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Monkey Wrenches


As iron is eaten away by rust, so the envious are consumed by their own passion.

— Antisthenes

The destruction of Cyre and creation of the Mournland marked the end of The Last War. Since then, a towering wall of mystic fog has covered what used to be the nation of Cyre. Those who have ventured inside and made it out have spoken of unusual beasts, wild warforged, and other strange occurences.

Most stay away. Others dedicate their lives to plundering the mysteries beyond the veil.

House Cannith is the House of Making and, despite being split over the destruction of their homeland, they are still very adamant about keeping their monopoly over arcane creations and are very suspicious of anything coming out of the Mournland.

Recently, rumours reached the heads of the Cannith South enclave that some scavengers working for the Daask organisation actually captured living spells from inside the Mournland and brought them back to Sharn for study, taming, and who knows what else.

Now Cannith employs independent contractors to enter the secret lab, and destroy the research and its future. Another group will hunt down the actual scavengers and eliminate the spells themselves.

This adventure is designed for three to five 3rd level characters. It is designed to be run in 2 hours.

This adventure takes place in Sharn, the City of Towers, some time before the formation of the independent adventurers organisation by 'The Twelve'.

It is an infiltration mission in hostile territory which includes some investigation, maybe a bit of socialising, and some quick dungeon-crawl elements. It is designed for multiple possible endings.

In my mind, this adventure is E for Everyone and doesn't contain anything dark, NSFW, or triggering beyond any other standard D&D adventure.

I am no longer publishing on the DM's Guild. You can find me and my work on

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Chad N September 05, 2021 8:47 pm UTC
Are there maps included? Are they separate PNGs so I can use them in a virtual table top or would I have to recreate them on my own?
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Eran A September 06, 2021 3:23 am UTC
The map of the lab is included in the file and you can use it how you will, following the license for this product.
The lab is also the free demo for my map pack:
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Joel D August 25, 2020 4:39 am UTC
I think the pdf file needs to be included? I did not receive a pdf file to download after I purchased the adventure.
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Eran A August 25, 2020 7:13 am UTC
I apologise. I made sure the file was there when I published and it somehow disappeared.
It should be ok now. Let me know if you have any other trouble or if there's any way else I can help.
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Joel D August 26, 2020 12:45 am UTC
All is good! I see the PDF file now, thanks a bunch!
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Eran A August 26, 2020 6:32 am UTC
Thank YOU for the interest.
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File Last Updated:
August 25, 2020
This title was added to our catalog on August 03, 2020.