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Smoke on the Water


Smoke on the Water

An adventure by Elven Tower


This is a tier 2 (level 5-6) adventure about a concerned tavern owner who's looking to hire a group of valiant warriors to track down his adoptive daughter and help her finish her research. Elilah is a curious investigator who follows the track of the Prophesy of the Pregnant Old One. She believes the event of a lifetime is about to happen and she wants to be there when it happens. Her father says she left a few days ago to explore the ancient crypt of a saint.

Unbeknownst to all, the prophecy is true and the first infant Old One was born. Mortals are not built to deal with such creatures. Their power grows stronger and stronger but time is different for them. Perhaps there is a way to defeat the infant Old One before it grows too powerful.


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Dane B June 29, 2022 10:18 pm UTC
Hello, I produce a podcast, The Quest Hub, that reviews and discusses TTRPG one-shots and supplements, and our next episode is going to feature this product! We're very excited to discuss it for the show and we take creator attribution seriously. So we intend to include a link to this page for our listeners to have access to the product to pick up if they're interested, we were just wondering if there was another site or any social media accounts you'd like us to to acknowledge or link so our listeners can find your stuff? Feel free to send me a message here, or on Twitter @QuestHubPod. Thanks!
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Derek Antonio R June 30, 2022 6:16 pm UTC
I've went you a tweet, I can't DM you directly for some reason.
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File Last Updated:
November 03, 2020
This title was added to our catalog on May 31, 2020.