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Supervillain Quarterly, Vol I, Issue 1Click to magnify
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Supervillain Quarterly, Vol I, Issue 1


Welcome to Supervillain Quarterly!

Are you a down-on-your-luck villain looking to become...super? You've come to the right place.

Our inaugural issue contains a veritable cornucopia of ideas to enhance your diabolical schemes.

By villains. For villains. Accept no substitutes.

Editorials From the World's Finest

Contained in this issue are a number of articles written by the world's preeminent villains, bringing you the latest tips and tricks to take your scheming and arching to the next level. Included are the following:

  • Creative Lairs for Epic Posturing
  • Avoiding Prophecy: How to Circumvent Prophecies that Spell Your Doom
  • Hot Henching! Who's in and who's out this season in the world of henching
  • 5 Ways to Cheat Death
  • Plus: Fashion tips to make the vilest impression

Enter the Nine Hells & The Realm of Phlegethos!

Packed into these pages, you'll also find an expose on the Nine Hells. Our reporters have visited Phlegethos, Fourth Layer of the Nine Hells, and returned to tell (you) the tale.

Included in our coverage of the Nine Hells, you'll find the following:

  • The True Names and fiendish domains of no less than six archdevils
  • Full stat blocks for three of the devils, for summoning them and adding to your fiendish hordes
  • A map of the land of Phlegethos, Fourth Layer of the Nine Hells
  • Descriptions of landmarks and places of interest (or places to avoid!) in this hellish demiplane


But Wait, There's More!!

We lied. There isn't any more. We're evil. Get over it.


Author's Note:

Supervillain Quarterly, Vol I, Issue 1 is a 26-page PDF supplement for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons. The articles are intended to provide ideas for hooks and narratives for dungeon masters to weave into their games. The devil stat blocks provide some higher-level nemeses for campaigns, and the high-level overview of Phlegethos can provide base material from which to build a devilish campaign setting or as an addition to a Descent to Avernus campaign.

The supplement also comes with high-res JPG and PDF versions of the map of Phlegethos, plus a PNG version of the map on a scroll, for potential use as a player handout in a campaign to the Nine Hells.

If you have any issues downloading the files, please contact me to resolve the issue.

Much of my other content is here on DM's Guild/DriveThru, but for everything else, check out my website at or follow me on Twitter @BTDungeonsI hope you have fun with SQ and get a lot of use out of it. Happy scheming!


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File Last Updated:
June 14, 2020
This title was added to our catalog on June 14, 2020.