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Exploring Eberron

Join Eberron setting creator Keith Baker in this tour through the lands, oceans, and planes of Eberron. Exploring Eberron presents Keith's vision of Eberron like never before, with fresh lore and rich illustrations to bring the setting to life.
In this book, Keith takes players and Dungeon Masters on a thrilling dive into the world of Eberron. Encounter the monstrous folk of Droaam, the goblinoid Heirs of Dhakaan, the Mror dwarves and their Realm Below, and the sahuagin and merfolk dwelling beneath the waves. Embrace faiths of altruism, pragmatism, and darkness. Browse the tomes of Dolurrh’s Vault of Memories, seek the Amaranthine Cities of Irian and Mabar, meditate with the githzerai monks of Kythri, and much more.

The adventure won't be easy! Mighty friends and foes await—from legendary archfey and proud sahuagin to nightmarish quori and alien daelkyr. Eberron is a world in need of heroes, but take heart: between these pages lie a host of character options for would-be heroes to enjoy. You'll discover new archetypes for the artificer, cleric, druid, monk, and bard. Play unique Eberron races and subraces including gnolls, Dhakaani goblinoids, aasimar of diverse faiths, and ruinbound dwarves. Uncover a wealth of magic items from around the world, wield symbionts that bond with your very flesh, channel your dragonmark with focus items—and perhaps even manifest a Siberys dragonmark of immense power.

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Planar Map and Table of Contents Tira Miron Badgers Climb Valaara 

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Terry H September 06, 2024 9:07 pm UTC
Is there any chance that a an update to 2024 document is in the works? With the Frontiers supplement coming out soon, I can realistically add that to my not so secret things to nerd out about.
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Fernando G July 27, 2023 11:19 pm UTC
Is there a possibility that it will be translated into other languages such as Spanish?
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Jennifer B May 08, 2023 12:53 am UTC
Wish there was a standard version... Will that be coming soon?
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Scott H April 21, 2023 10:20 pm UTC
Any chance of a Standard Color book? I prefer actual books, but don't think I can swing the premium color.
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Nors D March 08, 2023 11:00 pm UTC
Hey all, I'm thinking to make a campaign in the Demon Wastes. It sounds like a cool place to use Uncharted Journeys by Cubicle 7 for a demonic wilderness campaign. Would this book give me some more info about the Demon Wastes?
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Nicholas B January 30, 2023 8:31 am UTC
I own both Exploring Eberron and now Chronicles in hardback - however am now regretting not getting the pdfs as the bundle! Is it possible to still obtain the discounted pdf that would have been part of the package along with hardbacks? Thanks!
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Visionary P January 31, 2023 5:47 pm UTC
Thanks Nicholas! You can contact DMs Guild customer support ( with your request and they should be able to help with that!
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Arthur D December 05, 2022 6:22 pm UTC
English Version

PDF: $29.95
Hardcover, Premium Color Book: $69.95
PDF + Hardcover, Premium Color Book: $74.95 ($99.90)

Non-English Version

PDF: $26.35
Hardcover, Premium Color Book: $52.81
PDF + Hardcover, Premium Color Book: $66.04 ($79.16)

Why the difference in prices?
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David G October 31, 2022 1:32 pm UTC
Hi Team!
Regarding the Maverick Artificer's 5th level feature Cantrip Savant, and granting a bonus unless your spellcasting focus grants a higher bonus. What happens if your focus grants the same bonus as the feature, or if your focus grants a lower bonus. Do they stack to give up to a +6 at 15th level?
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Jarie S January 14, 2025 5:31 am UTC
Like other things with similar wording, it is just saying "use the higher bonus between this feature or your spellcasting focus". There is nothing to imply that it could stack. (If they tie, you just get the one value and it doesn't matter the source because they are giving the same boost.)

Since most spellcasting focus items don't give any bonus in the first place, this is a very useful feature! It eliminates the need for a +1-3 Spellcasting Focus item to boost your cantrips (even though it doesn't give a damage boost as most +1 type effects give, that's pretty minor compared to just more reliable usage).
With an Intelligence of 18(+4) at 15th level (prof. bonus +5), this would increase your cantrip spellcasting from +9/DC17 to +12/DC20 without any items needed.
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Nicholas J February 03, 2022 10:24 pm UTC
Great book. I love the expanded stuff on the dwarves (especially ruinbound dwarves - absolutely fun and creepy), Goblin empire, planes, character options, etc. I feel like this is the other half of the 5e Eberron campaign setting. Heartily recommend it.
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Enkidu P January 18, 2022 5:01 am UTC
With the leaks for Monsters of the Multiverse showing pretty big changes to the goblinoids, I was wondering if there would be plans to update some of the PC stats in the book to work with what will probably be the "definitive" official stats?

For example, the Hobgoblin stats in the book are clearly meant to be variants based on the stats in Volos Guide/Rising from the Last War. Would there be an update changing it to be based on the mechanics introduced in Monsters of the Multiverse?

If so, how would that work for people who have physical copies?
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Aristo S September 10, 2022 4:48 am UTC
I don't see why they would, MotM is supposed to be the homogenized, non-setting specific versions of those races. In the context of Eberron, the races featured in Rising From The Last War would be far more appropriate and fitting.

Considering how unpopular the changes in Monsters of the Multiverse are on top of that, frankly, I don't see why Mr. Baker would bother. I mean, there's nothing stopping you from playing the severely cut down versions of these races if you really want to for some reason, although in some cases they don't fit the Eberron setting as well as their Last War versions I'd say. That said, I feel like if you're playing in Eberron, you probably should use the Eberron variants of those races, not the generic Monsters of the Multiverse version. Seeing as how this product is specific to the Eberron setting, I'd personally prefer if Mr. Baker leave things as is or just leave it to a post on his website. It certainly doesn't warrant an upheaval of this fantastic product's content for...See more
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Enkidu P October 30, 2022 1:31 pm UTC
While most of what's in MotM is trash, the changes to hobgoblins are objectively better unless you were planning on making a wizard. So I wouldn't call it cut down.

Besides I never asked him to do it, just if.
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Robert S August 31, 2021 10:29 am UTC
What are the rarities on the siege staff and long rod, pgs. 18-19?

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Visionary P September 02, 2021 10:09 pm UTC
Hi Robert! Magic artillery follows the rules of Siege Equipment in Chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master's Guide, hence does not have assigned rarity like magic items.
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Paul F July 21, 2021 10:35 pm UTC
Not to be rude, but-Why does this exist? This looks really cool! Gnoll race, Eberron Aasimar, new subclasses, etc... I'm just surprised Keith Baker himself has a homebrew book on Eberron. Why wasn't all this released in Rising from the Last War?
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Joe F July 22, 2021 8:32 pm UTC
I'm not Keith himself, but in the preface of the book, he mentions "when Eberron returned in the fourth and fifth editions of D&D, sourcebooks needed to prioritize the key foundations of the setting, and didn’t have space to explore these hidden corners." These hidden corners being undersea civilizations, the planes(what makes Fernia different from the Elemental Plane of Fire etc.), the Dhakaani, and everything else in this book
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Paul F July 23, 2021 6:41 pm UTC
Fair enough. Just a shame it's not official material.
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Jay W December 06, 2021 5:03 pm UTC
How is a book released by the creator of Eberron himself not official material, cause it doesn't have WotC stamp on it? Considering Wiz abandoned Eberron after just one book (like all other non Forgotten Realms settings) I'd say this is the closes your ever going to get.
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Gerben D April 23, 2022 7:29 am UTC
For the folks out there who play AL games, I can imagine it would be cool to have such a book as official material so they could use it in those games. :) That said, some of the GMs Guild Adepts material was reviewed by AL moderators and made official. So who knows what that may mean for this book in future.
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Jayme A June 22, 2021 9:47 pm UTC
Hello! Any chance this will be added to the Premium Color Book sale? Thank you!
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Daniel M June 23, 2021 3:32 pm UTC
I am wondering the same thing!
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Laura H July 25, 2021 5:27 pm UTC
individual DMsGuild authors don't have the ability to individually select sales like that, it's up to what the DMsGuild staff set up for each sale. So if any given supplement isn't part of a sale, the author isn't able to change that.
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Gerben D April 23, 2022 7:30 am UTC
That is good to know, because I've been wondering about that!
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Nathan S April 28, 2021 12:21 am UTC
Hello Mr. Baker, first before anything I want to say that I am a big fan of your work. Eberron is the only official setting I have any interest with, and I love the history and time you've put into the setting. That being said, I have an issue with my printed copy of Exploring Eberron. See, while the cover is that of your book, the contents inside is for an entirely different book. "Godbound: A game of Divine Heroes" by Kevin Crawford is what I received in terms of content rather than the material you wrote. Is there a way I can get a refund or do some kind of exchange for the product I wanted? Thank you for your time.
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Visionary P May 02, 2021 12:07 am UTC
Hi, please send a request to DMs Guild Customer Support here:

They can help you get the book replaced. Thanks!
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Benjamin N May 12, 2021 1:26 pm UTC
While that's not what you ordered, hopefully, you get to keep both! Godbound is an excellent game, as is anything Kevin Crawford publishes.
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Aristo S September 10, 2022 4:52 am UTC
Yeah, that was definitely a goof on DMguild's printing dudes. Something got super mixed up during the print on demand process clearly. I'm just curious Nathan, if you ever happen to see this, what happened in the end? Did they take care of you and get you fixed up with a new copy? Did you get to keep the misprint? Big of a collector's item there if you did haha!
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Kevin K April 05, 2021 7:33 pm UTC
If I bought this today, does it include the errata?
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