Please use an online converter such as:
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Shaun T January 28, 2021 6:30 pm UTC
Hi, I'm looking to do some affiliate product reviews for my new site. If you're interested, get in touch:
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Tanner P August 23, 2020 10:36 pm UTC
Hey, I was thinking of only buying the "Blood of the Auction" module, but I saw this one as well. What are the differences between the two. It looks like the auction is part of this storyline, but it isn't shown anywhere on this module's page. My players are at level 6 currently and I wanted to include a story that is appropriate starting at that level. Thanks!
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Tanner P August 23, 2020 11:03 pm UTC
Also, "The Theocracy"
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Joshua P August 24, 2020 7:32 am UTC
Hi Tanner,

Blood at the Auction, Beneath the Sands, and The Theocracy are all part of this larger campaign. They always have been, but only recently was I able to dedicate the time, effort, and funds to write it up in full!

You could of course buy those adventures separately, but you’ll lack an intro, connective tissue, and finale, as well as some art and maps.
Customer avatar
Tanner P August 25, 2020 12:57 am UTC
So if I bought this version Blood at the Auction, Beneath the Sands, and The Theocracy are all included? And what they would be in their stand alone purchases?
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Joshua P August 25, 2020 7:04 am UTC
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Tanner P August 26, 2020 12:53 am UTC
If I bought this, which I really want to, how could I start or introduce this storyline into my already going campaign which my party is currently at level 6? Is it possible? Or is it better to just start new with a fresh start? Thanks so much for your help and information!
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Joshua P August 26, 2020 7:05 am UTC
I’d recommend scaling up the first two or three chapters (more monsters, hitpoints/damage, and higher DCs) to make them better fit a level 6 party. After that you could proceed as written!
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Trevor C August 15, 2020 4:47 am UTC
Do you expect a print release of this?
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Joshua P August 15, 2020 6:10 am UTC
Unfortunately not, but you can buy a personal print copy for yourself from a local print shop or online
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Trevor C August 15, 2020 7:49 pm UTC
That's a shame; I knew the issues you were having with getting Call from the Deep from reading the discussion posts on that listing, but was hoping this product would be different. Anyway, as soon as I have some extra money, I'll definitely be coming back for both this and Call from the Deep!
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Joshua P August 16, 2020 7:07 am UTC
Thanks for the support!
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Michael O August 13, 2020 1:47 am UTC
I wonder if this is workable into Storm King's Thunder somehow.
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Joshua P August 13, 2020 3:56 am UTC
Definitely! You could merge the two campaigns with ease - as long as you introduced the idea of the Dragon Relics around the same time or after the giant lords, you’d be able to run those chapters. You could even swap out Rah-Ziel for Imyrith or vice versa
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Matt Y August 12, 2020 7:55 am UTC
This looks amazing! Just FYI I did notice a typo in the preview on p. 6 under Adventure Synopsis in which one of the instances of Hrungnir's name is missing an "n."
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Joshua P August 12, 2020 12:22 pm UTC
Thanks for the heads up! Some always slip through the cracks
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Loren S August 12, 2020 3:33 am UTC
This looks great! Instabuy for me based on how good Call from the Deep is. Quick question - any chance of making the non-map art work available as separate files (especially character portraits, cover art, chapter title art, that sort of thing)? I do almost all my playing on VTT, and so being able to use art for handouts to players is huge.

Thanks, can't wait to dig into the adventure itself and start planning to run it!
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Joshua P August 12, 2020 5:50 am UTC
Absolutely - I’ll try to get that done today
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Loren S August 21, 2020 6:15 pm UTC
Just thought I would check back on this. I'm not seeing art files other than maps as part of the download. Thanks again for looking into this!
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Joshua P August 22, 2020 8:35 am UTC
Hi Loren - currently away from my computer but I’m back at the end of the week! I’ll get it sorted then!
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Joshua P August 26, 2020 9:16 am UTC
Art file now included
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Shekinah Glory K August 11, 2020 10:39 am UTC
Hi, I'm currently reading your book (great stuff btw!) and I find that it's difficult looking for a specific table since it's not named. For example, on page 21 the DM is asked to roll from the following table and on the next page 3 tables are presented. It took me a while to understand that it refers to the first table while the rest were meant for another purpose. I think the addition of 'Table 1. Title' would be a huge help.

Also, I'm unclear on how the Items and Enchantment table (page 22) is meant to be used, or did I miss some explanation on the chapter?
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Joshua P August 11, 2020 10:55 am UTC
Hi Shekinah,

That's a great idea - I'll add those table titles as soon as I can!

Those tables relate to the paragraph at the end of page 21 - Running the Auction. They are to be used if you want to give the characters a chance to engage more with the auction. You can use the first table to create a random item, the second to apply a minor enchantment to it, and the third to determine how much the starting price for the item is.

For example, let's say you want to create a random item. First, you roll a d10. The result is a 5. This means you have a ewer for sale (base value 2 gp). Next, you want to determine it's origin (d10 again). A result of 8 means the ewer is of giant origin (add 25 gp to the value - 27 gp total). We then roll a d10 to see what it's made from and get a 5 - it's an obsidian ewer of giant origin. Being made of obsidian means the value increases x7, so it's currently worth 189 gp. Finally, we roll on the feature column (d10) an get a 7. This means that the...See more
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Shekinah Glory K August 12, 2020 2:02 am UTC
Thank you for responding! I see, it's clear now thank you for the detailed step by step. I've finished reading the book, can I just say that it's so cool the way you guys approached the auction and heist? Looking forward to run this for our friend group! ^^
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Joshua P August 12, 2020 5:50 am UTC
Thanks so much! I hope you all enjoy it!
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