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Premade Characters, Volume II: Angels & DemonsClick to magnify

Premade Characters, Volume II: Angels & Demons

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Perhaps your beloved PC has just been fed to the paper shredder, but there's a whole night of gaming ahead of you. You don't have time to roll up someone new, you need someone now. But maybe you also don't have any interest in the same old elven wizard, or half-orc barbarian. You should consider calling upon these Angels & Demons.

In this collection, you'll find six Level 3 characters that aren't the same-old same-old:

  • Hadriel, the scourge aasimar who channels his divine blood into works of magic. He
    has spent so long practicing pious devotion that he seems a little naive as he wanders
    the material plane.

  • Korban, the fallen aasimar who swore a sacred oath of vengeance. Wrongly accused of
    heretical acts, Korban has been cast out of the angelic society that was his birthright.
    Now, he vows to find those who betrayed him and put their hearts on a skewer.

  • Lilith of Brenton, who serves in the Blood War by Zariel’s command. With an iron
    will, she staves off the endless flood of demons pouring out of the Abyss.

  • Malachi, a valor bard with the voice of an angel. Literally. But when he stops singing,
    he’s likely to put his foot in his mouth.

  • Naberius, a feral fiend without a home who’s spent years scurrying among the stacks
    in the libraries of Dis. He’s studied religiously to learn how to wield the heat of the
    Inferno with one hand and the chill of Cocytus with the other.

  • Szarlatan, a trickster devil who compulsively solves mysteries when they’re not toying
    with the minds of others. Basically, they act like Sherlock Holmes in the daytime and Professor Moriarty at night.

Enjoy playing these characters as they are, or use them as inspiration for your own character builds. Now they are yours.

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File Last Updated:
March 17, 2020
This title was added to our catalog on March 17, 2020.