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Ghosts of Saltmarsh: DM Explorer's Pack



This product contains a number of resources for dungeon masters running Ghosts of Saltmarsh, or wanting to use the setting and maps in new, interesting ways.

  • Alternate hooks & adventures
  • New watery creatures for use in games
  • Random tables for events, ships and crew
  • Fully accurate battle maps of every maps in the GoS book, with versions for use on Fantasy Grounds, Roll 20, or to printout for use in your home game.

Alternate Hooks & Adventures

Taking the maps and setting of Ghosts of Saltmarsh, this supplement includes six new plot hooks or adventures to run different versions of the content within the book.

These can be used as one-shot adventures, or as part of a larger campaign within the region.

Aquatic Creature Compendium

10 new creatures, ranging from CR 1/8 to CR 16 will give you new options to incorporate into any maritime campaign, with or without the remaining Saltmarsh material.

Creatures include:

  • Dolphin
  • Giant Mantis Shrimp
  • Merhorse
  • Yibiyru, the Rancid Lady of Bitter Bile, a lesser demon of the Abyss with ties to the Saltmarsh region
  • And many more!

Sailor Names Chart

A new chart for generating sailor names for your NPCs or crew members.

Ship Names Chart

20 ideas for ship names to create the perfect vessel to accompany your voyages.

Nautical Nonsense Chart

20 new and bizarre hooks, ecnounters or minor events to spice up your aquatic campaign and breath some fresh (or salty) air into it!


The other large portion of this supplement is every battle map from the book in multiple formats.

Each map comes with a PDF version for printing out for use at your table (100 ppi), and JPG versions for both Roll20 (70 ppi) and Fantasy Grounds (50 ppi).

Additionally, the maps come with separate DM and Player versions* so that you can use the DM version for reference while sharing the player version with your players. Additionally, all versions listed above are included both with and without the grid overlay, giving you flexibility in how you use the maps.

The maps (see below for low-res examples) were created in a simple old-school style that matches the maps in the book itself.

*Not all maps have separate DM and Player versions if there are no secrets.

Maps Included (possible spoilers in map names):

  • 2.1 - Haunted House
  • 2.2 - Haunted House Cellar
  • 2.3 - Sea Ghost
  • 3.1 - Lizardfolk Lair
  • 4.1 - Emperor of the Waves
  • 5.3 - Abbey Ruins
  • 6.1 - Lair Level 1
  • 6.2 - Lair Level 2
  • 6.3 - Lair Level 3
  • 7.2 - Hermitage First Floor
  • 7.3 - Hermitage Second Floor
  • 7.4 - Hermitage Upper Floors
  • 7.5 - The Pit of Hatred
  • 8.2 - Mr. Dory's Warehouse
  • 8.3 - Temple of Tharizdun
  • 8.4 - Landgrave's Folly

Bonus (ship layouts from appendices):

  • A.1 - Galley
  • A.2 - Longship and Keelboat
  • A.3 - Sailing Ship
  • A.4 - Warship

Author's Note:

I endeavored to be as accurate as possible to the maps in the book. However, if you find any errors that affect gameplay, please contact me and I'll do my best to update the files ASAP. I hope the adventures, creatures and charts give you new and interesting options, and the maps reduce your prep time and add value to your games!

Follow me on Twitter @BTDungeons or on my website,, for more D&D content and future product announcments!

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File Last Updated:
June 16, 2020
This title was added to our catalog on June 16, 2020.