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Adventures in the Night - Level 1 Mini AdventureClick to magnify
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Adventures in the Night - Level 1 Mini Adventure

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Adventures in the Night is a Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition mini-adventure by Midnight Tower.
It is designed for a group of three to five 1st-level characters, but the DM can easily replace encounters to suit characters of any level.

The adventure can be played as a one-shot episode or as a prequel to the Hunter’s Full Moon trilogy.
It can also be used in any campaign that features a region with wilderness.

A boy called Måns is in desperate need of help.
An orc shaman and a band of goblins have attacked his family and kidnapped his sister.

Help Måns reclaim his home and save his sister!
But beware–the night is dark and filled with monsters, and not everything is what it seems to be.

You can sharpen your blade. You can prepare your spells.
But can you survive the night?

➛ Mini-adventure in the wild
➛ Two full colour maps for print and VTT (+ Tokens)
➛ Unique magical item: Witch Charm
➛ Tweaked monster: Orc shaman
➛ Nine pages of content
➛ Original art and illustrations of high quality

Midnight Tower adventure picture

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Reviews (3)
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Dungeon D February 22, 2023 7:46 pm UTC
Best one shot ever! Played a few times and loved it! Thank you! :)
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Erik J February 24, 2023 12:30 pm UTC
Yey!! :D Awesome to hear that you had fun playing it! Thanks so much for running it!
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Justin D August 19, 2021 3:42 pm UTC
The description says that it includes VTT maps and tokens, but the only thing when downloaded is the PDF. Are these missing from the product, or am I overlooking something?
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Erik J August 27, 2021 7:42 pm UTC
Hi Justin! :) The link to the VTT maps and tokens is found on page 8 in the PDF.

Tove & Erik
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Justin D September 24, 2021 5:43 pm UTC
Ah, thank you! I figured I may have been overlooking it and not seeing it.
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Anthony M October 30, 2020 6:32 am UTC
I love it... Not using it as intented It's great to have several plots within a prebuilt town. I have them visiting a region in my campaign, after they get got done with Death is Only the Begining? I was looking for the next part. Can you point me in the right direction?
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Erik J November 03, 2020 10:42 am UTC
Hi! Thanks for the feedback! :-D We've published a trilogy of adventures that start from level 1 called Hunter's Full Moon, maybe those would work? Here's the link to the first adventure in the trilogy:
Thanks again!
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File Last Updated:
November 27, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on April 13, 2020.